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"Ughg, what is wrong with you people, can't you make the walls normal and easy to glide through?" Morp quits his endeavors, hopes that the stinging was only in walls that lead outside the facility having been totally dashed. Seeing that Chelchis had headed of in one direction, Morp chose to follow. Things weren't going well today, so maybe he needed to stick by someone. But could he trust the four armed being? It normally wouldn't matter since he could just flee through the walls, but that wasn't an option anymore. Morp follows in the direction that Chelchis goes, and attempts to see if phasing through doors is possible. If not, he'll follow into whichever room Chelchis enters.
"Oh, that's lovely. But it's nice that it's got its sense of honor intact. I'm unfamiliar with a great deal of magic, Ritsu, how much do we know about the corruption and stuff that the Servants experience, and whether it's something detectable by the powered individuals in our group?" Edmond turned to the plush for a moment. "You say, regardless of your wishes, you're ordered to harm our group. Do you have other, contrary wishes that you're stifling to follow the mandate of God?"
"Well, uh, you did something wrong, and I'm trying to figure out what it is. Maybe when the smoke's clear we can go back in, and try making a new batch? With a little help this time." And Liliya'd probably get first dibs on the cookies if she helped make them. She nodded to herself, that was fair, there might not be enough to go around to everyone, and if she was an integral part of making sure anyone got cookies, it was only right that she have some priority in getting some. "I picked up a potion of healing or something from the last world, but I'd prefer to keep that unless none of y'all can do anything. No offense, just makes more sense to keep the ones we can only use once for emergencies. Don't you make explosions or whatever? Shouldn't that have felt like a warm breeze?"
"Oh Mar, I'm sure there's some use for something that induces sobriety. Humans tend to lose some fine motor control when drunk, so this would allow them to regain that after a fair amount of drinking, I would think. And. . . if that still seems useless, perhaps you could reserve it as punishment for the unruly, or enemies that we take alive?" Edmond asked all this as he leaned against the workbench, watching Lancer carefully. Given that the plush had recieved little instruction on what queries to answer, it would be quite interesting to see what the first things it attempted would be. The actions might give some indication of how significantly corrupted it still was, among other things.
"Yes! I can do that, and I've got just the supplies!" Edmond said a little too excitedly. He began to rummage around in the pile of circuit elements on the table, and began to pull out what he'd need. A number of resistors and capacitors, for the base system, those two inductors would work nicely for a simple band-pass filter. Solder for all the connections that needed it, and then the microphones and speakers. He'd actually remembered to pick these up? That was perfect. The variable resistor would work perfectly for gain control, and. . . five minutes later, it was done. He handed the greenboard over to Mar. "Here, this should do the trick. This knob here should control how much the sound is amplified. It's not the prettiest, and it's not the most durable, but it should do the trick, and be pretty easy to protect. Sound goes in here, louder sound goes out here. If you want the specifics, I can explain, but. . . well, do you? It's not that important. The main point is, it'll do the job!"
"Do or die moment here, my frigid friend. Get the drone up a bit more, and we'll have Alan get it into range, and then detonate. Just gotta pray to your choice of god that the Hunter doesn't shoot it down at the last second." "Hey Alan, let's get this over with now if we can." Harry called over the comms. Harry presses the detonate button when the Drone is in range. Heal self with Speedy Prognosis for 1d4+13 HP.
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"The vest I've got isn't actually Kevlar, but a variant on it. We tend to just call it a kevlar vest because of the first few forms of the material that were used and became common names. Kevlar is a fabric, made of long chain hydrocarbons. They're aligned so that they have great tensile strength, enough to be woven into vests to protect from stabbings and low caliber bullets. I don't know the specifics of its chemistry beyond the long chains and a few specific interactions that strengthen the bonds between chains. Oh, the chains are also very well organized I think, almost with a crystal structure. That's why long chain stuff like plastic isn't as strong, the chains are of varying lengths, and all tangled up and not aligned." "If you want to see what you can do with it, be my guest. It's rather a thin--and quite light--piece of armor, fit for wearing under jackets and such, so it could definitely benefit from more reinforcement in situations where keeping armor hidden is less important than not getting mutilated by swords."
Liliya watched the fiasco unflinchingly. Like, she could have gotten involved, and man it would have been easy to avoid stuff, but why bother? The Navin guy had it under control quite admirably, no need to waste effort on something pointless like this. "Did anyone record that, I wonder? Anyway, I dunno if I ever caught your name?" Liliya said to Bridgett before continuing, "But here's a little advice that my ma used to tell me; If you care about your house, don't leave the kitchen for more than 5 minutes while cooking. If you've got something on the stove, even shorter. It ain't a big deal, but you should keep it in mind for the future, maybe get some help with the cookies, from someone you trust of course. We don't want Dackly being the one helping with the cookies."
