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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Strider

  1. "Wait wait wait, don't tell me, is this the senator that got shot last time? This is gonna be awesome. . ." "I wouldn't worry about it too much, until you've got a reason to. Sometimes people really don't hold a grudge and sometimes they do, and it's hard to tell ahead of time. So we just put on our nice faces, and try to make a good impression! I'm sure you'll be able to do that." Heidrun was rather demure, that'd definitely help, right? If the guy only respected strength of course, that could be a problem, but then they wouldn't have to worry about hard feelings, cause he'd have respected someone trying to kill him! Maybe. That seemed like some shaky reasoning to Liliya.
  2. Law: Leo: Calvera and Rachel: Arminius: Aquila and Rachel: Frigus: Tim: Kusuke: Lucine and Rachel: Toshiro: Freya: Azgrurk and Rachel: Amelie: Vitor: Proditor:
  3. Checkups will involve measurements of the following where applicable, among other things: Height Weight Blood Pressure Resting Heart Rate Allergies to Harry's more commonly used drugs Eyesight Hearing Collection of DNA samples Numerous tests to hopefully identify who may be carrying dangerous pathogens Disinfection where possible This is not a complete list. Nor are you required to specify what the results are to anything in particular. However anything noticeable or strange or interesting should be noted, if it would be noticeable. There will of course be variations in what is checked based on the individual, which will be specified. If nothing out of the ordinary is noticed, please indicate so, and the examination will be concluded. Arminius: Lucine: Frigus: Tim: Alan: Leo:
  4. "So she's actually from your world, that's what you're implying? I thought you possessed at least some common sense, enough to know that I wouldn't have a clue what happens on your world, and that explanations would be necessary." Harry leaned his head against the walls, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. "So, we fine with this? I'll make sure you're in good shape to the best of my abilities, then leave you to go on your way. I've got to do my job man."
  5. "So the problem is Rachel? What? Why the hell would we brand you!? I'm kind of offended that you think me capable of that." The man was close enough that Harry could contact him, so he couldn't be far. However, Harry decided not to search immediately. He instead sat down against a wall, and was silent, sending out his message. He'd listen for any movement of course, but there was no need to approach. "So, just to be sure, you're worried that the woman in there is going to do. . . something to you, I guess, to hurt you? First off why, and second off, would you be alright if it was just me?"
  6. "Hahah, no you're not. You're covered in burns dude." At this point, Arminius had gotten out of line of sight. But he couldn't have gone that far, he wasn't honestly that fast. So Harry began to spread out his senses, projecting himself over a sphere around him, conscious of everything in the vicinity. "Can you at least tell me what the problem is? I'm really not seeing the issue, and if you communicate perhaps, maybe we can figure something out, and I'll keep being the nice guy who treats all your injuries and offers enhancements, rather than not doing that."
  7. Law: Proditor: Freya: Azgrurk: Vitor: Amelie: Aquila: Arminius: Kusuke: Lucine: Nader:
  8. "There was one on the bus. We'll need one on this vessel too, but for now we can just use that one. We got some supplies from the Commander too, so we can load those up." At that, Harry sets about the work of gathering up the necessary supplies that might have been loaded onto the weatherlight, and bringing them to the bus. When preparations were complete, he'd send out a psionic message to Proditor, asking that the Ethereal summon each person on the ships in turn psionically.
  9. "When do we start then?" Liliya had nothing else to add on the subject, so now it was a question of whether they were starting immediately, or going to go have dinner at a local restaurant first, or what.
  10. Ena: After the two ships arrived, Ena made her way to the bus in particular. It seemed to be the station for a number of drones, in addition to the dimension traveling, so there might be something of interest. While her sensors were indicating some odd things in general they had been doing so on a fairly regular basis since she'd been pulled into this mission. However, she had time to spare, so she sat down in the back of the bus, and began to take some more time consuming scans. Local field strengths, spatial curvature, anomalies in particle decay, all this would take several hours at the very least. But it would hopefully be high quality data. Harry: After some consulting, during which anyone near the bus would hear a few surprised exclamations along the lines of "What do you mean, it doesn't matter if they're drinking or smoking!?" One by one, everyone on the ships feels a presence contacting their minds, followed by Proditors voice asking them to report to the bus for a routine medical examination. When you arrive, Harry and Rachel are seated in the medbay, with an array of tools ranging from the mundane and comforting to the extremely intimidating. These tend to be grouped closer to Rachel. "Alright, so here's the thing. We have a big-ass ship, and a ton of people traveling between worlds, and Rachel and I here thought maybe we shouldn't spread the bubonic plague to any of these places unintentionally. So you're going to get a checkup. First things first, you're going to need to fill this out." Harry holds out a piece of paper, on which are a number of questions, and another blank paper. "I didn't want to write this a million times, so just write your answers here so we can keep them on file. After that, we'll do the actual tests and stuff." The Form:
  11. "Yes, well, it certainly could be worse! Thank you for your kind words Eddy, it means a lot." He could pull this off, it would certainly be a memorable appearance that would help with building his legacy. The mysterious swordsman who crossdressed for all battles, yes that would spread like wildfire! Now he merely would have to live up to the stories. Poncio looked out over the assembled misfits, and grinned. He swept the arm embedded in the wood out, and announced, "If we are agreed, then ONWARD!" With that he opens the door and steps out.
  12. Harry found himself for the first time on board this large ship, rather than the cramped schoolbus. Due to this, a realization came to him, that there was now some semblance of privacy possible, and that most all of the team was probably here. So, he decided to search for the other medic, Rachel. As soon as he located her, he stated, "I think we should give medical examinations to everyone. Checking for infectious diseases, letting everyone know about proper quarantine procedures, maybe setting aside a section of this big ship for that, the works. You want to help? Be a damn shame if we just got taken out by a random virus because someone like Aquila thought it was a cold and decided it wasn't worth mentioning."
