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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by icetitan777

  1. When I was battling Marinette's Bewear I got this error preventing me from attacking it. [Pokemon Rejuvenation V10] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `hasWorkingAbiity' for #<PokeBattle_Battler:0x157c3f98> PokeBattle_Move:2745:in `pbCalcDamage' PokeBattle_Move:3846:in `pbEffect' PokeBattle_MoveEffects:2103:in `pbEffect' PokeBattle_Battler:4450:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget' PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `each' PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget' PokeBattle_Battler:5259:in `pbUseMove' PokeBattle_Battler:5211:in `loop' PokeBattle_Battler:5262:in `pbUseMove' PokeBattle_Battler:6194:in `pbProcessTurn'
  2. When I was battling Marinette's bewear I got this error preventing me from attacking it. [Pokemon Rejuvenation V10] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `hasWorkingAbiity' for #<PokeBattle_Battler:0x157c3f98> PokeBattle_Move:2745:in `pbCalcDamage' PokeBattle_Move:3846:in `pbEffect' PokeBattle_MoveEffects:2103:in `pbEffect' PokeBattle_Battler:4450:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget' PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `each' PokeBattle_Battler:4356:in `pbProcessMoveAgainstTarget' PokeBattle_Battler:5259:in `pbUseMove' PokeBattle_Battler:5211:in `loop' PokeBattle_Battler:5262:in `pbUseMove' PokeBattle_Battler:6194:in `pbProcessTurn'
  3. this made the game kinda frustrating since it's hard to buy items now
  4. That's awesome but I hope to play sun and moon before ep 17 comes out also when are more fake legendaries are coming? I want a larvaitar pretty please? Those sprites are cool too.
  5. Okay Thank you very much Jan I didn't realize the cave field can do that. Also can I ask you a question if kristilline town is unsufable where can I encounter luvdisc? PS: I wish you luck on completing your game.
  6. I think I have found two bugs. One is that magnet rise doesn't seem to work. I used it with eletrode and it was still hit with an EQ. The second bug is that the water in Kristilne town is unsurfable and you can't fish in it. The second bug is most annoying because now I can't farm for heart scales.
  7. Did anyone talk to the pokemon scout girl when they got to west gearen? When I talked to her she told me how most of the gym leaders are gone and how its messing up her work. Then she starts to blame what's happened to most of the gym leaders on you and gets mad at you. Who doesn't think that this girl wont be one of the people of darkness told in the game's prophecy?
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