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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Mczipo

  1. Wheeeeeeeeeeel ;-; I have missed your arts and stuffs friend, am excited to see this
  2. Blood is boiling and about to have an aneurysm. The joys of Christmas

    1. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      If your blood is boiling, then please seek medical attention NOW! ;)

  3. My challenge is too tuff for Dan, get #reKt
  4. Dan how many hats could you fit on my already existing hat?
  5. Snaaaaaaaakkkkkeeeeeee eeeaaaattteeeerrrrr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jelly


      We're tunnel snakes, and we rule!

    3. Maelstrom


      But... The Best is Yet to Come.

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix


  6. The lack of capitalization offends me nerd, pls stop being scrub k?
  7. Happy Birthday to Ikaru, the best pal anybody could ask for
  8. As my new title dictates, I must ruin fun everywhere.
  9. qq statuses never long enough

  10. Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!

  11. The procrastination is strong with this one

  12. Not a rose, but clearly the rose by any other name is next
  13. Forum Name: Mczipo Length of time on Reborn: fuck like 3 years or so? I don't remember. Favorite game genre: Adventure Notable skills: I am excellent at the art of sarcasm. Best strategist NA Hobbies: Gaming, Programming, Sarcasm Best Trait: my fantastic attitude My ability to preform multiple roles and become different people. Worst Trait: Silence is the foe of any man, gotta speak up more. Describe yourself in one sentence, long or short it doesn't matter: I am the worst auth on reborn and I'm quite competitive and I like to win, would pretty much do most things to win within the boundaries of the rules. Why we should pick you to play Survivor: Reborn: Games are supposed to be played with strategy in mind and not just brute force. Anybody diving into a situation without thinking about what comes next is simply a fool, and I am not that fool.
  14. Most of my declines are challenges from you, considering most other people don't challenge me. Besides, it's a high stakes game, would you throw everything you had at something you weren't assured to win?
  15. A simple decline of all ubers challenges are easy enough to do
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