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About SpartaLazor

  • Birthday 05/17/1998

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  • Alias
    Super Nerd Christian
  • Gender
  • Location
    US of A
  • Interests
    Writing, some 3D Stuff, Game Development, Girls, Doing stupid things just to try to be cool, myself.

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  1. I'd say look for PMD: Origins, that sound like what you're looking for. If not, you could try Steve the Bibarel, or MewYou.
  2. No it doesn't. It's just a huge pile of crap and was a mistake from the start.
  3. The game is pretty much dead so just fuck it. It was a piece of junk anyway.
  4. Pro tip: admitting that you aren't good with RMXP or whatever you're going to use to make the game is not going to net you a team. People usually don't operate on sympathy, helping newbies that don't know what they're doing. The usually look for people who actually know what they're doing and are capable of making the game. So I'd recommend that you learn how to make the game and spend time figuring it all out before you even try to get a team. Because it's not going to go well if you don't know what you're doing.
  5. That's exactly what I'm doing, though. I've pretty much put the development of any new content (or at least anything new beyond what's there) on hold as I pretty much rework what parts of the game are there. I know the reason that error happens (if you lost a battle or a Pokemon in a battle they wouldn't reappear after being healed, and interacting with something would cause that error) and I was able to fix it a long time back. I just haven't updated release yet because I'm still working on it. I am thinking of taking down the current download since it's so outdated, as either replacing it with a shorter version of the game containing all that I've reworked thus far, or just holding off until I've gotten caught back up.
  6. The reason that they're just recolors as of right now is because I have no spriting experience, and I knew the chances of acutally recruiting a spriter were really unlikely, so I did what I could with what I had. I figured that recolors are probably somewhat better than just unedited, default sprites. I am working on custom players sprites for the newest update, but I'm not sure when they'll be done. (If there's anyone out there that's good at spriting and would like to lend a hand, I'd be appreciative.) And story is one of the things I really do aim to focus on. I'm hoping that I'm doing well with it thus far.
  7. Yeah, that sounds like the screen-size error. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to fix it, and most of the files for that version of the game are either gone or have been changed. That's a really outdated version, and the newer one is in the works.
  8. Can I see the error? It could be the screen size - if you set it to a certain size, it'll crash when you try to load it. But the version currently uploaded is a little bit old and outdated. I'm working on the newer version right now, so hopefully I can have that out soon.
  9. Well, the truth of the matter is that if you want to join a team on a game, then you need to have a skill that is helpful. Why not tell us what you're good at? You say you have Fakemon - does that mean just ideas for Fakemon, or do you actually have sprites and artwork for these Fakemon? If you really want to be on a team, then show us what you can do.
  10. Hey thanks! I'm glad you like it! And yeah, a lot of the Gen VI stuff was a bit last minute - I've been refining it for the new version. I'll definitely take a look into that.
  11. Errors like that are a bit tricky, as I'm not entirely sure what's causing them. Some people have problems, and other people don't, so I'm not sure if it's the game files or the people themselves. Or it could be something I did. I'm not all the well-versed in the ways of computers, so I could've messed up something. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to resolve it. I'll keep the .rar idea in mind in case things like this persist. Thanks for letting me know about that!
  12. Yeah, I remember those bugs. I think they've all been fixed now. 'Cept for biking inside? Was that in just one particular building, or in all of them?
  13. Trust me, talking protagonists is not a good idea. You'll end up putting words into player's mouths that they themselves might not agree with. And quite possibly, that could ruin the immersion for some people. Like in that one game where my character showed a lot of trust and respect toward a character that I completely hated and wanted to kill with fire. That killed the entire game for me. Never bothered completing it. If you're really going to go down that route, though, I'd recommend giving the player some choice in the conversation. I know that you said that you didn't want to write out a whole bunch of dialogue trees, but you should at least consider having small instances where the player is able to choose a response more fitting. Like, if someone is talking about science, a player who's into that kind of stuff could say "Hey, that's cool!" and the guy talking would reply "I know. Isn't it incredible? whereas a player who really couldn't care less about science could go with "Yawn. Boring." and the guy talking would reply "Yeah, well, so are you." or something similar. You wouldn't have to deviate the plot at all. It would simply add a little more depth and interaction into the world, rather than it just being a static region where everything happens the same every time you play it. Now, I'm not trying to tell you guys how to make your game - I'm just suggesting something that might make it a bit more interesting.
  14. I once played a game called Pokemon Mega Adventure, and honestly, it was a little bit painful to play there for a little bit. The dialogue wasn't all that great, the player actually had lines in the game and had random anime characters showing up. Long story short, I don't like it when words are just shoved into the player's mouth when I don't get to choose the response, and I dislike it even more so when my character shows respect toward Ash, an individual whom I hate in all forms of the word in reality. Though, to be fair, I didn't play the game all the way through, so I can't objectively say if it got any worse (and it has been a while, so it very well could have improved) but if it kept continuing in the manner that it was going in, then I don't think it would've gotten much better.
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