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Everything posted by Shinoda Yagami
I spent about 15 minutes in the Beryl Cemetary hunting for Phanpies and Bunnelbies and encountered exactly one in that time. Also that turned out to be timid nature so I got to go hunt them again. Am I doing something wrong or is this really how its supposed to be?
Hi, I started my second playthrough and Im going to try finish the game without using the mons that I used in the first playthrough I need help beating Florinia Here's my current team: Mightyena - L.25 Rash nature: Assurance Howl Swagger Bite Frogadier - L.24 Naughty nature Pound Lick Water Pulse Quick Attack Arbok - L.22 Naughty nature Glare Acid Crunch Bite Stunky - L.19 Adamant nature Poison Gas Screech Feint Cut Budew - L.17 impish nature Mega Drain Absorb Stun Spore Growth Litleo - L.22 Sassy Nature Ember Work Up Noble roar Take Down Also in my boxes - Pancham L.16, Elektrike L.18, SKitty L.2O, Glameow L.21, Pidgey L.9, Gulpin L.1O Mons that I'm not allowed to use: Meowth, Woobat
These updates are coming too fast. I can only play so many fan-games at once ;_;
Where do I go next? [REJUVENATION]
Shinoda Yagami replied to Jan's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Guides & Resources
Hey, I just started playing again after a month and cant remember where Im supposed to go lol. I distinctly remember going to a certain cave, where a leader of team meteor was with a legendary pokemon. Also an old lady died in the cave, and now I dont know where to go would love it if you can help me out. I have 7 badges so its after that. -
OMG Its out already welp gotta finish v7 fast.
Playing Rejuvenation and Reborn, also recently downloaded Insurgence. I'm halfway down the rabbit hole I guess
Help beating Ren in Xen Lab please.
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
Oops sorry. Will remember next time -
Last post I swear lol. How do I contain Sableye? It's faster than my Noctowl so it gets out confuse ray before I can use hypnosis, and then it just uses mean look, so I cant switch out, by the time I get one hypnosis away its already killed my noctowl, and Ren uses a hyper potion as soon as its low health which sucks because none of my pokemon can hit it super-effectively and its just really annoying. Scrafty with moxie is pretty amazing as well but its weak to fighting and I can handle it but sableye is too strong. I'll edit this post and include my team hang on. EDIT: Here's my team So here's my current team: Noctowl L.47 Brave nature/TwistedSpoon Keen Eye Hypnosis Air Slash Confusion Synchronoise Golem L.45 Sassy nature/Hard Stone Sturdy Rock Blast Smackdown Earthquake Stealth Rock Growlithe L.39 Naive Intimidate Flamethrower Crunch Fire Fang Retaliate Samurott L.45 Modest Shell Armor Surf Fury Cutter Aqua Jet Revenge Fearow L.36 Hasty Keen Eye Pursuit Aerial Ace Mirror Move Assurance Phantump L.32 Lonely Natural Cure Ingrain Feint Attack Leech Seed Will-O-Wisp Here's the pokemon I have in my PC: Bunnelby Whismur Nidorino[Hustle] Makuhita swablu houndour poochyena gothita tangela vileplume hoppip dedenne wooper pacham buizel
Ah yes found her thanks
Im back at Gearen now, and we're supposed to find Crawli's father on route 3 but Melia said we needed to talk to Venam first then left. I checked route 3 also checked her gym, I can't find her, so where do I go?
