I used EQ twice with my Donphan and it didn't break the field... Where am I supposed to get a Sash for the FEAR strat? Also my Mightyena has Moxie so thats out of the question. Gonna try burning it with a Duskull that I have boxed, thanks.
Hey guys I need help beating the lv 75 Steelix in Tanzan Mountain. All of my pokemon that can even outspeed it to get a hit in without getting Oh-KO'd can only deal about 1/16th of its health before they die. Any advice? How did you guys get past Steelix?
Current Team
Lv 52 Sceptile
Lv 54 Musharna
Lv 54 Toxicroak
Lv 50 Donphan
Lv 50 Mightyena
Lv 50 Heatmor
and a boxed Lv 48 Corsola
I'm capped at Lv 55 cause of gym badges so I don't really think I should grind anymore but I am at a loss for ideas. I have 2 revives and no potions.
Will catching any of the pokemon in this godforsaken dungeon and grinding them up help me? I'm really stuck.