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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by nickapple

  1. Both are amazing games. i would say I've enjoyed odyssey more, to such extend that origins is less fun to play. therefore i would recommend to first finish origins and if you are done with it buy odyssey. it might be disappointing the other way around.
  2. There should be one in Goldleave netxt to the pokemon market
  3. I have the same proplem. Interacted with it before and nothing happend and the latest patch did not solve it. I cant even interact with the hole anymore eventough the scented candel id in my inventory. Could someone tell me who the pokemon in question is?
  4. this run just beated luna's gym but i dont remember it from my older runs
  5. How to open this door? Its west of the Kiki event in the wasteland.
  6. Hi! I just finished ep 17 and now I would really like to do a ground monorun. So I did some breeding on my main file what resulted in 9 Pokémon’s that I want to transfer to my new file. Can someone help me with the trade? In the attachment you can find my safe file. If you open it you will find yourself in a Pokémon centre with 6 Pokémon in the party that I would like you to trade with my new account Terram in online trade. Unfortunately we can only trade 6 Pokémon at once so after that I would like to do a second trade for the 3 Pokémon in box 28. As a thank u I will of course be eternally grateful for your kind help. In addition I can help you trade 6 Pokémon’s of your choosing from my main file with 208h of playtime with loads of good Pokémon Game.rxdata
  7. nickapple


    You can actually get a rowlet if you are at crawly’s gym. You have to do the Timbur side quest first though.
  8. Yeah thats weird. Did you try redownloading?
  9. Hey, I play Rejuvenation V9 on a macbook as well and I do not encounter this problem. Which version of wine do you use? Mine is 1.6.1. You could also try to download it again. Good luck!
  10. Ready, my name is nickapel. i will go online now
  11. thanks, will breed it right away
  12. i could trade you contract 4 as soon as i breed my nuzleaf
  13. Hey guys, according to the obtainable list murkrow and inkay should be available at the credit shop. As far as I know I have visited every credit shop but non offered me those two pokemon. Also I wonder how I can trigger the aron even. Do you know where I can find them?
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