I need help replacing two mons in my party
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
Tangela seems a like a really good grass type, specially because mine has regenerator. I'll give pangoro a try as well then. -
I need help replacing two mons in my party
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
Currently, I'm at Kakori Village with Crawli - bug type - gym leader. Already have a graveller so Im not worried about ground types. It's a sweeper that I really need, phyical and special. Also something that's good against water hopefully. I already have a meditite too, so I can evolve it if need be. Nidorino is currently in PC because it's at an awkward stage where if I evolve it with moon stones, it won't learn the poison moves, and if I don't it won't learn Thrash as NidoKing so I kept it stagnant at the late twenties. -
So here's my current team: Noctowl L.44 Brave nature/TwistedSpoon Keen Eye Hypnosis Air Slash Confusion Take Down My favorite mon in this game, a hypnosis that never misses thanks to keen eye, plus decent speed means it's really superb in all battles and lets you set up. Graveler L.42 Sassy nature/Hard Stone Sturdy Rock Blast Smackdown Earthquake Stealth Rock Real tank, something I lacked in reborn, so I was hasty in finding this guy. It has insane defence and is an audino killer Growlithe L.37 Naive Intimidate Flamethrower Agility Fire Fang Retaliate Well this mon is a bit iffy because its supposed to have a great moveset but so far its mediocre and it ALWAYS gets OHKOed by a special sweeper, supereffective or not. Seriously when does it get outrage and close combat though? Still pretty decent fire type so I'm not complaining Samurott L.45 Modest Shell Armor Surf Fury Cutter Aqua Jet Revenge I must admit I had my doubts when choosing this starter but oh boy does it have the best coverage. Psychic/Grass? Fury Cutter is there, later to be replaced with megahorn. Also the only mon in my party with a fighting move. Sad isn't it? Aqua Jet for priority and hidden ability Torrent is pretty amazing and can make Aqua Jet a OHKO on supereffective. Very good choice Fearow L.36 Hasty Keen Eye Pursuit Aerial Ace Mirror Move Assurance Started out as a filler mon but surprisingly did so well against Nim that I kept it. Also I have this crazy good-on-paper-theory that it will do wonders against dragon pokemon that KO my other mons because of Mirror Move. Spamming Draco Meteor? Well if I'm faster I'll get a good hit your way as well. Also Aerial for priority guarantees some damage before fainting. Its bleak tbh, and I want a better mon Phantump L.32 Lonely Natural Cure Ingrain Feint Attack Leech Seed Will-O-Wisp I know. It's laughable. Its stats are rock bottom too but here's the kicker: It won me the battle against Emma in Blacksteeple Castle. Funny how things work sometimes lol. Feint Attack won me the battle that I had pretty much resigned to lose cuz all my other mons were fainted. Its not really a bad mon, it has a great set-up potential but I don't really know how to optimize it and its best if I replace it with something else. Here's the pokemon I have in my PC: Bunnelby Whismur Nidorino[Hustle] Makuhita swablu houndour poochyena gothita tangela vileplume hoppip dedenne wooper pacham buizel Among a bunch of other very common pokemon that are way too many to list. I'm willing to grind or even go catch any suggested mons not listed here, so anything viable goes really. I feel like I don't have anything to counter water. I won against valerie by spamming hypnosis and switching to samurott really so I do need more coverage and more viable mons. It would be especially good if they would be instantly helpful in the near future battles, am currently going to do the Valor Mountain quest.
That is kind of why I love this game, it's not like those official pokemon games that always end in a happy-happy-joy-joy way and the storyline is breathtakingly good. Yeah I agree Cain making innuendos every conversation is like a poor sitcom with those annoying laugh tracks but overall I love this game. The dark theme is what I really crave and it's catered to that audience who were bored of the official game storylines so I don't mind it one bit.
Good fairy pokemon to beat Giratina?
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
hey thanks for all the help I did indeed beat giratina, in the end with a noctowl: hypnosis+airslash combo. Also I beat narcissa on the first try!! But I lost while battling Nim (mainly because most of my team was damaged from trainer battles and there wasnt a centre nearby) and now my save file is wrecked. I cant move and am stuck in the dimensional field if someone can fix this it would be great! Already posted on the save file troubleshooting thread I'll post it here too just in case Game.rxdata -
I have the exact same problem now, I cant go anywhere and am stuck in the dimensional field EDIT: Uploaded save, Thanks a lot Game.rxdata
The Giratina battle at Wispy Tower is proving tough, since Giratina is basically resistant to most of the elemental moves. I probably need fairy pokemon to land supereffective hits so, which one is best?
Caratos Moutain puzzle. Reached Xen Lab, stuck in cage?
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
Thanks! I'll definitely do that next time! -
Oh boy, Oh boy, lots of catching up to do! Only in Sheridan in v7 right now, (what's this magma stone dilemma I hear?) I guess I'll have to maintain more than 1 save anyway if the story branches on decisions. Seriously though, looks great!
Caratos Moutain puzzle. Reached Xen Lab, stuck in cage?
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
199 - Shinoda - 9h 53m - 1 badges.rxdata Here -
Caratos Moutain puzzle. Reached Xen Lab, stuck in cage?
Shinoda Yagami replied to Shinoda Yagami's topic in Rejuvenation
I approached the bars definitely also ran around a lot. Here's the save. EDIT: lol seems i cant attach it to an edit hang on EDIT2: AH! Got it! ran around in front of the bars a little more and he arrived thanks for the help!!