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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Strider

  1. I know you can. I' not sure of the odds, but it's pretty easy.
  2. I don't think this is stupid. I sometimes still this do for with my brother (9 years old) for his entertainment.
  3. I first learned about pokemon in second grade in Germany through the tcg, It was popular to collect the cards, but none of us really knew the rules (this was on an American military base,so I don't know the German pokemon names). When I came back from Germany, I was stuck in a hotel for two months, and during that time, I was introduced to the anime. It was only three or so years ago that I was introduced to the game, my first of which was Soul Silver. I have never finished it sadly, because I don't own it, and it hasn't had a decent (read cheap) price.
  4. Great job on the battle. there were a few people (not me certainly) who thought you'd lose a mon
  5. So I think there may be answers to this already, but there is a dusk stone next to the odd house in goldenleaf town. Not sure about leaf stone, Hope this helps!
  6. Now I need to catch all these as shinies! These are awesome!
  7. Now that you mention it, yes this will bug me when I play these games.
  8. Obviously you have already chosen music for me, but great job...this seems like a lot of work, and I think you had an interesting reason for each choice (unlike why I am an electric can opener ) Anyways I am enjoying this greatly. Good Job!
  9. From another person who doesn't know you all that well, but thinks you deserve congratulations anyways: Hope you have a great birthday!
  10. This seems like an interesting "what I think" topic...but still...another one?
  11. It's not supposed to happen, but you can use a simisear with covet, fling, and recycle to steal items permenantly
  12. So, do you think this area will be reachable using:
  13. I've gone searching for a pokemon, and found a shiny on the first encounter.
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