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Everything posted by PokeFailure

  1. to my knowledge, you should have the sticker card that's the only way you can get stickers,but check your key items list and if not go to save file troubleshoot.
  2. Wonder traded on my new run, got a level 60 rhyhorn before the first gym. So tempted to use it *.*
  3. UserID: PokeFailure Species: Axew Gender: M/F Which stat gets the x: Whichever are available. Special Requests: It must not burn down my house. Demonstration of loving home: I don't breed pokemon, I keep them as I get them no matter what so I always have the original. Offering: Chespin, Sandile.
  4. I got a really cool pidove or a shiny scrafty with solid IVs.
  5. Well he may have been axed but there's nothing stopping you from going back to E15 and buying the shards as long as you save in the grand hall.
  6. I can only imagine the costs of that server.
  7. I got like 3 icicle plates I could trade you a trash pokemon with a plate on it if you wanted.
  8. Sorry for the spoilers, so what is your favorite part of E16 (or moment/detail etc.)
  9. There are better options.....Like a lot better options. Trust me, go find that Mareep it will become your best electric pokemon. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407&page=1 (e15 obtainable pokemon list) Should mostly be the same for E16. Ditch Noibat, zebstrika, keep roselia, and find a solid tank (can't remember exactly what's catchable at this point) but grind and maximize your move coverage sets, Build up a solid rotation of pokemon. Exp Share/Lucky egg aren't until you leave reborn city.
  10. I got 3 of them, I think one has decent IVs.
  11. I can breed you an army of psyducks.
  12. I can relate with Riolus, I still have like 12. Gonna go catch 20 wailmers and name them "You're Whalecum"
  13. Whoever just traded me this monstrosity, Thanks.
  14. Time to do a new run. Also holy hell the download size, Compressed music really makes a difference I guess.
  15. If you mean that, Then nope it cannot be opened.
  16. Where's the room? cause I have no clue where it is.
  17. I have a decent Riolu and Larvesta, That shiny eevee looks nice *.*
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