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Shinoda Yagami

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shinoda Yagami

  1. I hate to say this but mystery eggs do not get reset on soft resetting they are determined at the very beginning when Victoria hands you your starter. In fact all the events are more or less determined after your first battle with victoria so its not possible to randomize the mystery egg by soft resetting :[
  2. damn steel is my favorite typing and you didnt use the almighty Kling-Klang and escavelier ;_; Its all on me now
  3. Best early poison type: Stunky/Ekans or trubbish?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander


      Yes Grimer is available, but Gulpin is the best of the pack.

    3. Lugruf
    4. HughJ


      If you can get grimer early, do it... otherwise the only thing you're getting out of stunky is smokescreen stalling

  4. I don't think this will happen in episode 16 Maybe in later episodes or after the elite four
  5. Well Im pretty sure mega-manetric beats mega-ampharos too so there's that either way manetric is a step above fabio
  6. Imho: Magnezone > Manetric > Ampharos Most people agree that magnezone is the best electric mon in the game but rate ampharos higher only because its easier to train early-mid game. Once you get all the tms manetric makes ampharos obsolete as its faster and hits as hard. Magnezone is hands down the best though, there's no debate about that.
  7. get murkrow from lapis ward, soft reset till it comes with perish song, beat arceus with prankster perish song
  8. munna <-- furret sunkern --> mime jr ??? <-- bibarel karrablast <--> shelmet chimeco --> ??? stunfisk --> vulpix these are the ones Im aware of
  9. once you're locked into agate city you can repeatedly fight clown Indra daily for shards, exp and money. Its only available post E15 though so update your game version if you dont have him yet. He stands in front of the circus tent
  10. Dont you get typhlosion by then? Thats one of the best pure fire types in the game. Also arcanine and rapidash are very good, I myself am also partial to pyroar so you have quite a few options
  11. For ninetales use extrasensory or confuse ray, you can even make it learn nasty plot for setup if you wish. Clefable pretty much what you said, except maybe moonlight for sustain but you can do that with ultra potions. Magic guard is a great ability too. Also I dont think swalot is too viable at this late stage you might wanna switch that for some utility mon like prankster meowstic, it helps a lot in double battles. Other than that you're good to go
  12. Are we finally gonna have a poison/dark mon in OU with alolan Muk? I hope so

  13. use dat clefable, seriously cosmic power + minimize can cheese through gyms. Also obligatory reminder that you can get staraptor the birdiest of bird spams.
  14. specs heatran+modest+eruption = two-HKO slowbro :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lugruf


      except becuase eruption heatran must be quiet, not modest

    3. Shinoda Yagami

      Shinoda Yagami

      aww yeah, well quiet isnt too bad, still workable :P

    4. pyrromanis


      It still OHKOs the disgusting pokemon called CLEFABLE!

      When was the last time you saw Clef die, burn, destroyed, anihillated in 1 hit?

  15. I like glare on serp so you might consider that. If you want full offensive then dragon pulse works too
  16. Great guide I was so bad at battling but now at least I have a decent idea of making correct plays after watching hours of vids of pokeaimmd and blunder's OU lives. I'm still on low ladder though but I think it helped me a lot. To be honest the more you play the greater idea you get about the metagame and certain sets and checks which helps you anticipate moves and make correct or even aggressive plays. I'm so bad at teambuilding because usually I fail to cover all the counters to powerful mons which I forget about while building, so I really look forward to your guides. My preferred style is bulky offense with a volt-turn core, also Im extremely partial to specs heatran which I always try to use on my team so there's that, I'll be following your posts very closely
  17. Whiscash/Seismitoad/Gastrodon/Quagsire. All of these more or less do the same thing, so which of these is the most viable/useful?
  18. Quick question: Why do people say ampharos is the best electric mon in reborn, isnt manetric faster? Also manetric gets flamethrower which is great coverage

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ironbound



      There's no electric type available in Reborn which is better overall than Magnezone, and that's a fact. Excellent typing, shitload of resists, a massive special attack stat and it learns all its best moves by level without need for TMs or tutors.

      Accept the Lord Magnezone as your saviour and be blessed.

    3. AuthorReborn


      Eh, they're all good. Just depends on what your team needs on which one you use. Personally,I've used Manectric to great success, to the point where I found it easily soloed entire gyms (in the episode after that, Manectric was moved to be available after Julia, rather than before. It doesn't have the best level up learnset, but tbh, all it needs is HP Ice or Grass, Discharge (learns at like 28), and Charge Beam from Julia to be able to destroy most things. A fast, strong Electric...

    4. AuthorReborn


      type is something that Manectric has over both Magnezone and Ampharos (excluding the agility set). Discharge spam is great in Reborn because of the Factory field and the Water fields, both of which give nice bonuses to its power. Plus, a STAB Charge Beam that allow Manectric to set up and attack simultaneously is not to be slept on. That being said, they are all good and have good options and which one you use should be up to you.

  19. Poison/Dark is such a great typing, I don't get why it isnt used as much in OU.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hect


      I usually have trouble against Skuntank and Drapion since I fail to memore the weaknesses. I'm still going for Fire tyes whenever I see a Drapion, I wonder why..

      But I'd imagine that Ground attacks really hurt them.

    3. Skeleton


      because skorupi is a bug type

    4. AuthorReborn


      I mean, Drapion has base 110 Defense, which is certainly solid, but the problem is that in OU there are still a lot of Pokemon with the capacity to 2HKO or OHKO it even when it is fully invested in defense. For example, Scarf Lando-T and Excadrill, which are on the majority of teams, easily two shot it. Plus, Poison/Dark typing makes it so it is neutral to a lot of types, but especially in this Generation, resist does not mean live or tank.

  20. All these pessimistic comments about how we're gonna have to fight Titania, but I believe Ame will have a bout of kind-heartedness and we'll have a double battle with Titania on our side . Let me hope pls
  21. Ah I completely forgot about my espurr lol thanks, I'll train it up and it should see through this gym. I think mine is a male one too, so its great. I dont really have an egg yet, I forgot where Im supposed to get one lol, I still have a lot of event mons unclaimed so I'll do them as well.
  22. I just noticed that 4 of my party mons have a nature that reduces SpDef stat making me weak to Special attacks. Is there a specially bulky mon available before Corey to compensate? or do I have to wait around some more?
  23. So i saved all the police officers, but I forgot to claim the growlithe from the station and directly fought pulse tangrowth and beat it. Now I went back to the station and the chief is not there anymore. Will I still be able to get the growlithe or is it unobtainable now?
  24. Is there a constraint on time of day? I was hunting them with my computer clock set to 5:33pm to 5:45pm. Nighttime I dont think is useful because all i see are Noctowls. And yes, I did encounter only one phanpy in all that time :[
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