  13. Eyes pressed shut, Poncio felt the strange sensation as cloth rewove itself over his body, high quality fabric too, he was certain. There was a leotard, that was easily recognizable, but. . . something tight across the chest, he was not certain what that might be. But when the cloth had finished expanding, he thought no more of that. The transformation was successful, and so, he stood and drove his fist once more at the door, eyes still closed. Instead of the pain of fractured knuckles, Poncio felt the wood splinter almost like balsa under his fist, and something flexible bend out of the way. He laughed, and noticed the weight of a sword hanging at his side. "Ahaha, it worked! I truly have the powers of a legend and--EXCUSE ME!?" He had opened his eyes, and was staring down at his attire, unable to process it. "w-What in the name of. . ." He stumbled back from the door, bending his arm as he did so, ripping out a chunk of the door set in around his arm. "WHat kind of legendary hero wears a dress!? I'm all for women as heros, mind you, but they don't wear dresses, right?" In his shock, Poncio felt something release, and the dress and leotard transformed back into his original garb in a puff of smoke. "I-uh. . ." He inhaled slowly, then putting the ham back into his tone, said, "It is not as though the great Poncio has never cross-dressed! I have had roles that required that of me. It was merely a surprise! What kind of legendary hero wears a dress but wields a sword!?" The actor exclaimed, gesticulating wildly with the arm stuck in the piece of door
  14. "Sonuvabitch!" Poncio leapt back from the door, cradling his hand, knuckles bleeding slightly. He shook his hand violently as if to get rid of the pain, and then turned towards the speaker, attempting to put on a gallant face. "P-posing. . . y-yes, I can do that. I can definitely do that! I, in fact, EXCEL at posing! This shall be but a breeze." And with that, Poncio, from his retreated position sprang forward once more, leadping to land in front of the door. He let himself descend to one knee, one fist clenched at his side, the fingers of his other hand splayed out before his eyes as he once more attempted to bring down this accursed barrier.
  15. "Fantastic! I bet it'll be someone like Hercules! Though, research may be tough!" He coughed, and looked around. Poncio would need something to drink. And if the only way towards that was onwards to their mission, that's where he'd go. Poncio made his way over to the door, mumbling to himself ". . . Hercules. . . glass of water would be. . .Achilles? Beowulf?" As if alighting on an idea, the actor stopped and raised a finger in exaggeration of his eureka moment. Every legendary hero he could think of had great strength. . .perhaps that was likely for his new abilities! Swinging back his fist in an absurdly telegraphed way, Poncio attempts to drive his fist into the door and knock it off it's hinges.
  16. "Electrolysis is water splitting, we could make oxygen and hydrogen from water with electricity. I would worry about excess carbon dioxide though. . . it might be feasible if we had some kind of pipe and a reservoir. Create oxygen and put it in the reservoir, breathe from that, and then just let go of the pipe to breathe? But no, then you have high pressure oxygen and I'm pretty sure that's also not great. . ." "Would it be feasible to perhaps swap the mask around? It would be tedious, and difficult perhaps, but we could maybe have the electrolysis as a backup. I do agree though that we should get others first. It's a situation with no good options, and I believe the best chance is in having all our abilities together, even if it delays getting the stones slightly".
  17. "An invasion of trespassing beings from outside reality? What a noble fight!" Poncio knew at that moment that he had made no mistake in choosing this job. He had worried that it would be amoral work and he'd have a difficult time making a name for himself with a bad reputation. However, this was a glorious cause here, and he was eager to begin. "But sir commander, why do we want the original disease? Should we not seek the cure?" "And I agree with the fox! Tell us what we can do!"
  18. Poncio saunters over to join the discussion of offers. "Lung therapy? How peculiar! I was offered some form of ritualistic enhancement. My father may have called me a heretic, but at least I didn't pick the demonic one! Lord knows what that might have done." A stretchy man, a psychic, a magnetic pony, what fantastically strange ideas, Poncio thought.
  19. Poncio silenced himself. He was an egotist perhaps, he told himself, but he was not a complete fool. So he told himself. And he had had to read the moods, and to understand the people when he acted. The man he'd been addressing was not star struck. Disappointing, but he could do nothing about it. Instead he turned his attention to the pony. What strange consequences these operations had in store. A bolt of fear went through him once more, and he tried to look himself up and down again. It was only now that he was realizing how much of an extremely bad idea signing on for this could have been. "So what all are we to do now? Does anyone know?"
  20. "That is far far worse, an insult to my very existence as a personage, a--" Poncio pauses, brow furrowing and then a look of wonder appearing on his face. "Ah, my good man, my humblest apologies. You are merely star struck, and so surprised at the presence of the great Poncio that you wonder if you are dreaming of have died." "Fear not, my good Russian, you are very much alive! How could you be moving otherwise?" He smiled in self assured confidence, knowing that he was helping this poor man.
  21. "Ah, they did it! I'd wager they were far too afraid to con me! Ahh. . .Truly a wonderful day." Poncio wobbled to his feet and soon found himself comfortably standing, facing the awakening people. "Yes, I was in the waiting room. Poncio Romero, at your service! You might know me from my roles in Little Man and The Eradicator!" Perhaps as a token of his ego, Poncio was under the impression that a number of these people were speaking to him, regardless of what all other evidence seemed to indicate. And so he turned to the russian sounding voice. "Wait one moment, dementia? Are you accusing me of being demented? I take offense to that, and you will not like me when I take offense!"
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