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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mczipo

  1. I'm here to reclaim my Auth, a vote for Mczipo is a vote for the good of Reborn

  2. It really depends, I've done a few different Nuzlockes but one of the earlier generations might be easier due to lack of abilities or things like that. It made something like a ratatta solorun possible because of the general ground vs ghost/poisons. Ultimately whichever game you feel the most comfortable in can be fun to nuzlocke. If you want an easy time you can grind to lower the possibility of losing mons or you can choose to not grind and have a little more risk.
  3. How do you feel about the Berenstein Bears actually being the Berenstain Bears.

  4. Yes yes looks very good, quality hatting here Pocky. Could we add even more hats on top of those hats?
  5. Amethyst Smells



    1. Neo


      You have a thing for turning up here around the holidays, huh?

  6. Yeah I know last time it fell through, hopefully I should be able to keep up with it and actually have sessions. Of course if there isn't enough interest then it will be dropped.
  7. Greetings adventurers, I figured I might make this thread, I remember seeing one years ago but it never actually managed to be accomplished/completed. I also have no idea if this is the proper thread, if not then it can simply be moved over. Getting to the point, I thought about hosting a D&D adventure for anyone who would be interested in participating. Based on the amount of people who actually sign-up would dictate how large the party size would be for the campaign. I have a few ideas however ideas can always be brainstormed or suggested. I figured this would be a fun thing to do for some of the members of the community, and even if you have no experience playing you are free to join. Good idea? Bad idea? Let me know. Hugs and Kisses Mczipo P.S. More information will be added later, this is just to gauge if people are actually interested.
  8. Can I get multiple hats ontop of my hat, is there a limit to the number of hats? Can I have all the hats?
  9. The birthday bar is the most important thing on the site and as such it deserves to have its place.
  10. Everybody get up, it's time to slam now.

    1. PedroHenrique
    2. doombotmecha


      we got the real jam goin down

      welcome to the space jam space jam

  11. Hello there everyone, It is me, a brand new user by the name of Mczipo. You can call me Zipo if it's easier. I'm 100% completely new to the server and forums and have definitely never been here before. I am the bees knees, the cats PJs, and many other sorts of phrases. I'm a cool guy, maybe even the coolest guy. I have sick battling skeelz and and not a robot. Pls be nice to me, I am quite soft and my feelings are easily hurt. Hugs and Kisses, Mczipo
  12. O shit it's dat boi, waddup

    1. Mczipo


      I could say the same, always good to see a familiar face still here

  13. Look who it is, it's me. Best Auth and 10/10

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neo


      Phoenix > Zipo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vinny

    3. Godot
    4. Pocky


      actually 2nd best auth (and tote better than vinny) :^)

  14. O Shit Waddup boys, it's me Zipo back from the grave. Just wanted to wish myself a happy birthday and say I might be back???? Wow so cool, I'm the best, 10/10 would smooch. Happy birthday to me cuz I'm the best. Jericho where's my banner.
  15. [11:42:33] +Mczipo: nerd [11:42:38] jellu: :[ [11:46:23] +Mczipo: git rekt [11:46:27] jellu: :[[[ [11:48:17] +Mczipo: I'm gonna dump an entire jar of mayo on a sandwich just to spite you [11:48:24] jellu: D: [11:48:25] jellu: pls no [11:48:26] +Mczipo: and then I'll mail it to you [11:48:28] +Mczipo: first class [11:48:33] jellu: NOO!!! [11:48:46] +Mczipo: You'll open it up and get mayo everywhere [11:49:02] jellu: it's like that glitter thing [11:49:04] jellu: but with mayo [11:49:07] +Mczipo: exactly [11:53:20] +Mczipo: You'll have mayo all over your hands [11:53:26] jellu: D: [11:53:28] +Mczipo: then you'll try to open the door and get mayo on the door [11:53:35] +Mczipo: and then on the couches and the sink [11:54:01] +Mczipo: and inside the sandwich, a tiny piece of paper sticking out [11:54:03] +Mczipo: it'll say [11:54:06] +Mczipo: "git rekt nerd" [11:54:12] jellu: (((( [11:54:38] +Mczipo: watch your back [11:54:42] +Mczipo: that mayo sandwich is coming for you [11:54:46] jellu: pls no [11:55:02] +Mczipo: you won't know when [11:55:05] +Mczipo: but it will come [11:55:09] +Mczipo: maybe this week [11:55:12] +Mczipo: maybe next week [11:55:18] +Mczipo: maybe a year or so down the line [11:55:34] +Mczipo: Living in constant fear of the all mayo sandwich [11:55:35] jellu: inb4 u forget abt it in like 3 hours [11:55:47] +Mczipo: How could I forget about something this important [11:57:14] +Mczipo: http://i.imgur.com/0eFvSs2.png [11:57:24] jellu: oh no [11:57:27] jellu: you made a sticky note [11:57:28] jellu: oh [11:57:29] jellu: oh no [11:57:37] +Mczipo: it's real nerd [11:57:40] jellu: D:
    1. Lord Bagel

      Lord Bagel

      I actually live 2 hours from there :]

    1. Arkhi


      I really need to play this game.

  16. You didn't send me huan sappy message mang, I did not know that would be your intention. I must clearly leave now.
  17. Neo is my spirit animal, true facts
  18. So remember that whole "I don't think I'll be back thing"? Yeah well looks like this place is an addiction/my home/a place I feel comfotable so looks like I'm here to stay ._. time to say ripperino to my free time. Hello again friend how have you been this past month?
  19. Back again for a little bit guys. Not sure if you heard about it this time or last time but last year there was this ongoing battle as well for net neutrality. The basics of this is that the cable companies want domain over the internet so that they can throttle sites to pay more creating internet slow lanes and fast lanes. We managed to stop them last year but apparently they're back again. You can go to this website to show support for team internet and spread the word that you want to keep your internet free and without slow and fast lanes. https://www.battleforthenet.com/
  20. Well, it's been a good what, 3+ years at least? Needless to say this place changed me and became a part of me over the years and I have to thank everyone for that. While I may not have made a lasting effect on anyone else or may not have contributed much to the community, I was still a part of it. From the good times to the bad, this place was my home. I could always come here, talk to those few who actually would approach me and communicate with me. No matter how frustrating my actual life was or demanding or excruciating it was, I always had this place to come back to. In a sense I still do, but at the same time I won't anymore. To those who I can call my friends, thanks for being there for me when I needed you, and thanks for all you've done. Maybe I'll come back every now and then, maybe I won't. But I think enough time has passed where it's time for me to leave. If you do want to reach me, with enough digging I'm sure you'll be able to find me. It's certainly been one hell of a ride. ~Zipo Edit: It might be a little sappy but leaving this place is leaving me a little teary eyed, guess this place really did mean something to me.
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