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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. This is why I want a dog to be president. No corruption scandals(Aside form Putin giving him doggy treats), high approval rating, and there's only so much you can do as a news outlet to bash a dog president. It's never going to happen and is a horribly stupid idea but if a reality TV star can be president so can a dog damn it and you made a lot of good points.
  2. Congrats on the one year anniversary of pokemon safari. (At least since the thread was created)
  3. Radiata Stories on the PS2 was pretty awesome. I'm like 90% sure it's the RPG I played and it will always have a special place in my memory.
  4. By my calculations the "when is ep.17 coming out" questions have added up to 6.5 months worth of delay. So thanks everyone.
  5. I'm hyped but damn if the game doesn't have issues with the story. I can't even remember their names....
  6. Psssst.....After 1345....it's time to give it a rest.
  7. P.C is much better because it literally has endless options. Emulators, Steam, Mods etc.and if you put the time and money into it you'll have the best gaming experience. But it is expensive (unless you're smart about building a P.C) With a P.C you can always upgrade as well and while it is annoying to maintain at times I'd say overall it's a better experience. Console isn't without it's merits because it's fairly simple to use but Discs will eventually break if you buy physical copies, Consoles generally don't last more than 5 years or will have an upgraded version within those 5 years that makes it slightly worse. Using a controler to type is hell in itself... but really Consoles are great because of their simplicity and the fact they're more or less medium end P.C's dedicated to gaming and streaming only pretty much. Except the Atari Box, that's just stupid.
  8. We all have that thing we do daily that we commit way too much time to when we could/should be doing other things, What is it for you? For me it's spending way too much time on TV/Youtube and trying to find new shows to watch (This is where I beg you for show recommendations)
  9. I have a growing passion for the extinction of vegetables.

  10. If you need a Psyduck, I'm your friendly local Psyduck dealer.
  11. Needs moar psyduck but assuming you have good movesets and coverage, looks like a good team.
  12. Congrats on 100 subscribers, and I'm definitely doing a total new run through when the game is done to test out gen 7.
  13. I'm so tough, I challenged my reflection to a battle and lost.
  14. True but considering Reborn was made by an american game developer there are some assumptions you can make. Until Reborn gets a bar we'll never know for sure I guess,
  15. Pokémon Eligentes Chapter 1 : The story of Nemo Precautionary Warning thingy: This is more or less just a jumble of notes I have, EVERYTHING is subject to change since the script is not Written and is currently being written I have no experience making a game so this will probably end up in me just failing to write a script and me realizing I can't do a Pokemon fan game. But still at the very least it'll be an intresting challenge and so don't get your hopes up since there is almost zero progress on this made. The Game Premise: This will be an episodic story event with choices that the player can make to change the story (There will be 2 more or endings based on your choices) Eight overall episodes will be done the overall episode number is subject to change as is most of this little rant, this will be a Pokémon RPG with story elements and of courses the choices mechanic which will be the main attraction to this game. RPG Maker will be the engine, Scripting, coding, art and sprites will of course be used and I’ll have to learn those on the fly as I develop this game since I have no experience with any of those. The Script: Before the game is going to be developed the script for the game will be written out and then the game will be developed, and if errors come up during development the script will undergo edits as needed and thus the script is subject to change as is the overall story I have no script writing experience so this will be the first big step. The Main character: A protagonist that you will be allowed to make choices for and choose their name, A silent protagonist while useful for telling a story without much trouble, I'd like the character to become developed with the choices you make and for the player to feel weighed to the character because of the choices they made that gets them emotionally invested in the character. The Pokémon: Obviously Pokémon will be used and the battle mechanics, features, Pokémon and items will be developed using existing (Free to use) assets and of course what I can build from scratch and make. I plan to do Gen seven and a majority of the Pokémon will be allowed to be caught, event Pokémon and special Pokémon will be allowed to get, some will be axed for OP reasons, some will be late game and some might not be involved at all. The