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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Strider

  1. speaking of meta, this is fun: https://xkcd.com/917/
  2. For my team, I thought that I could supplement with with a pawniard. I went to catch it, got a shiny on the first encounter!...it's going on my team.
  3. I just got a slakoth two days ago, headbutting trees in akora forest...I think it's still there.
  4. Ren might start to resent us again, if we play a bigger role in bringing down team xen than he does.
  5. beldum...takes forever to catch, but wreaks havoc after a long level up (knowing only take down)
  6. I could imagine this as a fable based on the way it's told, and as such it would fit in with creating a world and developing it's history.
  7. For trevenant, harvest might be the better ability, because harvest +lum berry=natural cure without switching, and it can be taylored to each battle. Assist on Meowstic may be a bit unpredictable, so you might want to get trick, heal bell, or signal beam from a move tutor I know this sounds like a lot of ability capsules, but motor drive is a better ability on electivire, so it can switch into any electric moves aimed at lapras You have a few minor weaknesses to ghost and fire, but because youve beaten those gyms, you're probably good, Lastly, you don't have anything to hit dark types super-effective (unless you get signal beam on meowstic). Otherwise, this is a solid team.
  8. I don't know if this is the proper place for this, but I found another link heart that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere.
  9. The venomoth seems useful, but hope that hypnosis doesn't miss... Edit: misread, thought it was hypnosis... yes sleep powder would work well
  10. I hate that this thing has the same catch rate as most legendaries. Other pseudo's are not hard to catch...why this? Anyways...just keep using false swipe and thunder wave (gallade gets both) and reseting Edit: Forgot it used take down. Gallade also gets hypnosis
  11. I like the nasty plot set (don't have to worry about intimidate), with vacuum wave, but it takes some work. You can forego the vacuum wave, if you want extra coverage (for adrienn). So: Nasty Plot Vacuum Wave/Flash Cannon Aura Sphere Dark Pulse (wish we had shadow ball tm)
  12. Do you have sticky web on leavanny? you could set up leech seed and will-o-wisp a physical attacker with trevenant. Then use lucario. Do you want physical or special lucario? I think they would both require some breeding, if you want bullet punch or vacuum wave.
  13. Crobat is fine, but you have a lot of dark moves on your pokemon. Maybe you want to make crobat physically offensive, and give it acrobatics? Gallade is good, but it probably won't help much against the next gym which i think is fairy. Same with weavile. Overall, this seems reasonable, are they ev trained? Edit: as said above, pachirisu is surprisingly good. I haven't used it in reborn, but it has helped to conquer many a boss in rejuvenation
  14. Are there any mons that you'd really like to use?
  15. Had trouble with charlotte and radomus. easiest was kiki
  16. I forgot to ask, but what is your style of battling? Stall, All out offense, balanced, or hax? I think that all-out offense is usually best in-game, but this could help with making choices.
  17. Here's what I would do: Well first of all, a physical Lucario with Shadow claw and Close Combat has perfect neutral coverage. Since Lucario is weak to ground and fire, you might want a flying type, and a type that resists fire. Milotic makes a good wall if you give it the ability marvel scale. Or you could use a sniper kingdra. If you want a flying type, togekiss hax is always good. Ninetales is great power, with the equivalent of a choice specs when it enters the field. It also gets nasty plot. This slot is open, maybe a meowstic, for dual screens? My final choice would be gourgeist, because it's got good defense, but can still hit hard My choices: Lucario Kingdra Togekiss Ninetales Gourgeist Meowstic This completes a fire-water-grass core along with a fairy-dragon-steel core. These would be my choices. However, things might be easier if you chose a few extra pokemon to rotate in when they have an advantage over a gym or boss.
  18. What do you need help with? This is a pretty good variety of mons. Do you need movesets? Coverage? Do you want to select 6 from this set?
  19. I try to limit myself to one pokemon for covering each type. That way, the game isn't too easy.
  20. I'm a water type, which makes sense, as I tend to avoid letting emotions rule me, and I'm more logical than some members of my family.
  21. Here's my unfinished rejuvenation team: Top Row: Chimp (not leveled up yet), Emma, Pushy, and Tangrowth For the bottom row, we have Nancy, Venam, Aelita, Saki, and (shiny) Melia
  22. Basically, what sort of time consuming thing have you done in Reborn, Rejuvenation, or another fan-game while waiting for the next installment? e.g. breeding 200+ magnemite for perfect hp fire I just finished this by buying oran berries, turning them into moomoo milk, and selling it: So what have you done?
  23. Physicist I've always been good at and enjoyed my math and sciences. This year, I began with my AP Physics courses, and I've grown to love this branch of science. Though there is always a chance of changing majors in college, I think I will pursue some type of theoretical physics.
  24. This is a lot of personal information to put freely on the internet...
  25. I had a problem with Erick's gym. In the second room there is supposed to be a green arrow pointing down, just above the female npc. This is replaced by an empty square, and I am unable to progress, Edit: Sorry, didn't notice the button
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