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Shinoda Yagami

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shinoda Yagami

  1. Sableye: Supereffective? Whats that mean?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Exalted


      scrappy fighting move

      or foreshight then fighting move go ahead i can make plot holes all day

    3. Monochrome_Complex


      Too much work and IIRC only kanga and exploud had scrappy pre-gen 6, no?

    4. AuthorReborn


      Stoutland, Miltank, and Swellow all had Scrappy in Gen V

  2. What's the name of the guy who pushes Kiki into the volcano? That was one I felt bad for
  3. So what's the thoughts on the leaked mons? I for one welcome our new boxmon overlord

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      The Bug/Fairy one is so freaking adorable.


    2. Shinoda Yagami

      Shinoda Yagami

      That uber sassy fish though

    3. doombotmecha


      the evolution of boxbug looks cool

  4. Speaking of hidden mechanics I increasingly get the sense that IVs are rigged. My oshawott and nidoran[M] have a measly 6 and 1 attack IV but my HM slave Bidoof? above 20 IVs in all and a perfect 31 in attack. Also saw an old thread with someone complaining of constantly getting low attack IV axews. I do feel that weak pokemon are buffed while strong ones are nerfed, which is not necessarily a bad thing. This game definitely favors breeding and EV training more than reborn anyway.
  5. Ah! Good, I wanted to make sure the game experience isn't altered too much, thanks
  6. I understand the concept but how exactly does it make the playthrough easier/harder? Are the no of items available increased/reduced? AI plays smarter? Boss fights have more Hyper Potions? Whats the mechanics behind the difficulty settings?
  7. Started with Oshawott, also got a nidoran[m]. Anything I should expect or some tips would be great!
  8. I started with fennekin and expected it to be difficult because everyone says Blaziken is best, but Delphox is really better because its Special Attack is so helpful against mons that have no weaknesses against any of your party mons. Psychic takes out all the physical tanks that resist every other moves
  9. FINALLY!! A game with EV training that CAN be played on PC!! I'm so hyped! btw it shouldn't take 30 mins to get to choosing your starter...just sayin', storyline is already awesome. I just chose Oshawott after playing with the random pokemon chooser for a while. It looks real good.
  10. i don't know if its available that early but try get a bunnelby, it will be invaluable later on. Also drillbur, another pokemon that will be invaluable later on.
  11. Hey! Just wanted to let you guys know I beat Samson!! Emolga took care of Hariyama and Conkelldurr, Delphox took the rest, and Magneton took out Hawlucha!! I just levelled Emolga up to L.61 and that was enough! Thanks for all the help!
  12. You surely did!! I'll let you know how it goes
  13. well Delphox and Emolga are on my sig. Swoobat - Air Slash, Heart Stamp, Future Sight, Air Cutter. Hariyama - Reversal, Close Combat, Seismic Toss, Wake-up Slap. Meditite is the one I got from Kiki. It's untouched. I have some normal flying mons like Pidove/spearow/pidgey. Don't think they'll be much use though, since fighting will be normal effective on them.
  14. Wow, found the problem. Docile nature but it has only a 6 IV in attack. 30IV in speed though (yaaaayy ) Also have a ducky at L.30. Worth training I hope since it has acrobatics too
  15. I'm keeping Delphox and Emolga. Rest have to get switched. I'm training a Hariyama currently after that I'll work with Medicham. Bizarrely enough it seems I can also use my Swoobat here since its type effectiveness is 4 times as good against Fighting. I don't understand why my Emolga's Acrobatics doesn't OHKO his team, since it deals 4X normal damage. I'll try level it up a bit more. I've got 4 boxes of mons to choose from so even though I can't go back chances are I've got enough to work with if there are better suggestions. What dyu guys think?
  16. Hmm thanks! I do have Cofagrigus, will try that. Flying is good but the one I have at a high level, Emolga, gets OHKO'ed anyway. I'll train some other flyings, see how they run.
  17. Hmm. If fairy is viable which ones should I use? Ive got Cleffairy and a Spritzee.
  18. Most of the ones I've got have low Spl Attack and high Defence and Spl Defence. I'm trying to beat Samson and so far the only viable mons I've got are Scrafty, Delphox and Emolga. Rest get KO'd immediately. Dusclops is good but Spl Attack is too low. Any tips?
  19. Pls halp. SOLVED IT!!!! I was playing Episode 14. Downloaded 15 now and there's another clown standing there eyeballing me thanks all!!
  20. http://imgur.com/Z5Jl6uT Here is the place with the ferris wheel. No other clowns there?
  21. That clown was mentioned in another thread but he wont battle me anymore. Instead he talks about the history of Agate City and how Shards are broken down into chemicals. Which clown exactly because the one I'm talking about is right next to the guy who sold the vials
  22. Here's the thing, I dont need to alter my team TOO much but most of my mons are only at L.59-ish. If I can get them around 70 then I can beat him. Can't find a decent place to train though, those grass patches on route 2 give only around 1k exp. Not nearly enough.
  23. Ooh save manager. All the rage I bet thanks! Will come in handy, as I dont wanna start over like the time I had to when I transferred the game from my PC to my laptop.
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