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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. Not related to video editing, But In my experience. Don't use fraps, bandicam is way easier for video recording. Hitfilms is what I use, Lightworks is also very good. http://www.downloads.techradar.com/downloads/hitfilm-3-express
  2. As an 18 year old, I am offended. it's like I don't even exist to this survey *sigh*duck. Filled it out.
  3. My way is...different. I ask if someone had a bad day (friend etc.) and listen to them, because sometimes just listening to someone's else's problems and trying to help them with it helps somehow. \_(o.o)_/ Try burying your face in ice cream, usually works.
  4. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407&page=1 Look for squirtle in gen 1, There's a video with a link for how to find it. Squirtle replaced mudkip (Who is in the video) , just follow the video.
  5. Welcome to the forums, Have a laptop.
  6. I dropped a bunch of psyducks from a plane....Psyducks can't fly... Who's gonna clean up this mess?
  7. The grand hall is the best for EXP grinding, Depending on the day I remember getting a trainer with 5 pokemon that were at least level 60. EXP share on the pokemon you wanna level up, Not to mention training your main team. Clowns are good for Shard hoarding but it takes longer to run back to the recovery machine so \_(o.o)_/
  8. That's a great excuse, Thank you for this.
  9. Gonna download this and use it over the summer, Love the potential for it especially the "Any set of monsters" part. Hilariously pokemon GO came out before I find this. This just looks like a gem, Hope it gets the recognition it deserves.
  10. I just have one question. How fun is it to work on this game?
  11. I had a couple I'd never used before become MVPs. Emolga and Ampharos, Those two were a big part of my team, Emolga eventually got switched out for a few of the final gyms but it was my main flying type. I'd say 80% of my team was pokemon I didn't think would become useful. The biggest suprise was trubbish, Acid Spray+Sludge move helped set up for my team a lot.
  12. All I have to say is, The american dream has never been truer. Because you have to be asleep to believe it I'm not proud to be an american. Lord Helix Save us from trump pls. God bless, and if you get hit by something, I pray it's a firework and not a gunshot.
  13. Dear Arceus what hilarious Horror is this.
  14. Favorite Game or not, How do you replay something 23 times. I'm legitimately curious, I'm midway through my 2nd playthrough and I can't imagine doing it 20 more. Maybe one or two more but dats it.
  15. I'd like to do a Squirtle Run, Plus one Psyduck. (if not just 6 squirtles) EVs whatever you want, Natures whatever as well. http://www.mediafire.com/download/4fb05u2c5ljczch/Game.rxdata < Game File. Thank you in advance.
  16. A fangame of a fangame, That;s harder than the original. *clears throat* GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME. Must play *.*
  17. Tried to do a spoiler but \_(o.o)_/
  18. I learned that the hard way, But I finally beat solaris and company so \_(o.o)_/ Onto Seel.
  19. I'll use common candies when I get to the last pokemon of a battle (If I get to fern's/blake's) Yeah he's underleveled, I'll just not reset after failing and let him keep the EXP, Gonna spend a fortune on common candies. I've tried 5 times as of now. Probably over the data limit, That's why I use mediafire xD.
  20. My bad, I can't get past blake+Fern. What pokemon should I switch out?
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