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Strider last won the day on December 17 2016

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  1. "OH. Uhm. . . Sorry." It was a terribly embarrassing moment to bring out a soldering iron, pliers, and numerous other mechanical tools, only too look down and realize that the person he was treating was in fact made of flesh. Well then. It seemed that those whom Edmond could assist were in no need of it, so he focused his attention on the ongoing territorial dispute. Edmond uses Individual Air Support on the Bazelgeuse, launching a burst of suppressive fire at the next thing to attack it, dealing 2d8+12 damage and stunning. 5 turn cooldown. Edmond autoheals for 10% MHP (7). 4 physical damage reduction, 8 against bullets.
  2. Ena peered down at the mouse, a cartoonish frown displayed across her visor. "I am all for robot employment opportunities, but the benefits and pay seems rather insufficient. But I won't advise it to seek out a union, it'll have to figure that out on it's own, right?" Really though, the speed of assembly was exceptionally rapid given the lack of a production line. Programming, easy, that could be spliced together from templates. "Leo, I must ask though, how is it that we can expect robot, assembled from, I don't wish to offend, street trash, to last long? It does seem rather more durable than that which went into it. I suppose what I am asking, is not so much in regards to your creation, but how you are so comfortably able to make viable assembly and repair materials out of junk?"
  3. Well, things seemed to be going quite well. No time to get overconfident though! Use Quick Tune Up (2d6+12) to heal Tsubasa, activate Gambit (-13 HP (Preemptory bracing decreased)), and use Stress Testing (2d8+12 and increase damage of next hit on same enemy by 25%) on Rahi Nui. Edmond autoheals for 10% MHP (7). 4 physical damage reduction, 8 against bullets.
  4. "Leo, can you create say, perfumes? Cats have an extremely strong sense of smell, so a strong perfume might serve to keep that cat away from the wire?" What a strange pair of beings.
  5. Oh, come on. Now even if the Makuta had been willing to answer, it'd be pointless. He hated to attack this specimen of an extinct species, but what more was there to do? Use Stress Testing (2d8+12 and increase damage of next hit on same enemy by 25%) on the dinosaur, activate Gambit (-13 HP), and use Stress Testing (2d8+12 and increase damage of next hit on same enemy by 25%) on Rahi Nui. Edmond autoheals for 10% MHP (7). 4 physical damage reduction, 8 against bullets.
  6. "Teridax? Is that your name?" Well, it was pretty clear what needed to be done here. Whether the Makuta was scheming or not regarding this Icarax person, there was a trespasser in desperate need of defeating. Of course, Edmond knew that the amount of hurt he could put out was rather low, so for now he'd want to prevent their enemy from getting off a devastating first strike. Utilize Birds Eye View on Hikari, and Dackly, Gozer, and Cap. (If they count as more than one person for action targetting, just pick Dackly and Gozer). Decrease incoming damage by 30%, 1 turn cooldown. Edmond autoheals for 10% MHP (7). 4 physical damage reduction, 8 against bullets.
  7. Edmond at this moment was somewhat nearby. With his abilities, tending the wounded was the first step after any battle, and Cicivexa was clearly among the wounded. At the first sound of his rage filled cry, Edmond fired up the afterburners on his suit, speeding towards Cicivexa, to grab him and rapidly bring him as far from his target as possible. Edmond was pretty certain he would not be caught in the crossfire, but that was of lesser importance. Here was a chance at ending the fight without significantly lowered cost, he could not afford to let that chance slip by. "You're going to need to calm down." Perfect tackle on Cicivexa, a SYN+STR check to banish him from the combat area for one turn. Use Strenuous G-Force to sacrifice 30 HP to do this action very fast.
  8. "Thanks." Edmond stated in response to the defense of the swordswoman. He did not know what had happened with Dackly's sudden, distinct, appearance, but he would not complain. Nor did he know quite what they were up to. "Good to have you back!" He called, before moving to attack. It seemed unlikely that he'd manage to interfere with their plans. Stress testing on loyal Gozer, for 2d8+12 damage, and increases damage from next hit on same enemy by 25%. Heal for 10% MHP (7). 4 physical damage reduct, 8 against bullets.
