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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. If Gen 8 is basically Skyrim/insert your dream pokemon game here I'd imagine 90% of people will understand that you can't do gen 8 pokemon if you don't have official stuff to go off of. Also All in for the 2022 pokemon game. But if I had to guess I think a few people will try to do gen 8 pokemon, if they use the same battle system that's a guarentee but if it's an entirely new battle system well GG on doing stats everyone can agree on.
  2. I was going to say a blood sacrifice but someone beat me to it.
  3. *Release gets delayed a week every time asks about the release date* 276 weeks to go boys/girls/people with specific pronouns.
  4. I finsihed the story of V9....but none of the sidequests. Whoops, is there a sidequest guide so I can get up to speed and do them? xD.
  5. Delete the "game.rxdata" file and re-name the most recently saved one prior to your brother's to "game.rxdata" and you should be good. I'd also suggest backing them up to something your brother can't access for future security of your pokemon adventures. Edit: beaten to it. Rattatas.
  6. I like the games but they have massive flaws.... You pointed out most of them though so thanks for saving me a rant xD.
  7. I don't have much to add to this but reading this was a treat.
  8. Pokemon Uncensored. It's ridiculously stupid but I will never not recommend the reward you got for collecting Golden dildos. It's only about 20 hours to complete as well.
  9. I'd suggest seeking professional help first if that's an option you'd consider.
  10. I'd suggest lighting up a grill and BBQing you up some delicious pokesteak. Or trade away all the mons for shots at decent ones you want.
  11. I think Reborn has a better shot at being adapted into the next Official Pokemon Anime before that happens.
  12. You had to beat the ice gym leader in a save file started in E17 if my memory serves me correctly there will probably be a way to get it in future episodes but as of now you're out of luck.
  13. Trade for one. I'm sure someone bred like 30.
  14. Wait there's a Lord Helix Quest...? I either totally forgot about this or missed it entirely.
  15. It's finnicky, keep finding oasis (Glowing things near water areas that poof in case you just started looking) and check back at the mirage tower every time.
  16. We all know Ame has a kill list. At least 1 character must die per episode and depending on what you did this episode.... 2-3 people will probably die in the end.
  17. I was going to make a great go fish joke but people beat me to it.
  18. I think I just finished up the last of the E17 sidequests with the mirage tower finally being over....It was a nice meaty episode with a decent bit of sidequests. Can't wait for E18.
  19. The anime would feature suicide, murder and lots of dead pokemon and a whole lot of terrorism, I assume the protagonist would be three Alolan Vulpixes in a trench coat. While it'd be kinda amazing to see Reborn somehow adapted into an anime, I think it'd actually make a pretty terrible one considering most of the story is straight up....Basic Anime? I mean obviously reborn is over the top now but in Anime form it'd get even worse....
  20. Has anyone done a walkthrough guide for Teknite cave yet on youtube?
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