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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Strider

  1. So this was pointed out on aDrive's youtube channel, and I don't know if it has been mentioned here yet: I'm against fusions, but why do the protagonists look so eerily similar to the starters?
  2. Something for a compass would work...Probopass?
  3. Hi I'm kind of new here, but welcome!
  4. Hi! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. I dislike some Pokemon, including Wormadam and the Simians, but there is no Pokemon that I would wish out of existence. One of the best things about Pokemon is that it represents a world, and there are bound to be things that are disliked. This is an integral part of building a (somewhat) realistic world. I think that a Pokemon game would less entertaining if everything creature was designed for beauty or competitive play.
  6. I picked a few, but my favorite starter has been Sceptile, since back when I watched the anime. Even now, I like it a lot for its speed.
  7. I think the biggest feeling would be guilt, because most people feel that when someone they care for dies, they deserve the respect that is inherent to mourning. However, other people in this characters life might begin to think less of them because they show no love for their family members I think that if a character was surrounded by others who could feel the pain of a close death, these people would begin to take their feelings out on the person who seems to show no emotion. Just my thoughts.
  8. I'd be a member of the international (there are no "nations"!) police. I'd probably be keeping an eye on most of the people here who want to be part of some criminal organization. My specific goal might be to fight this: I'm kind of a hypocrite, as I have no problem with Pokemon breeding done by me.
  9. I always liked Meganium, and it makes me sad that Game Freak made it worthless.
  10. I've been using Frisk from my Gourgeist to determine if it has a life orb. About the leveling, when I was training up my glaceon with the experience share, The first Pokemon in my party also gained a lot of levels. If they get too high, I'll have to level them down, but that's no big deal. Thanks for the advice!
  11. I know this is long, but thanks to those who take the time to read it! This is my team as of the completion of Episode 15. Thanks to all the people who helped me find my save file! Here's the team (everyone in the rotation) in order of when they joined (as best as I can remember). Scar (Delphox), Level 76 Blaze Flamethrower/Psyshock/Will-O-Wisp/Light Screen I chose Delphox as a starter b/c it is a good typing offensively, has higher stats than most other starter Pokemon, and it has a wide variety of support moves. EV trained in Special Attack and Speed Spork (Toxicroak), Level 75 Anticipation Sucker Punch/Drain Punch/Poison Jab/Taunt Toxicroak was my ace against Shade, and used to be owned by Corey. Sucker Punch is useful, and it has surprising longevity with Drain Punch EV Trained in Attack and Speed Nidoking, Level 78 Sheer Force Sludge Wave/Strength/Rock Smash/Earth Power Nidoking has been useful for the later gyms, and as an HM “assistant”. Sometimes I switch Strength out for surf. I am spending hours trying to catch an Absol holding a life orb. I might just quit and use the strength glitch. EV trained in Special Attack and HP Ringo (Floatzel), Level 76 Swift Swim Aqua Jet/Waterfall/Dive/Crunch Another Pokemon who has been more useful than I expected since the day I stole him from an old woman. I named him Ringo just thinking about the inflatable ring he wears. I kind of forgot that it was a real name. EV trained in Attack and Speed Amoonguss, Level 75 Regenerator Synthesis/Spore/Clear Smog/Giga Drain To be honest, Amoonguss hasn't been that useful...yet. However, with Spore, it should increase in usefulness. I only caught it because it was shiny. EV trained in HP and Sp. Def Gourgeist, Level 74 Frisk Leech Seed/Shadow Sneak/Phantom Force/Seed Bomb I got Gourgeist when I was struggling with Radomus. However, Trick-or-Treat doesn't work properly, so things weren't as easy as expected. It's useful as a bulky wall that can put out good damage. EV Trained in HP and Sp. Def Lancelot (Escavelier) Level 75 Overcoat Swords Dance/Drill Run/X-Scissor/Iron Head I was having a bit of trouble with Luna, so I needed a bug. However much I dislike Bennett, I needed his advice. He sent me on a quest to find a Shelmet. I found one, and trained him for years. He didn't evolve. As I wandered, I wondered whether I was cursed. I was looking for a place to rest in Spinel town, when I found a man. He told me that Shelmet evolves via trade, and he was willing to trade. Finally I could have my