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Shinoda Yagami

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shinoda Yagami

  1. Also look up on the monotype obtainable mons in team showcase to see what mons are available at your point in the game. You can also refer to the gym boss guide to look up their movesets and items. In my first playthrough I was completely clueless to the midgame event mons since they are not readily apparent unless you hunt for them and I reached the point of no return without a lot of fantastic mons. Thats why this time not only am I doing all the events Im also looking up what mons are required for future trades and getting them too. Its time-consuming but worth the effort as it makes the late game playthrough less grindy and rage-invoking
  2. So I need to replace my pyroar which has become less useful after aya. Options are arcanine, emboar, houndoom, rapidash...What dyu guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shinoda Yagami
    3. KingRyan


      I love Arcanine, but it is single type </3 (hate me all you want) So i'd go with houndoom or Emboar.

    4. Shinoda Yagami

      Shinoda Yagami

      ooh I love houndoom too :P not that fond of emboar because trash defenses x_x

  3. Hey can someone tell me where the icy rock is for glaceon? Also there is supposed to be a guy stuck underground who gives you a sticker for rescuing him but I cant find him. Can someone point out where he is supposed to be please?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      You just need Rock Smash to get the guy in the Railnet, in the dark room with all the Aron around. It's the other path opened with the train track puzzle. Then, talk to his girlfriend in Obsidia's Pokemon Center.

    3. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      ...Or talk to him there? One or the other. I don't recall which, it's been a while. OTL

    4. Shinoda Yagami
  4. Consider every pokemon potentially vital. Dont disregard the poorer mons as not useful, they may come in handy later on. Consider all the future gyms when considering your final team. Once you reach a certain point in the game a lot of regions will become inaccessible until much later
  5. Was the server down for a few hours? Couldn't log in for a while

    1. Spineblade


      The forum was just down, not sure about the showdown server.

    2. Shinoda Yagami

      Shinoda Yagami

      yeah I was talking about the forum

    3. Alistair


      yup, couldn't load the page for maybe 2h

  6. just a quick one, where did you find the dusk and dawn stones? is it farmable?
  7. Im a fan of gardevoir which you get right after aya so make that a part of your first team for sure. As for before the gym battle you might want to get yourself a diggersby because it literally solo's her gym. Its tedious to hunt huge power bunnelbies though so for now even a swords dance sandslash will put in a lot of work against her. Also seismitoad learns mud bomb if Im not wrong, as for your fighting itch it will be scratched soon when based gardevoir arrives. Until then get a ground type it will help a lot against Aya and also charlotte later
  8. I have exactly one shiny stone. Which mon is most worthy of it though?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alistair


      clefable evolves with the moon stone tho

    3. Felicity


      yea, i misread things. C'est la vie

    4. Alistair


      absolument mon cher

  9. So Im near the wasteland and thats where I'm supposed to get my squirtle but it seems so complicated in the video linked to the pokemon location guide. From what I could gather you first choose a rainy day, go inside the building, talk to a guy taking shelter, who tells you to find a squirtle thats running about in the wasteland. Then you set the day to clear skies and search for squirtle. But where exactly will i find it? Is there a specific place or will I have to scan the entire wasteland?
  10. Its that tme of year again when Kiki kicks my ass...Halp pls

  11. These moves will transform this field into a Starlight Arena: GeomancyHYPED :DD Does this mean Z-Moves will be arriving in E16? Edit: btw where can I peep the E16 obtainable list??
  12. Magnemite is in shade's gym. train it up and make sure you get one with sturdy
  13. Ha, you sir are having the pleasure of facing the most dreaded gym leader in reborn First off train yourself a banette to avoid the conundrum of tanking tri attacks and then burn that porygon and cincinno with will-o-miss Then get yourself a steel type to tank those 5-hit combos like magneton or kling-klang. Lastly change the field to a corrosive field with sludgewave from nidoking and pray your mans outlive Noel's. I didnt have a single tanky mon on my team when I faced him so needless to say I almost quit the game for a month. Magneton proved my saviour and Im pretty sure it will help you too
  14. Whats your preferred tank in reborn? Mine is thick fat hariyama

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemICE


      any tank i made for my main reborn run, i made it after i finished E15. so sadly i can't use them yet to choose a favorite. I have gourgeist, lapras, defensive magnezone and some other things i dont remember waiting for me

    3. YoshiofRedemption


      Swalot. Toxic + Toxic Spikes is insanely helpful, and not taking damage from Corey's field makes it pretty helpful, in my opinion

    4. NickCrash


      As of now? Slowbro.

