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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. Why have you spent 500+ hours on pokemon instead of learning things?
  2. "Who cares about psyduck anyway" I haven't laughed that hard in weeks. Thank you ame.
  3. Most awkward moment of the past year? Why do I have to breed golduck to get a psyduck in reborn? If you could change one thing about this world what would it be? Why purple? thank you if you answer.
  4. That akward moment when you've been playing rejuvenation, Laughing at how easy it is. Then you realized you picked casual mode by accident. I'm halfway through and I don't wanna restart but I do cause I feel like a filthy casual.
  5. welcome to reborn, come join us on the showdown server, or else.
  6. I think I can answer that reason. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The%20French%20Horn < Warning do not read unless you have a sense of humor or want to ruin the french horn. Also welcome.
  7. All I can say is you better not play the triangle. Welcome to reborn, You've been warned.
  8. Only if you pay for the wedding. It's psyduck turning into all 151 original pokemon, I did not make it, I found it on a pokemon thread long ago (years ftr) . As for why, I asked the creator (an old forum friend) He said "I did it simply for the fact, I need more psyduck in my life" The thing you do when I throw pokeballs at you. Something you can never understand without expierencing it, Love is physical and more, Whether it be family love, Romantic love, Friendship love, Love for a lucky bra/pair of socks. The love for a project you started years ago and grew into a pokemon forum. Love is a chemical reaction in our brain meant for us to reproduce/get along with others. Love is the only thing stronger than that dude at the gym. Love is the only thing in video games that drives guys to do horribly complex stupid things for a girl they barely know. But the greatest thing love ever gave us, Was the drive we needed to achieve impossible tasks. Basically, it's whatever you want it to be, ask 1,000 people you'll get 1,000 answers. But for me, Love is just 4 letters that is one 2 letters away from evolve. Only if you pay for the wedding. It's psyduck turning into all 151 original pokemon, I did not make it, I found it on a pokemon thread long ago (years ftr) . As for why, I asked the creator (an old forum friend) He said "I did it simply for the fact, I need more psyduck in my life" The thing you do when I throw pokeballs at you. Something you can never understand without expierencing it, Love is physical and more, Whether it be family love, Romantic love, Friendship love, Love for a lucky bra/pair of socks. The love for a project you started years ago and grew into a pokemon forum. Love is a chemical reaction in our brain meant for us to reproduce/get along with others. Love is the only thing stronger than that dude at the gym. Love is the only thing in video games that drives guys to do horribly complex stupid things for a girl they barely know. But the greatest thing love ever gave us, Was the drive we needed to achieve impossible tasks. Basically, it's whatever you want it to be, ask 1,000 people you'll get 1,000 answers. But for me, Love is just 4 letters that is one 2 letters away from evolve.
  9. Like 90% sure this has been reported but if you can't beat your big sister at the beginning it glitches out. She's off the map now I think.
  10. I have to download it from google drive? Oh jesus. Well here we go.
  11. Welcome back to reborn, Condolences for your dad.
  12. I saw this thread, I thought naaaah, But it's real. Realer than jesus, damn.
  13. I don't remember the grand hall trainers until the 4th badge. *looks back at old ass save* After corey confirmed.
  14. Pick your favorite. Or the one that will give you the most challenge. or the most boom for your pokeball. Basically anything but the Ninja otter.
  15. I just read this entire thread, The feels man. I wasn't gonna write anything wrong but....Duck it. What do I like about myself? A lot, specifically the fact I adapt to any situation I'm thrown into and can just deal with it, No matter the pain I've never gotten depressed, super sad. Hell I haven't cried in years....Maybe I pushed it down to where I can't feel like I used to, I still feel happy, but once in a while I just get an empty feeling for a day. I'm also very loyal, As long as you don't duck me over, I'll follow you to the ends of the world, Until you fall over cause it's flat. I'm a professional waster of my own time, I can waste time like no other. I'm open to almost anything, I've had my world shaken up multiple times so it allows me to have an open mind for things for some reason. I listen when people need a friend/shoulder to cry on/just someone to listen. This turned into a list, but Duck it.
  16. Definitley gonna keep tabs on this, *9 months later*
  17. Today I learned not to trust russians.
  18. This list makes me want to spend 3 hours grinding up my team because I don't have alternatives for certain types....Time to fire up reborn.
  19. I sort of get it, for someone who's used to playing a normal pokemon game and tries out fan games, this is quite the shock. The shock nulls the experience, making it just seem unrealistic, I get it. I don't agree but I get it, Try some Constructive criticism, (I.E More sprite options) (Clothong options) (Hell even Eye color) It's a dark game, There's no changing the darkness, if you want something dark but not murderous, Try pokemon uncensored. P.S Only you can find the light in the darkness. (I found a dead body with a flashlight but close enuff)
  20. Grind 3-4 pokemon up to level 19-20. (I had a growlithe with flash fire and a wartortle so...I lucked out) Post your team and I'll give you more advice.
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