  9. Liliya followed along as a similar leisurely pace. There'd be no use in going off ahead. "Don't read into it, but I've got to ask, can you make liquids with that synthesizer? Like, drinks."
  10. "Man that's pretty sweet. You know when we got zombiefied I kinda got lost. Stuck in the dusty empty rooms back here. Realll empty, really convoluted. Took me till now to get out!" Harry rambled. The fact that this had actually worked, if even for a bit, was baffling. Now though, how could he keep this guy distracted for longer? It might even be a good thing if the dude figured out that Harry was not his conscience, there'd be a few things Harry could pull off then. "So I like not losing gains, but I gotta know, can you make any gains any more? Or you stuck, hit a wall, never gonna improve your strength no more? Man that would be a real shame wouldn't it, if some dude came along and managed to beat us cause he could still beef up more. That'd be a real embarrassment in fact. You ever worry about that?" Continue to try to impersonate Recoome's conscience with Psionic Message. Keep quiet and sit off to the sidelines at the impromptu medical station if necessary.
  11. Well that seemed to have done something. But in the moment that it appeared in his mind, Edmond shied away from this change. Perhaps if it had been a few weeks ago, when he'd had nothing, by which to compare with any of those here, he might have grasped it, hoping for some newfound power. But at the moment, he was not necessarily confident in, but satisfied with what he could contribute. As could be seen by what he and Tsubasa had just accomplished. Birds Eye view on Gozer and Cap, and Cicivexa. Decrease incoming damage to them by 30% for one round. Heal for 10% MHP (7). 4 physical damage reduct, 8 against bullets.
  12. "Wait. . . The Makuta has children? No offense meant, but is this an asexual reproduction thing, or what?" Edmond had no idea whether his question would be heard. In the meantime though, Edmond inched over towards Tsubasa, who he recalled had been carrying the stones. He didn't want to attack Medusa just yet, as she hadn't, strictly speaking, attacked them yet. She was still an ex member of the group after all. "Brace yourself, I'm gonna get you to the temple, alright? You get the stones in place." Edmond murmured. Then, a split second later, he'd pour as much magical energy into his suits thrusters as he and the power reserves could muster. Use Strenuous G-force to act at 35 in the initiative. (Costs 32 HP, cut by preemptory bracing down to 22 HP cost). Use Perfect Tackle to yeet the person carrying the Toa stones into the temple, using STR+SYN (6+5) for the check, with a bonus of INT/2 (see level 5 of The Iron Will power armor) to performing this. Recover 10% MHP. 4 physical damage reduct, 8 against bullets.
  13. "Thank you Leo. Though I worry more that I may have broken the clock than myself if I got into the gears. What do you expect that ladder down goes to?" Had they perhaps gone through the gears to no purpose? Well, that would be a nuisance indeed. "Shall we check the lower level first? Or would you rather go directly for the goal?"
  14. "What the hell. . ." Harry murmured softly, as he watched the line of zombies waltz in, literally. How was he supposed to treat people here now? Well, at the very least, this kind of battle looked like it might have significantly less bloodshed. Mentally projecting outward, Harry soon found Alan. "You seeing this? Is this all of them? This stuff just keeps getting crazier and crazier. What's happening on your end?" Following this confirmation, Harry considered a few options. He could try to sneak out, a plan seemingly doomed to failure. Invisibility, or rather erasure of his presence he had, but it could be extended to only one victim. He could dance, but. . . well there was no reason for him to believe that would do anything. Harry considered attacking, but, the situation wasn't all that bad at the moment, as the zombies weren't attacking them, and he didn't want to break that seeming truce. So for now, he settled on poking around in people's mind. Specifically, Recoomes. It took a bit to identify his mind, Harry knew he'd need some practice at that, but eventually he found it. "Hey there old buddy, it's me, your conscience." What a stupid idea. "Know it's been a while, but you know how it is. Thought I'd check in. . .How you been doing lately? Nice pose you got there, good figure, how much you benching these days? Try to impersonate Recoome's conscience with Psionic Message. Keep quiet and sit off to the sidelines at the impromptu medical station if necessary.
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