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  1. Pachirisu Crest: Cuts Sp. Atk by 1 upon switching in Flygon Crest: Uses Atk stat instead of Sp. Atk stat for special moves (e.g. Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Bug Buzz, Flamethrower, etc) Copperajah Crest: Gives the ability Moxie Runerigus Crest: Same as Cofagrigus crest, but Atk instead of Sp. Atk Charizard Crest: Gives the ability Multiscale, as well as Immunity to Rocks Cursola Crest: Switches its Defense stat with its Sp. Def stat Garchomp Crest: Gives the ability Sand Rush Lilligant Crest: Gives the ability Dancer Victreebell Crest: Gives the ability Solar Power Stonjourner Crest: Switches its Sp. Def stat with its Defenses Stat.
  2. This set of Sprites I made consist of Sprites of the famous Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku!! She's available to download at the .zip file attached. Remember, keep a backup of what Protagionist sprites you want to to overwrite, otherwise you're with Miku in each savefile!! Miku Hatsune sprites mod.zip
  3. I went to the Botanical Garden because that is where I'm supposed to meet Florin, but he's nowhere to be found. Does anyone know how I can meet him? Because I am feeling lost right now....
  4. Then can you help change the savefile for me because I want really to have Trapinch in my team soon.
  5. Does anyone know where else to get Trapinch other than hatching from Mystery Egg? I tried hatching one, but I ended up with Cottonee instead.
  6. Hi there, is there someone who can change my Pokemon Rejuvenation Savefile for me? I tried to get Trapinch from hatching one of the mystery eggs, but I keep getting Cottonee. Game.rxdata
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