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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. I would be a gym leader who just surrounded my self with rocks that you can't break so you can't challenge me or advance the game. But if I had to choose, I'd be a Water Gym Leader, Good luck getting through my gym with no oxegyn tanks. 1. Blastoise 2. Gyardos 3. Swampert 4. Lapras 5. Vaporeon 6. Psyduck
  2. I just realized you're the same person who improved the pokemon reborn pixel graphics AND are working on this game.....I am not a smart man. Also yay progress.
  3. Since i am a man of science, I have done a poll on who is the cutest pokemon, Here are the results of my polling. Anonymous Poller #1 says "Come on man it's psyduck i Mean look at it" Anonymous Poller #2 says "It's obviously Eev- is-Is that a shiny...I can have it if I? ok...PSYDUCK ALL DAY" Anonymous Poller #3 says " Psyduck cause it was delicious on thanksgiving"
  4. If I eat a bannana no one cares, if I eat a human, Pretty solid chance I did something horrific and it's not coming out of my clothes. Are Humans Animals in the "We're from earth and live on earth and consume things to survive but we are no simplistic enough to be categorized as Bacteria/plants etc." sense? It's not a debate it's a fact. Are humans animals in the "Oh fuck Fred tastes DELICIOUS" Well if you kill and deep fry a person because you were hungry, I'd say there's a 99% chance you're a very sick person who would be categorized as an "Animal" "Monster" etc. So yes. Are Humans animals in the sense "We're so different from animals in the way we act that we deserve our category" I'd say yes, Humans at least physically are very different from what humans 15,000 years ago did who were mostly hunters who hunted in packs (We assume anyway) and we evolved from that into what we are today, I don't see any Jellyfish trying to farm the seabad with tractors do you? Final Conculsion: It all depends on what kind of animals you mean, Also Fred was delicious.
  5. I'd go back and give myself some lottery numbers, split 50% with the previous winner to be fair, and take about 90% of what's left to set up a charitable foundation for insert cause that needs thing. I can live off of 5% of a lottery and enjoy a comfortable life knowing I've tried to make a difference. step 1. Time Travel step 2. ????? step 3. Oh god trump wo- oh wait that happened without time travel. step 4. Profit.
  6. I am thankful for.... Not what I should be, I take many things for granted as I'm sure we all do at some point, So I'm thankful for living a comfortable life i can enjoy. Also this wonderful community and the friends I have is a start I suppose.
  7. My first shiny was..a Gulpin sadly, I have since collected a shiny Zoroark and nicknamed Sly because Sly Cooper. First try on an event pokemon too....So lucky and I love blue <3 I also have a Shiny Ekans I named....Snake for whatever reason, A Shiny porygon Names Memes4Boobs, A shiny Clamperl, A shiny Electrode named MasterBall and that's it because the shiny RNG doesn't like me.
  8. I hope you don't emotionally scar because of this, those scars never fully go away...Take as much time as you need.
  9. I'm like 99% sure the site migration (Since the site will be down) will have E.16 debut with it. There'd be no point in having Ep.16 available for like a day and then having to move the forum after that.
  10. Since the sites being moved, will the old site just have a "Sorry the forums burned down and we're not gonna rebuild it" type joke or just a redirect to the new site?
  11. When you expected it to be E.16 but instead everything you know and loved will be torn apart and reborn anew....Oh well, it's a nice surprise after today.
  12. I couldn't stand 1 and a half years of trump trying to win the presidency, I won't be able to stand 4 years of this country with donald trump on the news 24/7 because of his tweets. Seriously trump is going to make the media a lot of money as president.....He's a born showman. America gave the republicans the white house, the senate and the HORP. Goodbye progression for LGBT rights, we will miss you. Time to start saving to move to europe.
