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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. Yeah no just ignore the quest....Run away from it. It's also more of a mystery dungoen easter egg than anything
  2. A.I is tricky as fuck to work with, especially for games like pokemon. Then there's Elon Musk's A.I which destroys pro video gamers. All hail the Musk.
  3. I am a massive idiot and only now realized there was an EXP share.....Also found the teleporter at the train station way too late. *Bangs head against snorlax* Edit: to the guy above me, post it into the game folder where the execute file and all the stuff above it.
  4. \_(o.o)_/ Could be your save file, could be missing game files, could be you didn't do the patch right. I'd re-download everything and try again.
  5. I saw that and was like..."Version 10 is out already?" But what Dreamblitz said, copy and paste the files into your version 9 folder so it's not super broken. Edit: for Clarification, copy the files from the patch (onto your clipboard) then paste them version 9. If you're still having issues I'd suggest re-downloading version 9 and then re-pasting since you might be missing some files.
  6. I'd say no one needs 1.2.2 since the patch was pretty easy to download. Again thanks to the people who put up the links. Also @parcent I don't remember a damn thing either, I gotta watch a let's play so I can know what the hell is going on. That's gonna take....a while.
  7. Give them the reps people. As many as you possibly can.
  8. Oh god this download....It's gonna take forever. Edit: whoever has downloaded 1.2 fully, You wouldn't be willing to upload it to googledrive or mega or whatever file sharing site so we all don't have to wait 12 hours would you?
  9. I'm gonna give it a week for the bugs to be worked out.
  10. Wish I could help you more mate. Maybe a recent windows update or something did something fucky?
  11. Screenshots of the exact problem would help. I'd suggest downloading a fresh copy of reborn/rejuvenation.
  12. Ah terrorism, nothing makes for a better intro.
  13. There should be a folder in saved games called "Pokemon Rejuvenation" copy the most recent backup in the folder (check the the time and date), type in "Game" over the current file name and use that as your new save and see how much progress you lost.
  14. Bugs are a bitch, download a fresh copy and implant your save file.
  15. Spongebob is a great anime Try Needless.
  16. You just delayed it by like 6 months.
  17. It'd be intresting but good luck trying to explain pokeballs as a middle ages thing.
  18. If people can post rule 34 stuff in a certain forum I'm 100% sure this is fine. Shofu is a treasure.
  19. The game automatically makes backups, so I'd check to see if you have any if you haven't already. But here's a completed game save file with too many pokemon. Honestly if you really want to just get back to where you were, Get a friend to trade you a few high level pokemon and just grind your way to where you were with them and use a normal team once you get back to where you were. Edit: Totally forgot there was a save file fixing forum on here, Ask the mods in there to see if they can save your file. game.rxdata
  20. I can sum up anything in two sentences or less. For Example, Pokemon Reborn. A pokemon fangame made by a sentient purple crystal that codes for some reason because people give it money for a wonderful product. Also death threats but crystals can't die so those aren't relevant at all.
  21. Why would you trust a clown? Every movie with a clown in it is a murderer/liar/conman/drug addict. Plus they can fit in really tiny cars and that's weird. You also can't because you have to beat up clowns for shards. Beat the hell out of those clowns in battles.
  22. Our character is a homeless god that absorbed 200 Meowths Lucky Coins because holy damn are we lucky. We also don't eat, sleep, drink, or do bathroom things. Do not question the god that is the protagonist, or it will stare at you with blank unblinking pixel eyes and use Absorb on you.
  23. Channel your anger into something, Anger is an annoying yet useful emotion. Sorry you had to go through most of those experiences, sounds like hell.
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