  15. So what do you guys think of the m-sableye suspect? I think its not OP but way too annoying to be in OU ban baton pass too while we're at it.
  16. I cant believe i reached charlotte on my first playthrough a year ago with a measly team of emolga, swoobat and persian in my first team :P That was before I figured out viability in reborn ;_;

    1. DemICE


      no need to be concerned so much about viability on a single player game. u can do stuff with seemingly not viable pokemon too. seaking + pachirisu kicked blake's ass

  17. Hey thanks for all the help I managed to beat it with ampharos, mightyena and pyroar to take care of gengar, banette, doublade, treva and I basically haxed rotom with confuse ray and power gem Then for chandelure I used oder sleuth from diggersby and headbutt it to death with pyroar. I needed a bit of luck for rotom it was way too annoying
  18. Well it just so happens that I literally beat this gym like ten minutes ago and my starter was also greninja What I did was lead ampharos and charge beam gengar to death since it can eat a shadow claw. Then for banette I used mightyena, for trevenant and doublade, pyroar would OHKO them. Then rotom, the biggest problem for me, I managed to hit that with a confuse ray from ampharos and I basically haxed it with power gem For Chandelure I switched to diggersby and used oder sleuth, he took me out with two energy balls. then I switch to pyroar and basically headbutt it to death since I walled him. Bear in mind the charge beam in turn one turns it to factory field so pyroar could live hits. You dont have pyroar so do it this way: Lead zebstrika, get off a discharge and it should be able to live a shadow claw. Then use mightyena to KO banette and DONT SWITCH to use moxie to kill doublade and trevenant. I hope that it can live, and after that give it a potion to face rotom and the double moxie should OHKO rotom with crunch. For chandelure Water Pulse + Aqua Jet should take it out. Mightyena is your big game player here so make sure it lasts until rotom because rotom is a pain in the behind X_X
  19. I might be completely wrong about this but I believe different mons have different crit chances because I remember seeing a smogon article about aerodactyl that said it has a high crit chance. Maybe you're using mons that naturally have a higher than average crit chance? I dont think reborn favors crits, it only favors shinies so thats not the reason.
  20. So Im on my second playthrough with the condition that I cant use the mons I used in my previous run, and I'm having a hard time beating shade again. Any tips would be great :] Here's my current team Frogadier L.34 - Protean Lick Water Pulse Quick Attack Pound Diggersby L.35 - Huge Power Take Down Double Kick Flail Oder Sleuth Mightyena - L.36 - Intimidate Taunt Swagger Howl Bite Pyroar - L.38 - Moxie Fire Fang Flamethrower Headbutt Echoed Voice Arbok - L.33 - Unnerve Crunch Glare Bite Acid Spray Meowstic M - L.38 - Prankster Psyshock Disarming Voice Reflect Light Screen Mons Im training right now: L.3O Ampharos, L.15 Lillipup Mons Im not allowed to use - Persian/Camerupt/Swoobat/Scrafty Other mons in box - Pancham, Phanpy, Growlithe, Elekid, Ponyta, Murkrow, Stunky, Croagunk
  21. What are some great reborn mons that don't require evo stones?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ironbound


      Also Metagross, Porygon-Z and Bronzong.

    3. Drymus


      Porygon-Z needs two Link Stones, Viri.

      Crobat and Flygon are all fairly reliable IMO.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream
  22. btw whats the pidgey quest to jog my memory? also I believe quick balls are best at reset-spamming. Dusk balls if its night time too.
  23. Whoa, thats bad luck if you're starting fresh from the beginning then there's a 1/18 chance of getting a vullaby each time and to get it 3 times in a row is absurdly small.
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