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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ilovebfmtv

  1. I get a pre battle boss graphical bug before fighting every npc
  2. thanks for the quick response :>
  3. I am in wispi tower why does this diglett have this thing on his head EDIT:my bad I didn't play the last generation of pokemon and I thought this was a troll from Jan :>
  4. the battle run fine, the litteraly unplayable was juste a meme http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/literally-unplayable ,because pokemon rejuvenation has just minor glitches , <3 Jan
  5. By purifying my quagsire he learned Flame burst??!
  6. The opponent gligar just disapeared in battle, just before this I used rock slide, gligar sprite reappear when he takes damages/ use move. This is litteraly unplayable >:"(
  7. In pokemon full moon ,I just found a phantum shiny so does the creator changed the odd or this is my first legit shiny with around 1/8000 :> odd Edit :I found a shiney gastly like 10 min after i think they changed the odd
  8. yes my profil picture is an obese mona lisa with money , but before I had an other profil picture , that's why YinYang9705 didn't understood it .
  9. English is not my native tongue but i will try my best . I'm french student , I am 15 years old . I haven't much hobbies , I didn't have any sport , but if I can call them hobbies ,I like "pokemon rom hack", I played rejuvination before reborn, and the reborn mode made me search about that. And I mainly spend my time on the computeur ,looking at youtube video or playing game. For my profil image , I signed to a site ,to have the same profil image in all site. The "lamasticot" in my profil picture is a mixt betwen two french word "lama" for the animal llama and "asticot" for magot , "lamasticot" . This picture is a little bit old so I will change it to an obese joconde.
  10. Third encounter in tall grass after starting the game and I got a bidoof shiny ... I wanted to know if I'm just lucky or the shiny rate is 1/10 ?
  11. I'm new to pokemon reborn and I am a fellow pokemon fan since diamond and pearl , I hope i will have a great time here .
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