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  1. So I was thinking of playing Rejuv over again since I haven’t played in a long time. I was thinking of using some of my favorite mons this time around, but I can’t think what my last one should be. So far I have Infernape, Venusaur, Swampert, lycanroc, and mimikyu. I was thinking it should be something special based since I kinda have 4 physical attackers already. I was thinking maybe Alolan Raichu? I like that mon a lot, but it gives me a third ground weakness. Any ideas?
  2. I’m one of those types that can’t decide what to use on a team because I like so many kinds of Pokémon. Anyways, my current team is Infernape, Garchomp, Honchkrow, Azumarill, Magnezone, and Espeon. I love my team, but I must admit it’s frail. So, I’ve trained up an Alolan Muk, Gardevoir, and Vaporeon. Espeon and Azumarill have more offense, but Gardevoir and Vaporeon give me more defense. Alolan Muk and Honchkrow same situation, only A. Muk gives me a third ground weakness. I LOVE honchkrow, but it’s one shotted by pretty much everything and struggles in the many double battles in this game. However, Moxie Sucker Punch has come in clutch quite a few times. What do you guys think?
  3. Yea, I'm kinda leaning towards Pangoro. I just now thought of Krookodile as well! It's a tough choice. Yea, now that I think about it, you're right. Who would you pick between pangoro and Krookodile?
  4. Hi! So I'm building another team, but I don't know which pokemon fills my last slot best. The team I have in mind is: Primarina Charizard Alolan Raichu Roserade Lycanroc (Midday, sucks about no dusk >.<) And Pangoro or Mismagius I like both of them. But I'm kinda worried how my team would have five special attackers if I chose Mismagius. I like the ground immunity, wide move pool, and speed. I really like pangoro's design, typing, and nice attack stat, but it's so slow and it's defenses aren't that great and lots of psychic pokemon run stuff like dazzling gleam or focus blast anyways. What do you guys think? Or would you suggest something else, like umbreon? Thanks!
  5. I think Compound Eyes isn't working? I'm trying to farm wild trubbish for a black sludge, but none of the 14 trubbish I've encountered have held one. No other sewer pokemon I've caught has an item either.
  6. I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've replaced the script file in the data folder and pasted the mods in there as well, but it's not working. Is there something I'm missing?
  7. How do I make another reborn save file so I can use the shared pc? o:
  8. Wait im sorry lemme get a mon I can trade haha i thought i could go in my pc
  9. I am! o: what do I do after I login?
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