Friends/NPCs: Obviously there will be friends and NPCs you will be allowed to talk to and who will accompany you on your journey, These NPCs and friends might become your friends or enemies based on your choices. Some of these friends will be high ranking leaders of the Poke league. The Rival(s): There will be a rival of course one who is not a total asshat for you to just hate and or to exist for plot related reasons, they will be relatable and have a close personal connection to the character. The Gym Leaders: Obviously there will be Gym leaders because the story needs objectives, I considered getting rid of Gym Leaders but I couldn't really come up with a game mechanic you needed to progress the story without using Magoffin’s etc. So they will be featured, 8-12 gym leaders of various types and fleshed out backgrounds, some will join you on your journey and become friends others will impede your path. The Elite Four: I considered scrapping the elite four as well but since gym leaders will appear, I figured the elite four will be featured as well and they will of course be given backgrounds and appear throughout the story as friends or enemies depending on your choices, some might not even choose to battle you in the elite four based on your choices. The Villain: Of course there will be a Villain(s) as well this Villain is still being developed but it's someone you won't discover the identity of until at least halfway through the game and will be a complex character that will make you wonder whether it was all worth it. The Story Arc: The short of it is you are a teenager Aged (16-19) who is forced to go on a Pokémon journey, how you were forced will be figured out as the script is written and the game is developed, the story will be your classic Pokémon game but with quite a few twists and interesting things. This game will get Philosophical at many points and probably pretentious as well given that's just how video games go at times. Features: These are heavily subject to change as is everything else but the basics will be included, I plan to add Romance options, Friendship meter (I.E You do something someone’s likes +1 to your friendship you do something bad -1) A tournament of some sort separate from the main story, along with of course the choices that make this game separate from many other pokemon games. I plan to make at least 30+ Hours of playable content and since this will be an episodic format things will of course take a while to get done. Development Time: I expect this will take 3 months to write the script considering I have zero script writing experience and I'll have to re-write it several times or change many things and then the development of the game will take at least 2 years or longer, The first episode where I have to learn everything about making a video game from scratch will probably take the longest since I have to build the world and learn everything. Fan Suggestions: Obviously since I have no experience making a game at all, Help is welcome and suggestions from Fans are encouraged and will more than likely make it into the game (Ex: You will have your own Easter Egg, Appear in the credits among other things) As for people who want to contribute, As much as I'd love help on what figures to be an enormous project that I still have to figure out the script and until actual progress is made on figuring out what I can do game development and script wise and make sure this isn't a total waste of my and your time please be wary of this game. Advice is much appreicated and I'll definitely listen to anything anyone has to say (PMs exist for a reason) Anyway thanks for reading - Not really a developer yet but I'm trying, Pokefailure.
  16. The protagonist is 18-20 since if they were over 21 they would spend all their time drowning their troubles in booze cause damn the MC has seen some shit. "Lemon Water" might be code for something though.
  17. Brilliant read, I don't understand a word of it but damn if it isn't fun.
  18. I need this in my life, Terra as The Joker (Pre 52 pls) , The Main character sprite as Zubatman in a ridiculous costume that barely fits the space allotted. HMs replaced with ZuBat Gadgets, Lin as Rhaes-Al-Ghoul or however you spell it. The only question is who would be Alfred and how do you justify Zubatman riding a Zubatcycle.
  19. 10/10 we will return to the orphanage Reborn character who became self aware and read the changelog, Seriously though how did you become self aware?
  20. The Moves vs Items argument is as old as pokemon, The items= Instead of using cut you carry an axe, Instead of surf you use a surfboard, Instead of Flash...a flashlight. etc. They're both annoying to use, but necessary for the game because of the pacing. HMs are a necessary thing unless you use the item replacement which are still annoying but save the moveslots. It doesn't feel right of course but you need something to keep you from going directly to the level 100 areas and getting rekt by them. Also yay progress <3
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