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Thebossgummy221 games

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Thebossgummy221 games

  1. Here is episode 14 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we assist G.E.I.S.T. in the Wild Bull Saloon to drive out the haunting of Hangead from the building.
  2. Here is episode 13 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we explore Sunflare Canyon to head to the next city, deal with Team Dimension's shenanigans, and get ourselves a Ponyta.
  3. Here is Episode 12 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we take on the Ishtar City gym for our next gym badge, We are tested by the gym leader through a series of puzzles and finally end up facing Nuphar.
  4. Here is Episode 11 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we meet with Cardinal Abraham and he tells us how Team Dimension came to be, and helped us unlock our true potential with Trishout.
  5. Here is episode 10 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we go to Ishtar City and try to figure out why the residents are in a hypnotized state, we find what caused it, drove it away, and then meet with the gym leader to allow us to go to Fortbelt Town and find Cardinal Abraham. We get to Fortbelt Town, and prepare ourselves for the journey through Mt. Starburst.
  6. Here is Episode 9 of Xenoverse, where we leave Mikiway City to go through Gravity Tunnel, find Team Dimension there and drive them out and then end up entering to Ishtar City before doing anything to fix the situation.
  7. Here is episode 8 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we enter the Milkiway City and take on the gym.
  8. Here is episode 7 of Pokemon Xenoverse, where we leave Stellato Town and then fight against someone who knows about the light from the Terrestial Evolution. We then go through the swamp to defeat the Galvantula holding some people hostage in its frozen web.
  9. Well, this is likely something I should have created a long time ago for my playthrough of various fangames. Anyway, if I did things right, here is the first couple episodes of Pokemon Xenoverse on the channel. Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3:
  10. I don't know if this happened to someone else, but if you try to encounter a wild Pokemon while the leading Pokemon in your team has the ability Cute Charm, the game brings up this error and closes. Also according to Orbeetle's moveset, it should learn Psychic at level 36, but it learns the move After You instead, and Orbeetle learns After You at level 40.
  11. One is inside Keneph jungle, near the entrance to Redcliffe town. another is east side of route 2 requiring surf to get. One is on the west side of Silver forest, protected by a boss dunsparce. One is inside the back room of the Blackview trade Centre, where the entrance to the sewers are.
  12. He’s probably by the port which is in the southern part of Blackview City.
  13. The First key can be obtained in the Old Rangers Base in Blackview City. After dealing with the events involving Team Crescent and the Black Foxes having war on the streets, go to this abandoned base and read the journal entries to access the topmost floor of the building and by reading the last journal entry in the area, you get Majira's first Key.
  14. Toucannon's signature move is Beak Blast, which burns the opponent when the user is hit by a physical contact move. Beak Blast's burn effect immensely helps where a mon that has will-o-wisp might not be able to inflict burn on a Pokemon. The physical attackers she has on her team like Cincinno and Lucario rely on physical contact moves, which can be exploited with Beak Blast to half the damage your team would take from their attacks. And to let you know, Toucannon gets Beak Blast upon evolution.
  15. From what the item guide says, you can get it after the tournament, when chapter 14 starts.
  16. Ability capsule shifts from one ability to another, as you have noticed when changing from gluttony to quick feet. Using another ability capsule would change quick feet to pickup. The ability shuffling order is always the same.
  17. Common candies only lower the level of the mons you don't want to over level from the level cap you are at. Also, Pikachu learns thunderbolt at level 42, not 25. Pokemon Reborn uses the USUM moveset for it.
  18. sorry about the late response, I know the available events of the game. I honestly wanted to nuzlocke Pokemon Reborn but decided the right time to do so would be after one of my playthroughs on youtube is complete.
  19. Just a question, how difficult is that Muk fight, especially for people who do a Nuzlocke. Also would anyone blame me if I decided to nuzlocke this game because of this playthrough. I know it sounds stupid, but I was wondering.
  20. Especially that sexy Swalot, I convinced myself that Garbodor is better.
  21. Just letting you know, spearow learns roost at level 32 and drill peck at level 36. Reborn still uses the USUM moveset.
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