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10 Fledgling

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  1. They're waiting for the Gen 8/9 update for Reborn first.
  2. 19.5 was a complete overhaul of the engine, if a mod was compatible with previous versions and has not been specifically updated to work with 19.5, then it's not compatible.
  3. Hasn't been updated for version 19.5. There's also a built-in debug mode, just use the password Debug either at the beginning when asked about passwords or through the Pokemon PC passsword option. That will disable online trades & random battles though.
  4. The linked file is a full copy of the game with the modded files added, not a mod in itself, and so useless to anyone needing/wanting a different version than the one used or wanting to update their current game. Also no documentation of any sort, so there's no way to tell before playing what the changes actually are which is, IMO, very important to know beforehand. Basically, a Readme detailing the actual changes would be useful, and the file needs to be just the mod files, not a full modded copy of the game.
  5. Mildly disappointing, but only in that I think most were built with singles in mind. Guess I'll just have to try myself to see if the challenge is changed/upped with the password since it seems like a good way to change things up and prevent stagnation for a 3rd runthrough. Huh, seems I misread the readme then. Just went back and checked and yeah, it talks about adding extra scripts. Guess I'll just be making the base script changes like I was before.
  6. Two questions, first, how good is the new 19.5 Doubles password? Does it actually change team lineups and whatnot to optimize for double battles, or is it just the usual singles teams but sending out two Pokemon? Second question, regarding mods. I know to modify Scripts now we're supposed to put modified duplicate files and whatnot in the Mods folder, but how does that work when I'm altering or adding just a few things for montext and/or movetext? Do I need to have the entire contents copied over with the alterations/additions made, or can I just have the file named the same with only the alterations/additions included and have all the stuff I didn't touch left unaffected?
  7. I'm guessing the answer is probably "no", but are any of these currently compatible with 19.5?
  8. I'm just glad you guys aren't dead! Chryseum Canyon looks like a nice new place, looing forward to playing it!
  9. I just hope we can get some kind of Battle Logger like in Deso, so there's some kind of repeatable battles to do once you've completed the episode to test teams against, or just for fun. It's fun to be able to effectively rematch earlier Gym Leaders and important battles with current story-level teams/field effects and gives something to do once you've finished the main story and side content.
  10. Basically as the title says, I've got a number of custom moves I tend to add to Pokemon Essentials games with no issues, and I was wondering how you go about assigning an animation, any at all, to them? Right now all I get is the default 'Battle Scene Off Non-animation', and all I really want to do is give them some identical ones from other moves, but even after looking for tutorials I still have no idea how to do that. Mostly looking to use it with Desolation right now, but hopefully I could do the same with Reborn/Rejuv at a later date.
  11. What mods are compatible with this game? I can't get Debug mode to work, running into a bunch of errors with PBS files, and I'm really just looking to be able to edit my party's EVs/IVs/Abilities more than anything else.
  12. Looks like you're missing a comma at the second-to-last curly bracket, the one closing off the Mega2 information. Beyond that I can't see anything explicitly wrong, hopefully fixing that should fix the entire issue.
  13. An update to my own inquiry above! As of right now, it seems most of the mods that are compatible with the current version of Rejuvenation (13.5) also work fine with Desolation! I haven't tested a huge amount, but IIRC I only ran into startup issue with a single one (which I unfortunately can't remember), so do your own testing for the ones you want to use, and share results if you feel like it!
  14. I feel like that it might have been indefinite in a previous version, but considering how broken that would be I might just be remembering wrong.
  15. According to the Field Notes the Sky Field just extends Tailwind to 8 turns. Which might as well be indefinitely at the pace a normal battle goes.
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