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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. Grinding hard to beat whats her face at the Ice gym, Thanks for the advice.
  2. Yeah I definitely need to spend more time grinding and making my team better Instead of just asking for help. Honesty is sometimes the best option, No rudeness taken, And thank you.
  3. Thank you, and I do, Not much of a strategist, Just set up the typing and brawn my way through it so I get stuck \_(o.o)_/
  4. I will give credit to ame, These gym leaders are easily the hardest ones I've faced in any pokemon game. She's stumped me 3 times, I'm stuck at aya's gym, I beat fern but can't get past her 2nd wave of pokemons (Venasaur, Dralage.) and again thanks to everyone for helping xD.
  5. This ^ It was this. I didn't even think of this.
  6. Downloaded, Used the Installer and have the C++. I tried to add a game, Did not work. Re-read the instructions cause I figured "it's me being stupid" Realized I had to do the spelling correctly, Copied and pasted the name, Didn't work. I'm lost, Oh and I have windows 7 professional
  7. So many gifs....I'm saving these for a rain dance day. No idea what the showdown server is, Life is pointless (Depending on yoru POV) yet we play the game because the alternative is blegh. Downloaded, This is a genius idea btw, Congrats. Fun Fact: Psyduck likes abuse.
  8. I'm assuming there is later in the game, I was just wondering when. Sidenote: Idk how to do a spoiler so don't read after THIS. I warned you. Do the pokemon in the Meteor factory (After shade) get released or do I just leave them there forever?
  9. Damn that was quick, Thanks XD. Also thanks to the guy who said to grind up my Phanpy and Mareep.
  10. You can help now. My entire team just got destroyed by shade, Gengar 1 shot half of them. Swapped out my team 4 different times, No luck. Someone help cause I'm lost as hell on shade.
  11. A friend referred me, Pokemon, Fallout, Connect 4, Drugs, Rock and Roll. Squirtle and Noctowl. You know what happens when I get poked? nothing. I will, and read them, thanks. xD.
  12. Thank you, And again thank you xD. I did a few sidequests and revisited some areas, I have 8600$ and I'm gonna grind the Phanpy I caught. Also gonna try a couple combinations of pokemon to see if it helps, or try and find a steel type so Venoshock doesn't do bleep against it and I can just grind it out. and again thanks xD. Updated save file in case anyone wants to try and beat him, Cause it is probably the hardest gym battle I've done.
  13. Hey, I need help to beat corey's gym, I can get him down to crowbat and half health but after that I can't get a hit on it. I use emolga to go for the killshot, but it gets rekt before it can even get a hit or 2. My current save file is here, I can't figure out which ones to switch out, Help? <a href=http://www.filedropper.com/game_14><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href='http://www.filedropper.com'> >online backup storage</a></div> Idk how to attach it to the forum so, sorry xD.
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