"Oh, not too bad, not right now. The last mission before this though, could have used you there. It was a fiasco, which make sense given that it took place on Solomon's world . . .But I got this thing, and things have been going a bit better after that." Edmond nodded over at the surgery on the plush. "I'm not really sure on the specifics here, but one of the servants that the enemies had got turned into a stuffed toy. They were corrupted or something, so I think the goal is to keep the toy alive and remove the corruption? Because the toy is alive, somehow. I don't think it's too dangerous, given that it can barely move and doesn't have much magical power yet though." "Mar, there are so many substances that do not contain silicon that I'm sure you haven't explored yet."
". . .Wait, the bag?" Edmond had asked, when Mar snatched it up. It was just a standard plastic grocery bag that he'd picked up back in Seattle, nothing special. But apparently he'd managed to do something with it. "So since it's a foam, we shouldn't have to worry too much about it shattering any more, I suppose. So we can make the Servant solar-powered, it sounds like? I'm curious though, how do we want to actually. . . hook it up to her, for lack of a better word." He was still a little unclear on the details of how they'd gotten the plush servant, or whether it was still evil, but in this form it probably couldn't hurt anyone much, and Ritsu seemed a reasonably careful being. "Oh, hello Alexandria, long time no see, we could have a whole engineering party here. How have things been going with you? Both missions and other stuff."
"Cookies? Damn, that would have been nice. But," Here Liliya narrowed her eyes, glancing around the room. "Why the hell would blasting the fire be a good idea??" She was going to pry into this a bit, because it felt like a bad cover story. The girl was flustered, and her story didn't make much sense. Did they even have flour? And how had she managed to burn the food so soon after they left the last world? It hinted at maybe some form of sabotage, or at least something the girl wasn't explaining.
Edmond skimmed through a few of the tablets, before letting out a short whistle. "That's quite a bit you have there. I take it this means if I come across strange materials, you'll want to take a look at them?" He paused, pondering. "You know, this rather reminds me of some of the stuff back on my world. It's not magic, it's part of materials science and not nearly as powerful I think, but in broad sweeps it seems similar. Certain materials can be put together, not even alloyed, and have completely different properties at the interface, or certain odd crystal structures can be made with a number of elements for completely different properties. Certain non magnetic materials can create a boundary between them that's attracted to magnets. We can make materials that conduct electricity only on the surface, other materials that can conduct electricity perfectly at low temperatures. Materials that can change internal structure when exposed to particular colors of light, that sort of thing. But I'm getting distracted." "If you want to test something that may be useful for protecting the lensite. . . well, there's whatever alloys this power armor uses or my old kevlar vest which is basically a fabric vest that can stop stabs and some bullets. I'm sure you could also find some materials here." Edmond poured out the bag of circuit elements he'd brought in, strewing wires, resistors, capacitors, diodes, and more across the table. "There should be a lot of composite materials in these things. The green boards are fiberglass based, some capacitors sometimes have Tantalum, resistors could be metal oxides, lots of possibilities I don't remember."
"If you'd like, we can look at the acid later, see what it does. But for now, if the flaw of your lensite is that it acts like glass. . . do you have any materials that act like plastic or rubber but might be transparent to the magic? If you could layer it like ballistic glass, well it wouldn't keep individual layers from shattering under impact, but you might still have some surviving layers underneath to preserve the function." "Or, given that it's magic, maybe there's something you could coat it in to just. . . redirect force that hits it? I still don't know much about this stuff, but there's gotta be something like that, right?"
Liliya jogged in the general direction where the smoke seemed to be coming from. Was the castle on fire? It was all stone right? Could she be hallucinating from the poppies or something? She felt fine, mostly, and still had her mental clarity. Probably wasn't the poppies, honestly, but it was worth keeping in mind. She entered the kitchen, slowing from a jog. "What's going on, what's on fire?"
