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Lightp last won the day on November 5 2017

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5 Fledgling

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  1. Today I finished another Reborn playthrough with Fennekin as my starter and it stayed relevant throughout the run.
  2. Soft level cap has been pretty common in difficulty hacks. In Insurgence you only earn 1 experience, in Nameless Red you don't get any experience at all and in Reborn Pokemon disobey you. Reborn has the most ''organic'' and ''canon'' system, albeit the most annoying one if you're not expecting it but it's nowhere as bad as you make it sound. A level cap is needed to ensure fair difficulty, if you make the gym leader's Pokes too high level then you're forced to grind and that's actually bad game design aka time=win instead of skill=win. I'm sorry to say that if you usually resort to grinding to brute-force your way into games, it won't work on Reborn.
  3. As I said in my post: Ninjask (Speed Boost) with Magical Seed, Substitute, Swords Dance, Baton Pass combined with a Krookodile (Moxie) with Magical Seed, Earthquake, Crunch. Open fight with Sub, then SD, then Sub again. Baton Pass onto Krookodile who sweeps with EQ/Crunch.
  4. In my latest run I used Ninjask with Sub+Sword Dance+Baton Pass, get a few Speed Boosts with its ability and then Baton Pass'd to a Krokodile with Moxie and a field Seed as its item.
  5. Breath of Fire 3 and 4, Tales of Eternia (also known as Tales of Destiny 2 in NA), Star Ocean 2, Grandia, Valkyrie Profile, Parasite Eve.
  6. That'd be some 4D backgammon shit, too complicated for me I'll just play my pokymen.
  7. Yeah Primarina by a fair margin. Solid SpD and SpA, respectable speed, great typing. Her main downside is her bad HA.
  8. It learns Meteor Mash in USUM but right now it's Iron Tail and Bullet Punch for STAB.
  9. 90% sure this website isn't affiliated with the Insurgence team, their real website is https://p-insurgence.com/ That website looks created by someone who wants to make easy ad money and/or make you download malware.
  10. Thanks for the bot, I never breed since I never do in-game competitive but I'll try it out nonetheless.
  11. When I beat Solaris in ep 15, I found that his Garchomp AI would use Earthquake on a pokemon with Air Balloon. So I equipped a ground-weak pokemon with one and all his EQs missed, ggez. My initial strategy was to simply use Intimidate spam by switching between pokes with Air Balloons then end up Burn'ing him to death.
  12. Just use xPadder, no need to be scared of programs.
  13. Lightp

    episode 16

    What I really want to know is if/when the balance changes (new pokemon stats, abilities and move power) GameFreak brought in gen 7 will be in Reborn.
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