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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. Because I was legitimately curious about the legality of electrocuting kids, Obviously I'm not medical professional or expert on the subject but it does have its uses. It's still something that should definitely be last resort (and not used on kids under 18.) But it does have its medical uses. But again this is just what I read from like 2 internet articles so don't quote me on this. Charlotte's a biter, Lin's a stabber. You beat up little kids.
  2. Winning my first pokemon battle against cain...it was glorious... Just kidding. I think it had to be when I beat Ciel on the first try, Though finally beating Solari's Garrawr and Orderly John cena is a very close 2nd.
  3. That drifloon made me laugh for 5 minutes. Draw your favorite pokemon in a sombrero.
  4. Seriously are you a wizard with how much progress you've made on this game. Yay Updates.
  5. THE HELIX WHAT NOW? There's a side quest for my all mighty lord helix? Why did no one tell me dis. How do I start dis grand quest.
  6. I'm a professional waster of my own time.
  7. When you're just about to start a 6 hour campaign after getting ur Rhydon. Only to download the new game bcuz bugs. I hate bugs. Also thanks for updates.
  8. I tried to come up with a response to this....But I'd rather not say half of my thoughts. I could argue that loving a fictional character isn't truly "romantic love" because romantic love usually has to be shared between two people for it to be considered "true love" Imo. Without return of said love, it's just a crush/obsession/attachment/insert word. But then there are people who f*** their cars and marry them so.....Humans be wierd yo. Someone build a colony on mars already.
  9. Guess who else did the 3 stager thingy. http://www.mediafire.com/download/cq23etgx66rtygf/Game.rxdata (I haz run out of space for game save son the forum so...) Please give me a rhydon, Randomize everything on it. Thank you in advance.
  10. I finally gave up on my first run of hardcore. I am resetting with a new pokemon and strategies. (I never got past Corey) I choose you Rhyhorn.
  11. I need to restart my hardcore run, why not add this to my torture.
  12. Your team should be able to do it. (Movesets, EVs, IVs, levels etc would be helpful info tho) I'd say just optimize your teams movesets, grind your IVs, EVs, and set them to all 1 level under the level cap. The rainbow clown is the best way to grind. Use dat EXP share.. Spin the wheel until u get a type advantage. Rinse, Repeat, Get rekt.
  13. - I thought cain was gay. He'd hit on his own sister I swear. - I thought anna was crazy, then I realized she's an aura seer or whatever lucario's do with aura. - I thought ZEL had MPD. Not even close. - when I read the diaries at the trainer school I thought ame's was the depressing diary not even close. - I thought Titania was an agent of team meteor. - I thought fern and me has just a misunderstanding. - I thought I wouldn't like terra Boy was I wrong. - I thought corey was just a bad father, he was somewhat R.I.P but he cared and that's what's important. - When eclipse died I thought Aster wouldn't be phased and just keep on being an evil ole grunt. - I thought dr.sigmund was crazy for electrocuting kids - I thought they were all fictional.
  14. Lin's treasure is probably power/control. Obviously working off limited knowledge but it makes sense(Grew up an orphan, no one loved her etc. etc.) Lives on the streets, learns to care for only herself. I don't remember exactly how she met M3G4 T3RR4 but I know they met before or when they joined team meteor. Lin climbed the ladder to get power/control. If she loses power, she has nothing left. Then she gets really angry and her dragons smash ur face in. I was so pretty too.
  15. I usually use another nickname but since that links to several personal things I won't discuss it. Pokefailure has a very simple reason for existence, I downloaded reborn because I was bored and wanted to play a game. "Lel another easy pokegame" About 2 hours in, *BOOOOM* I lose to julia. It's not even CLOSE. Water starter didn't help "ooooh a challenge" I actually started trying to beat julia, I grind and get a squad of 6 decent pokemon. Beat julia, move on. Fast forward to the 1st pulse, I got rekt like 5 times, I needed help, Google pokemon reborn, Find it has a forum "Oh wow" I failed at pokemon, type in "PokeFailure" 2-3 Months later, I beat the game and several other fangames bcuz I am no longer the PokeScrub. But I can't change my name so it's stuck.
  16. I Highly doubt Solaris kills his own son. Lin probably kills someone from team meteor.Solaris is the most likely since sirius seems like he's loyal to her more than solaris. Amaria/Titania should be safe bcuz ame likes them. Fern/Cain/Victoria should be safe as well cuz rivals. 1 of aya/Sigmund seems insanely likely to die though.
  17. Heather being elite 4 is ridiculous. Her being captured (3 times now?) is just lol bad. (Along with bennet possibly being elite 4) Current Elite 4 Is El,Heather, Possibly Bennet/Laura/Anna/Lin. Reborn is a mess, But a fun mess.
  18. Should've made myself more clear, Woops.
  19. I watched all of these.... I need to stop wasting so much time on youtube. Love the videos.
  20. Not amaria D: She's one of the few characters I don't want to jump off a cliff.
  21. Top left of the icons, Special BBcode, then select spoiler. Your team looks amazing *.* But the level caps 80 so u might wanna grind a lil bit.
  22. There's no winner here it's as simple as that. As much as we hate nintendo/gamefreak/whoever for enforcing their copyright, They have no choice. IP Laws+ that whole nonsense force them to so they don't lose future claims etc. Plus the bad PR they get for taking down a fan's work. They are doing this to protect their profits, but only from future losses etc. Because most people who played pokemon uranium are longtime pokefans. Pokemon uranium suffers obviously, but this will get people to play it more simply because it has more awareness and the "DO NOT DO THE THING" warning. it sucks for everyone, but hey....It wasn't reborn.
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