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About PsyDucklan

  • Birthday 07/18/1996

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  • Location
    The Ducky Kingdom
  • Interests
    Pokemon is kinda an easy guess, huh?

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  1. I heard fire and hell, is someone talking about my house? Blue Moon?
  2. I'm just saying, Golduck is the best duck, end of story!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Combat


      Gooby pls.

      (I deeply regret posting a Dolan Meme, but society forced me into this situation.)

    3. Jmanultrax1


      um ducklett is the best sorry

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      Duclett's not even a duck it evolves into a swan

  3. PsyDucklan


    Banned because the eeveelutions are too cute!
  4. *Asks BMIC if I can have some of that popcorn*
  5. The graphics are really awesome, gotta hand it to Nintendo there, they really out done themselves with this one. And the demo gameplay did look amazing, I'm just all in all looking forward to it. Though, does anyone think the gameplay isn't really up they're alley? And why you think so?
  6. *Pulls cactus out of pants, a small tear of pain runs down this ducky's face* *Hurls cactus, hitting fear of the hill, reclaiming it as his own*
  7. Quack?! Whoa, ya're duck is pretty good! Quack quack! (Fear next!)
  8. Drawing crappy art or playing video games! Same question!
  9. So, a duck and a man are walking down the street, when the man sees a low flying plane coming they're way. The man turns to the duck and yells "Quick, duck!". The duck quickly turns to the man angrily and yells "Slow, man!"

    1. Combat


      Did they both die because of over sensitivity?

    2. PsyDucklan
  10. Quack! Ya're good at guessing! Tempest maybe?!
  11. Fear isn't here, but you can talk to me, the Duck man! How you doing? Anethia!
  12. Am I allowed to answer for him? As I totally think he meant me of course! K_H?
  13. *Dizzy bumps into K_H pushing him off the hill before falling over*
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