  13. I mean I get it, you can laugh at how bad a movie is with the "BAT NIPPLES". But at least batman vs. Superman tried to be a good movie, it has....A ton of flaws that I feel like a few fans who weren't awful at film school could've done better. At the very least I think we'll get one good movie out of the DCEU with the "The Batman" or whatever the title is, as for the rest. I have no hope but mediocrity, the flash looks like it'll bomb too since it went through....4 directors that left the project so far? Sigh at least Marvel and Fox are doing much better. (Can't wait for deadpool 2) Even though Fox will probably ruin it somehow.
  14. With tissues, I'm sorry that title made me. I take long walks and meditate just to get away from it all sometimes.
  15. That must be the worst thing to experience.... Suddenly you're wiped from existence and barely a soul will ever remember you, all because someone forgot to make a copy of a save file. Or an evil computer exploded thefeelsman. All those dead Pokemons...rest in pixels.
  16. Halloween is coming, So is E.16, This new field gives me a spook, but it also gives me a hope.
  17. I'm gonna say there are gonna be quite a few bugs that need to be worked out, We've waited this long we can wait another month and a half so our saves don't explode.
  18. Psyduck Used explosion, It was super effective.
  19. Sunkernels evolve into Sunkorn, this is a well known Pokemon fact, Don't eat them they may result in random outbreaks of Sunfloracne. Psyduck Wink
  20. I'm not saying don't care about politics or don't vote, I'm saying once in a while, take a good hard look at politics and NOT take it seriously. Laugh at Mr.Wiener's stupid sexting addiction, Laugh at the fact John Boehner is an orange. Laugh at the fact trump....is trump. or we're all doomed I get what you're saying but don't take an obviously not serious post so serious, Have a laugh and just have fun for once. Even in politics you can do that. despite the uber uber seriousness of the crazy people in suits who hold congress hostage because they can't get along. Totally didn't name my Dedenne after you either. Instructions unclear, Sold cocaine in magic 8 balls and played basketball with undercover cops and missed all the shots while playing PONYTA. Burn down the system, Elect cute animals in suits. But pets in suits is a way better political system, you can't bribe them since they can't think for themselves. Elect your local Pug today.
  21. I spent like an hour reading this entire thread because I was really bored I'm not gonna comment on anything other than share one simple thing, People complain about corruption in politics "They take money, bribes, give up their morals etc." Politicians don't care, they care about their party, You can complain about the left, the right,the middle, that one tree that voted and no one noticed, It doesn't matter. A politicians "Job" is to serve the interest's of the people, I think we can all agree they don't do that very well. Both sides are corrupt, you can argue one is more corrupt than the other, it doesn't matter, because you're Arguing and are distracted from the issues. One vote doesn't change an election, One person doesn't change a party. At the end of the day, you can vote for that one amazing candidate you love but the common problem still remains, What is that problem you ask? Politics, at the root problem of politics is corruption, power leads to corruption and it's an endless cycle. Whether you're a Trump Supporter for whatever reason, Or a hillary supporter for whatever reason, Neither of them care about what you want, their party doesn't either. 3rd Party candidates Might care, but they lack the power to change anything or they get squashed by "Don't throw away your vote the other guy might win if you do" At the end of the day, Nothing will change, the cycle will continue, politicians will pretend to care, you'll go out and vote for them (or not) and life won't change all that much. So I just have one question for all of you, Why do you bother caring about things like politics? I mean I get it from a "They oppose the thing I like or I have a right to and they might take it away" But aside from politicians taking away your guns, Saying Abortion is murder (Even though the government drops more bombs and kills more people than Abortions do) or any other controversial topic. Why bother caring about something that offers.....Nothing in return and you have no control over? Why not phase it out of your life and replace it with something more....Rewarding, Like a pet that actually cares about you, http://www.adoptapet.com/ Adopt a pet, stop caring about politics and start caring about things that actually matter. Adopt a pet and the other candidate might not win, you never know.
  22. Fair enough, You definitely did something unique/different compared to normal playthroughs of a game and I think everyone can say it's the best like no ever was.
  23. Pokemon fly memes are best memes. Also I cannot wait to not hop on top of dead crabs to get to a city.
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