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Espeon last won the day on February 17 2021

Espeon had the most liked content!


39 Developing

About Espeon

  • Birthday 06/22/1999

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  • Location
    Alto Mare
  • Interests
    Breeding, casual playthroughs, spriting

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  1. Sounds like a nice idea! The one thing I'm concerned about is people stacking the limits you mentioned, thus making overpowered teams. But I guess if you test their doableness, it could def be fun
  2. Hey there! I'm afraid I don't have a list or something, but this post might be helpful: If there's a specific Pokémon you'd want and you notice it's not available where you are at that moment you can ask me to breed it for you I should have access to all breedable mons.
  3. You're welcome! Have fun with your playthrough!
  4. Me too, make sure to send me your online name so I can send the request and have three Pokémon you want to trade in your party.
  5. I think I do! Can you do the trades now already?
  6. Great! And that's okay, no worries! Make sure to send me your in-game online username and when we start trading have two Pokémon in your party you don't need anymore.
  7. @Marru That's great, me too! (Paris time zone) I could do tomorrow at 17:00? Let me know whether that's okay for you.
  8. Hey there, I can breed you a Marill/Azurill if you want. Don't need anything specific in return. Let me know what time zone you're in to find a good time to trade
  9. I'm quite sure I have a Gible, would have to check for the Ralts and Mimikyu. Same meeting time as yesterday?
  10. You're very welcome I'm afraid I don't have any spare Goomy, but if you have other Pokémon you would like, I can always check.
  11. Hello there! I have a spare Dratini for you if you want. What time zone are you in? Edit: quickly bred a Mimikyu for you too
  12. De nada! Thanks for the shiny Snivy (Check the Togepi's IV's)
  13. @Yuu_606 Sure, that's okay. Not sure whether I have a spare Goomy, but I'll check. You can just send anything in return, I don't need anything special.
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