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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. Holy shit I rarely post and other people are probably gonna pick this apart but lemme take a crack at it. A. Triple AAA developer vs. small indie team working for free is entirely different, and if they ever release anything ever again be grateful not to sound too rude but they do this willingly for FREE for you. (Also sidenote, GF developed town as an entirely seperate project) it did not affect S&S's development at all. Situation's are not comparable at all. B. "If starlight is like ya know EXISTS BEFORE MY POKEMON REBORN COME OUT ILL BE MAD AT THE DEV TEAM FOR DOING THING" like what. They're talking about maybe releasing a demo and both games are probably years off at this point. Project starlight and reborn do affect each other but also like eh? It is what it is only one Ame and co can actually make money from compared to the other which is literally labor of love and potential landmine of legal issues. C. When the heck did anyone from the dev team confirm that "EP.19 the main game is done" that feels like total speculation and pure guesswork but idk maybe I missed thing. D. There is no problem lol, they release it when they release it. But seriously when the heck did anyone say Ep.19 was done at any point.
  2. Terra sick em. Welcome to reborn you late bloomer you.
  3. I don't know you'd have to ask the people who access to that data. I'd guess maybe 10,000? Going off of people signed up for the forum is a rough estimate.
  4. Uranium was because it got 1.5 million downloads and was becoming pretty popular. Also it came out roughly 3 months before Sun & Moon so like pokemon was not gonna have a free fangame with millions of people playing it floating out there for them play.
  5. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/08/nintendo-shuts-down-tool-used-to-build-pokemon-fan-games/ *KNOCKS ON WOOD* Nope and I hope it never does cause the game ain't done yet. I feel like it's inevitable whenever the heck reborn goes for a complete release. But the reborn community and devs have been lucky for this long.
  6. huh. I think the only one who has access to those would be the dev team at this point. Maybe someone has old mega links or something.
  7. The damage isdone. Also I forgot how spoiler tags work on this forum so rip..
  8. THERE'S A CREDITS SECTION YOU FOOLS. Also for legal reasons Ame has never accepted money to work on this game. Ever. In. Any. Form. Reborn is the most non profitable pokemon game in history. pls dont kill it before E19 nintendo. Nah but like this is the answer, also agreed fuck budew. I think Ame does like 50% and the main work (Story, most of the development) while everyone chips in with their free time and bug tessting and supplementary stuff. Not to discredit anyone in the credits I'm just spitballing because I assume they do a lot of stuff (I remember like 50 people helped out for the gen 7 sprites) but it's most of the supplementary materials like sprites, animations and ya know making sure the game doesn't crash when you catch a meowth. Also jan is in the credits for what they did I do not know but I assume they did spritework. Straight from the readme file in Ep. 18.2
  9. Thanks mods. Guess this means I can't sell Psyducks in back alleys anymore. Guess I have to sell them out of the back of my pokevan.
  10. I used this thread about a year ago to set mine up. No idea how it'd translate to the TV but it should be fine if you keep your laptop close-ish.
  11. Praise to the Reborn gods and devs and artists and sprite people who are technically artists but also have a specific label because spritework is a ***** and deserves it's own label so thank them too.
  12. Nice to know this site runs on windows vista.
  13. I don't know if you've posted a thing in the help thread or not but it might be worth checking to see if you have an older save file uploaded here.
  14. Waiting for the inevitable gamefreak approach of Ame to remake Pokemon Reborn as an official game and she can make it. Yeah that ain't happening but a Psyduck can dream, thanks to the reborn team old and new. You've made my favorite pokemon game that doesn't have Psyduck catchable in the wild.
  15. This re-introduced me to pokemon so I will always be grateful for that. But as many people have said, all things must end. Plus it'll be nice to see Ame's future game(s) in a few years and have her eventual greatest achievement be her own idea instead of perfecting someone else's.
  16. *Silently follows* While my game making skills are the equivalent of a penguin's to drink tea, I'll offer moral support and spread the word.
  17. It would be the biggest disaster you could imagine, Final Fantasy 16 would take 16 years to get finished and I would be fired 4 years into making it because it took them 4 years too late to realize their mistake. But if this ever happened I'll just hire Sakurai and say he can have access to any of the Square Enix characters in smash if he+Nomura would be the "executive producers" on this with them doing 99.99% of the heavy lifting. Actually you know what, NEW PREMISE. Halfway into development the entire project is a mess and I'm about to be fired because oh god why are Cloud's skin textures actual cloud textures. Suddenly, a new idea comes into my head "Super Sma-" never-mind taken.... "Boxing" because it'a squar-....yeah no. Phoenix Square off, because that's the best I can do at naming a fighting game. You hated the fire emblem characters in smash? Well get ready for 75+ Swordman with wild ass anime hair that keeps the game from being 60+fps because I insisted on hair physics. Coming in like 2034 because 16 years of development and oh god how did we spend 400 million on this....oh right yeah that Giraffe concept art vacation.
  18. I wish for whichever genie that grants my next wish to never have the ability to wear any type of material on their body again.
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