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Everything posted by torrent

  1. I just read earlier that it doesn't decrease happiness but I'm not sure. And yes, this is a monotype challenge (edited to make it more clear). EXP Share and Lucky Egg bc hardcore.
  2. First Aster and Eclipse Battle Grass Monotype Hardcore Budew [Lvl 20] Rose Incense Poison Point Docile - Growth - Mega Drain - Stun Spore - Worry Seed Grotle [Lvl 17] Exp. Share Shell Armour Adamant - Curse - Absorb - Razor Leaf - Tackle Can't touch either mons in this fight, no more trainers left to fight to evolve Budew (probably bought 25 comon candies trying to get it's happiness raised). Other available grass mons are cherubi and burmy who really can't do much either. Fern's team dies in four turns and the most he does is paralyze the magmar or get a small bit of damage off. Both of my mons get two shot by fire punch and can't really do much in return. Any other suggestions?
  3. Honestly if you really hate that Camerupt has that glaring water weakness you could pick up a magnezone to beat water types even though you already have gourgeist and empleon resists water. These are honestly the best fire types in the game. If you really wanted I'm pretty sure you can get Emboar and Houndoom, those are great mons as well.
  4. Hey! Your team looks pretty decent but I think there are some useful changes that could be made. Numel / Camerupt honestly completely outclasses Torkoal. Torkoal is extremely irrelevant in this game because it hardly has any niches. One of its niches is in yawn (imo) and Camerupt literally learns that via level up. Even though this leaves you extremely weak to water you could easily give Camerupt the rock coverage in rock slide and open up a slot for a new pokemon. It appears that you're also using Torkoal for strength, which Camerupt gets as well. This isn't even mentioning that Camerupt already gets a great movepool in Eruption, Earthquake, Yawn, Lava Plume, Earth Power and Rock Slide. Camerupt gets great niches in Amnesia and Curse which boosts its already great attack (120, 5 less than Heracross ). Flame burst is also useful for destroying fields (can't remember if lava plume does this or not...). This also fills the spot for a ground 'mon as well, leaving you less vulnerable to water attacks and leaving not one but two spots open for new mons. Also if you're really adamant about that physical Empoleon I would definitely get Swords Dance with a shard. Really not much to desire about Empleon's learnset (especially it's phys set) in general but it's not really my team so yeah. Your team seems pretty bulky (barring dugtrio) so I'm going to suggest Reuniclus in place of Solrock. Again, completely outclassed in nearly every area except for maybe TR? Not really relevant though since yours doesn't have TR and your team doesn't look built around TR offense. Also not relevant because Reuniclus has a large 110 base HP stat and decent defenses. Reuniclus is getting a great movepool in Psychic, Psyshock, Recover (!), Pain Split, and possibly Future Sight. Great support in Charm and Light Screen and can boost with Acid Armor and confuse with Confuse Ray. The latter two moves will take some breeding tho. Would definitely trade Pangoro for Scrafty just for viability as well.. Dugtrio ---> Sylveon would be a pretty good idea IMO since dugtrio is really only known for being speedy & arena trap (which is near useless in this game). Has pretty bad attack (even Cammy has better offense) and a special attacker would take its spot well since you really only have two special attackers and they're kinda lackluster. If you want help with anything else just let me know! ^-^
  5. Wow this looks great! I'm really happy you decided to pick this back up, it's a lot of fun to read through.
  6. Well for starters, Chatot & Garchomp are basically musts, not sure how you're gonna get someone to cheat the latter in your game though. Tentacruel seems like a great 'kraken' and Primeape is basically a monkey and I think I've seen monkeys somehow related to pirates.. Also to help diversify your team from mostly water type that have 'cannons', I suggest you take a different path in Magmortar :3. On a more unrelated note Gallade has a sword, sort of? Also I really like the idea Sableye as someone above mentioned.
  7. Not sure exactly what you need but if you don't have the Mining Kit that's probably what you need to progress in the story.. You can find the kit somewhere in the castle~
  8. Okay I'll just wait for the next release, can't wait!
  9. Yeah I'm opening the .exe file. Hopefully I can get it all sorted out eventually..
  10. Ye there are a bunch of gaurds, looking for the laser now.. Edit: Found it and know I'm back at route 3, thanks for the help
  11. Okay how do I get a .zip copy? No idea how to work with .rar xd
  12. When I try to open it now it just completely shuts off...
  13. I can't talk to anyone right now so I'm assuming I have to find where I hid it... Still have no idea so I guess I'm going to be searching every block xd..
  14. I still can't find it... any more hints as to where it might be? I zoned out on a lot of the story earlier on :/
  15. Torterra is definitely better because of Curse early game + Earthquake can be learned fairly early on. Pretty sure Meganium looks a lot nicer and is great for a challenge.
  16. I'd want Inner Focus or Natural Cure for sure...
  17. Neither of these work, gonna re download and maybe completely start over?? Not sure.. Thanks for the help hopefully it will get fixed eventually. EDIT: Giving this another go~ Poison / Grass Snover for grass Skrelp for poison Good IVs would be great, neutral natures would be great as well.. Soundproof & Adaptibility aren't really necessary but they would be nice. Thanks and hopefully this time it will work out!Game.rxdata
  18. I did this but whenever I open reborn it acts like there is no game and if I try to make a new game and save it the game crashes..
  19. Okay so I'm in blacksteeple castle and I'm at the point when Madame X comes (the day of). I'm trying to use the Defibrillitator that Saki made but Braixen is acting like I don't have it... help?? Edit: I'm at a point where I literally can't progress in the story at all, Braixen won't accept my defillibrator..
  20. First off thanks for the save file but I have no idea how to get it to work.. Do I have to convert the file since it's a notepad? What do I change it to..?
  21. Oh ok well then my save file should be qualified updating the eggs since I fought Cain and Victoria already.
  22. Oh so I need to beat Julia and then fight Victoria right before the slums? I should have that part of the story completed in a few days, thanks!
  23. Hey! Asking for a few mons.. Type of run: Dual Dark/Fighting Hardcore Run Mons: Corphish ( Dark ) Meinfoo ( Fighting ) IVs: Honestly anything in the 20s is great. Natures: As long as they don't decrease attack or speed it's a good nature it's pretty reasonable imo. And iirc I can swap them for adamant or jolly in seventh street (?). Side note: Sandile would be great too but it doesn't really matter since I can get stunky and poochyena before Julia. One last thing if you can change the mons in these eggs: Cacnea in first egg, Pawniard OR Breloom in mystery egg, idc. Decent ivs would be great here too ^-^ This seems like a great thread for those who don't have the editing program or don't know how and so far it looks really helpful. Thanks!! Game.rxdata
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