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Shinoda Yagami

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shinoda Yagami

  1. Gonna resume my Rejuv save!

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Have fun :)



  3. Guys what happened to the "Boss fights info" thread stickied on team showcase that had info on all the leader's teams?

    1. Fumble


      guess it was unpinned, since it looked like Kuma (the creator) hasn't been on for a while and hasn't updated it for E16

    2. Fumble


      here you go if you want it: 


    3. Shinoda Yagami
  4. tfw try to trade but can't because forgot to update to public release

  5. Guys its wintertime :] So whats your preferred ice type mon in reborn? Mine is mamoswine and abomasnow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lugruf


      Went to checkif I have any ice type in my team and realized there is none

    3. Combat


      I don't really use ice types, despite having a full 30 Pokemon in rotation, but The Captain my Walrien is useful for surfing.

    4. Amethyst



  6. Hey guys tell me your favorite fighting types in reborn. Mine are toxicroak and hariyama.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. laggless01


      Mega Ultra Chicken all the way!

    3. dead account

      dead account


      Hope this is what I think it is. School wifi prevents me from checking it.

    4. Vinny


      Hitmontop will always be my number one fighting type

      Heracross too~

  7. Just checking in. I love the theme and design so far. I missed you guys a lot :P

  8. The timing is terrible too, the people were already on his back for banning r/pizzagate and now this one's gonna be taken as a justification of sorts for all their claims.
  9. Whats your preferred ground type? Mine is diggersby and SD sandslash

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shad_


      Excadrill is bae

    3. Ironbound
    4. Ironbound


      (Excadrill is fine and all but it's kinda boring)

  10. What's your preferred wallbreaker in OU? Mine is banded crawdaunt and life orb nidoking

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alistair


      He's messing with you, it really is magnezone

    3. pyrromanis
    4. Garnet.


      banded kyu b ohkoes msable so thats mine

  11. Im kind of hyped with the changes in SuMo mechanics, mega-evolution now precedes turn order so diancie need not run protect, dodrio was buffed hugely, hp fire mons can now be made max speed by hyper training and pelipper will be the new politoad. It's looking pretty major in terms of changes in the metagame
  12. So whats your favorite grass type in reborn? Mine would be a tie between ludicolo and roserade

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tringus


      Where do I begin? In no order, I like Abomasnow (Affectionately known as Obamasnow), Serperior, Roserade, and Sceptile. And Ludicolo as well (Can't get over Miror B!)

    3. IcewolfDark


      Torterra with Leech Seed and Toxic Spikes support makes all but Aya/Corey, Serra, and Charlotte almost trivial tbh. But then EQ smacks Charlotte and the poisons hard as hell too. Basically, Torterra OP lol

    4. Ironbound


      And this is where I'd point to my Ferrothorn...

      IF I HAD ONE

  13. Found it through a friend, left it in the middle, started again, reached the fire gym realized I had no water types, started again now I got 6 badges and still playing a little everyday . Its a great game but honestly I really started enjoying the game once I was familiar with competitive pokemon since that helps a lot in strategizing in this game. My third playthrough so far has been infinitely smoother.
  14. just played a ccg online with a 4Omin long soundtrack in another tab and the game finished exactly when the song got over. It was a great game too :]

  15. Whats your preferred water type in reborn? Given that there are not that many, mine would be seisitoad

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lugruf
    3. Monochrome_Complex


      Greninja? I actually didn't use too many water types in Reborn

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Swanna has actually helped carry me, mostly against Charlotte.

  16. I just downloaded path of exile. I cant wait to play it, any tips or advice for a newbie?

    1. DemICE


      If you are not a masochist, try Diablo 3 instead.

    2. Aurorain


      Depends on your playstyle, mostly. I've found melee characters to be harder to work with in PoE as opposed to a mid-long range attacker that can hit and run.

      But, there are heaps and heaps of ways to customize your character, so just experiment. :)

    3. Aurorain


      I would recommend to always make characters on the current available league though, since you can get more rewards in them as opposed to the standard.

  17. Im a little sad that I wont be able to log on to the forums for about a week once the overhaul takes place :[ This place is my home ;_;

    1. Tacos


      We've gone through a much longer hiatus in the past. Stay strong my friend.

  18. If you want a good coverage water mon I recommend seismitoad. It gets earth power, surf, sludge wave and rain dance which is great. Or you could level up a nidoking and get the same coverage too. E16 has slowbro so maybe you can even keep floatzel till you get one? There arent that many good water types anyway. Thick fat walrein is also decent I guess.
  19. Whats your preferred steel type? Mine is Aggron

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Code: PIRULUK

      Code: PIRULUK


      ...also Mawile.

    3. YinYang9705
    4. Tacos


      I love all of them but I love Jirachi the most

  20. Get yourself a hard hitter. My personal favorites are toxicroak and hariyama. You can even get a staraptor by now too which gets close combat + reckless brave bird. Or you could settle for a bisharp I guess
  21. So I got the good rod and figured why not get a skrelp. Ive fished 16 times in coral ward with good rod all of them were grimers. I went to azurine island and fished 19 times and still only grimers. Am I doing something wrong? This was on a clear sky at night time.
  22. Where can I get an eviolite?

    1. Anstane


      I don't think you can as of E15.

    2. Shinoda Yagami
  23. It seems my life was a lie. I struggled hard and fast with noel, and had to try a total of 15 times to beat him. On the other hand serra was so easy that I hardly remember the battle so I guess its a subjective experience
  24. tfw you go all the way to the railnet from spinel town and realize you forgot your hm slave

    1. Caraboo


      same... i have experienced this pain all too often.

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