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Lady Shockbox

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lady Shockbox

  1. So like a lot of other people, I traded away/released a few of the Pokemon that I rescued from the black market on 7th Street. Specifically the Loudred and the Vanilite. Both of these Pokemon are needed in order to finish the quest and get the Mega-Z Ring from Archlight. I actually HAVE a previous save where I have both Loudred and Vanilite still! Unfortunately, trying to trade with myself keeps crashing to desktop. Would someone be willing to load this save and trade the two monsters over to me? Or maybe I could trade them over to you, reload my current save, and you could trade them back? I can offer eggs or shinies back in return. (Sorry if this isn't in the right spot - this is the closest thread I could find to post this in, and its not quite a trade request since I'm actively trying to get an in-game item.) Any help is appreciated! Game.rxdata
  2. Is there an alternate downlink link for this game (other than the two provided on the first page)? Got a new computer, tried to download the game, and it STILL crashes after the initial cutscene in the beginning of the game. Not sure what I'm still doing wrong... It doesn't get any further than what I've played so far no matter what computer/download link I use.
  3. It's Windows. Part of me is wondering if its just a random file that's getting lost in translation whenever I try to download the zip. I've tried both the Mega and Mediafire download links and getting the same crash after the initial boat crash/cinematic title screen.
  4. Not sure if it's a bug per say (everyone else seems to be able to play just fine), but whenever I try to play the game, it crashes immediately after the title screen pops up after the first but of gameplay (it freezes and becomes unplayable after the bit on the boat where "the black foxes say hello"). Is there a fix for this? I was really hoping to play.
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