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Phazer last won the day on June 5 2012

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About Phazer

  • Birthday 05/18/1997

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    Your Mom's Bed
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  1. Keldeo could give this hell, especially if it's in alternate form. You need something to resist water.
  2. Well Kamina's part was hard to read because of the dark font on dark skin and because that terrible spelling and grammar. Anyways, team is great but can be destroyed by Scarfed Moxie Heracross with the common Megahorn/Stone Edge/ Earthquake/Close Combat set, and if hazards set on your team trying to avoid this might be hell.. I'm not sure if this pokemon is still in Borderline but another threat is Mixed Infernape carrying the common HP Ice/Flamethrower/Close Combat/U-turn, this might be a bigger threat then Heracross because of the speed packed in this ape mixed with a great move pool able to hit all of your pokemon super-effectively and hard with crazy amounts of special attack and attack bases. The only thing that won't get SE'd is Darmanitan, that could probably out-speed Infernape but maybe not, and a Close Combat would 1HKO.
  3. Don't know if this is your style, and this can only work in doubles/triples, but maybe add Protect to some or one of your main hitters. Because they're most likely going to be targets, this could allow you to get a free Trick Room in without taking damage.
  4. It just gets annoying see people making teams and won't take suggestions, and then they irritate you by making dumb posts because they don't know how to modify posts. Sorry mb.
  5. Team is pretty nice, but a phazer can really mess it up because most of the pokemon are set-ups, and I see no bulk except for the natural bulk in Conkeldurr so hazards can eat through your pokemon making an easy kill for your foe. As for threats in pokemon, Sableye can do some damage with it's swagger/sub/will-o-wisp set. There is no major weaknesses. Raikou doesn't really need Shadow Ball, and Weather Ball in Rain gives Ground coverage so try this? Raikou @ Life Orb Trait: Pressure EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Thunder - Hidden Power [ice] - Weather Ball - Aura Sphere You can replace Thunder with Thunderbolt if you want, just put it in there assuming rain was still up.
  6. Keldeo and Mixed Infernape can bulldoze this team, especially Infernape, carrying the common Grass Knot.
  7. OGod this made me laugh so hard, whoever Valk was talking to, they got owned.
  8. Amethyst lives in my head. gg
  9. whats mc ip?

    1. Yuki


      a secret

    2. Amethyst


      I told you yesterday...

  10. I say Zapdos would be the best switch, it has perfect synergy with Politoed. Taking Grass and Electric types that could kill it, and Politoed taking the common HP Ice and other ice moves.
  11. Generic sand team could run through this, holding the common Gastrodon wall. This team also has nothing to counter ground attacks, so maybe Zapdos over Raikou so Excadrill doesn't destroy.
  12. Got the grass badge, yay.

  13. Glare on Serperior might be more helpful.
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