Accelgor! We traded. I was breathless with anticipation. I watched as the Shelmet I traded to him evolved into an Accelgor. “Now do we just trade back?” I asked. He stared at me for a moment, laughed, and told me to get out of his house. I considered beating him up with my Pokemon, but I just couldn't do it. I left, taking the Escavalier with me. Months later, I no longer regret this trade, as Escavalier has become a powerful ally, and a great friend. EV trained in Attack and HP Now these Pokemon are those that have been trained in order to have an advantage over upcoming gym leaders Amaria, Saphira (she will be a gym leader, right?), Titania (my favorite), and Adrienn. Noivern, Level 75 Infiltrator Boomburst/Flamethrower/Hurricane/Dragon Pulse I decided Noivern would be a team member when I realized I was lacking both a dragon and a Flying type. Though her base special attack is lacking, High power attacks and STAB give a lot of power. EV trained in Sp. Atk and Speed Lucario, Level 75 Steadfast Vacuum Wave/Nasty Plot/Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse (I wish I had the TM for Shodow ball, for perfect neutral coverage) I was inspired to include this Pokemon by Titania from the online league. Based on some battle logs, I found the set she used for her special Lucario. This took a lot of work, and is the Pokemon I'm most proud of. How I created it (spoilers so it doesn't annoy people who aren't interested): This is going to be my secret weapon inspired by Titania for use against Titania. EV trained in Sp. Atk and Speed Magnezone, Level 75 Analytic Discharge/Flash Cannon/Metal Sound/Electro Ball (I need better moves for this) Very Simply, I needed an Electric type. Any recommendations for movesets? EV trained in Sp. Atk and HP Glaceon, Level 75 Snow Cloak Frost Breath/Barrier/Mirror Coat/Hail Though it's movepool is limited, I think Glaceon will be useful for dragons. Frost Breath is good because it has the about the same total power as ice beam, but ignores special defense increases. I'm also training up a stored power Clefable, but it's not ready. I must put out honorable mentions to all those Pokemon that I used, that turned out to be weaker in the later game. Specifically Camerupt. Thanks for your time!
  12. Thanks... It took a long time, but with your help, I found it! (both people who posted) I can now post my team!
  13. I'm unable to find anything on my computer as "game.rxdata" It would be under the Data file in Reborn 15, right? I tried a system restore, for a couple days ago, but it didn't work out.
  14. I'm new to these forums, so if this post is in the wrong place, please tell me. I began playing Pokemon Reborn about three weeks ago, after I had seen the playthrough of it by shofu. I started the game, and buzzed through it. I put more than eighty hours into in those three weeks. I experienced all the things that made Reborn great. The deaths, the emotion, and the interesting ield effects. When I beat the final gym leader, I began to prepare for the whoever would be the next gym leader. All of my pokemon were EV trained, and I felt like they could take on the world. I was specifically proud of my Lucario. When I had first gotten my egg, I decided that I would make a special Lucario with vacuum wave, which can only be recieved from Hitmonchan. Both pokemon were male, so I went through hours of breeding to get a female Lucario. I finally got vacuum wave as an egg move, and as close to perfect IV's as I could hope for. This Lucario was my masterpiece. However, I don't discredit my other pokemon, as all were powerful in their own right. I finally, three days ago, felt that I had done all I could in preparation for the next episode. Then came the fateful moment. I was bored, and I thought I had heard that Pokemon Reborn could support multiple save files. I though all I had to do was choose new game. I wanted to do a nuzlocke. I began, got my starter...and saved the game. I overwrote all my progress, my hard work, and my team. I only blame myself for rushing in without doing my research, but I wish there had been some sort of message asking me if I truly wished to overwrite my old save file. I will attempt to bring back that team, but it won't be the same.
  15. Thanks! I'll try it out and see if I have problems.
  16. I'm new here. You can call me Strider, named after my pet, who was named after Aragorn. I finished Pokemon Reborn up to the current episode, so I wanted to be a part of this community while I wait. Also, a question: would it be okay to post the brief story of a failed playthrough in "Team Showcase"? I don't have a profile picture yet, but that shouldn't be too important. I don't know what more to say...
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