"Where's the ore from? The place we were just from? Maybe Silef's got some idea." "But if it's anything like nonmagical ores, you're probably going to want to figure out what mineral the metal's mixed with, then get something that reacts strongly to the unwanted stuff, and mix the two at high temperatures. Shocking could also work, but again, you're gonna want it at high temperatures, molten. . . Could also try an acid that dissolves away the stuff you don't want, I've got a small bit of nitric and hydrochloric back in my room." "The magic thing might be quite convenient for me, Ritsu. I've got this thing, and can only comprehend, like half of what's going on in it, and I'm pretty sure the other part is definitely magic." He tapped the power armor suit he was wearing. "And, nice to meet you Cell." Edmond was exceptionally curious about the two draughts that the orc and mossman had pulled out, but trying to get involved in too many topics and conversations wouldn't be productive.
After a brief stop by his room in the Servants' Quarters to collect some supplies, Edmond arrived in the Engineering Bay carrying his welder and a toolkit, with a shotgun over one shoulder, and a large plastic bag slung over the other. "Hi Ritsu, Mar. What are you up to, if you don't mind my asking?" He set the bag down carefully, the shotgun down even more carefully, and then began to lay out his tools. "And you, I'm sorry but I don't know your name yet." Edmond called to the weird green thing. He thought he'd met most people, it there was always the possibility with this number that he might miss someone's arrival for a long
"Oh, hey LOTUS, Isobel." So the noblewoman wanted to join the quest. He'd suspected, but not wanted to imply. Edmond waited while Isobel and LOTUS said their pieces, then chimed in at the end. "Right, you should be aware, the same is probably true in the places we visit. Systems of government, cultural opinions, et cetera, they're all going to be different. It's not our job or responsibility to change that. Well. . . in some rare cases it might be, but don't expect it to be the norm. So, try to talk to those around you about issues you have with that sort of thing, rather than addressing them alone. No honor duels if you can help it, that sort of thing?" He thought about adding that in general she should be certain to talk to the group if she joined, but that was basic enough that it might be taken as insulting. "But yeah, if you want to join, there's definitely plenty of room in the flying castle tank thing."
Edmond followed, remaining silent till she'd spoken. This was a bit of a situation, as far as he could tell, Silef was imperious, and somewhat. . . prickly. The fact that, even with the extra height that the power armor suit granted him, she stood almost half a head taller didn't make things more comfortable. When he spoke, it was quietly and with caution. "Generally those most responsible to the burden or rulership think themselves least suited for it. There are exceptions, of course. What do you want though? To abdicate and go live in the countryside of something? How exactly would that work given. . .the whole pureblooded heir thing?" Blood line problems, that sounded like a nuisance. Weren't all the medieval wars about that stuff and the church? Maybe they could do something with clones? . . .He almost laughed aloud at the number of problems that came to mind from that avenue of thinking.
The orbital bombardment had been quite spectacular, really, but it hadn't done the job fully. Now that it was over, Edmond shivered slightly at the idea that they might have won purely by luck, a fluke. Nothing had caused the creature to simply be consumed by reality, as far as he knew, so it was either some immense strength of one member of the group that he knew nothing about, or a fluke. Even if their attacks had caused it, the response was still not intentional, an accident really. Concerning no matter what. Edmond stretched, and glanced at the arms of the power armor suit, inspecting some of the gouges that he'd need to fix later. When he looked up, he noticed that Lord Silef was still lingering, despite the indication that she was leaving. So he called out. "Lord Silef, did you need anything else before we go?" Simple enough, couldn't hurt to ask.
". . .huh?" Liliya hesitated a moment before swallowing the flower. Probably someone with some magic abilities or something, who knew, but she still felt a little weird chomping down on a flower. However, soon after, she began to feel a bit more aware, and the pain lessened. Huh, fun. She'd have to see if she could get a supply of those. . . or, wait, it was a poppy right? Was this opium?? No time to think on that for now though, and Liliya moved on to another target. Basic attack on Greater Lahmu B. 3d4+DEX, with dex% chance to deal 1.5x damage. Slashing and Blunt damage are reduced by 2 points.
"Giving him some cover! Atton, give him some help if you can!" Edmond uses Individual Air Support to protect Venus, hitting the first enemy that would attack Venus with a basic attack (1d4+INT=1d4+11 damage) and a stun, 5 turn cooldown. Use Strenuous G-Force (free action) to make the previous attack happen at the 10 spot in the init, at the cost of 8 HP, reduced to 5 HP by Preemptory Bracing. 5% reduction to physical projectile and stabbing damage. Heal 10% MHP per turn (6 HP).
Harry shoots at some of the stun lancers in B5, since for some reason, Frigus isn't in the same square as him any more? Might have missed something. Anyway, 3d6+INT damage, Int% chance to do double damage with advent plasma rifle. Continue bodily shielding runner. Heal Ao or self if necessary with Speedy Prognosis turn for 1d4+13
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