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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Espeon

  1. Sounds like a nice idea! The one thing I'm concerned about is people stacking the limits you mentioned, thus making overpowered teams. But I guess if you test their doableness, it could def be fun
  2. Hey there! I'm afraid I don't have a list or something, but this post might be helpful: If there's a specific Pokémon you'd want and you notice it's not available where you are at that moment you can ask me to breed it for you I should have access to all breedable mons.
  3. You're welcome! Have fun with your playthrough!
  4. Me too, make sure to send me your online name so I can send the request and have three Pokémon you want to trade in your party.
  5. I think I do! Can you do the trades now already?
  6. Great! And that's okay, no worries! Make sure to send me your in-game online username and when we start trading have two Pokémon in your party you don't need anymore.
  7. @Marru That's great, me too! (Paris time zone) I could do tomorrow at 17:00? Let me know whether that's okay for you.
  8. Hey there, I can breed you a Marill/Azurill if you want. Don't need anything specific in return. Let me know what time zone you're in to find a good time to trade
  9. I'm quite sure I have a Gible, would have to check for the Ralts and Mimikyu. Same meeting time as yesterday?
  10. You're very welcome I'm afraid I don't have any spare Goomy, but if you have other Pokémon you would like, I can always check.
  11. Hello there! I have a spare Dratini for you if you want. What time zone are you in? Edit: quickly bred a Mimikyu for you too
  12. De nada! Thanks for the shiny Snivy (Check the Togepi's IV's)
  13. @Yuu_606 Sure, that's okay. Not sure whether I have a spare Goomy, but I'll check. You can just send anything in return, I don't need anything special.
  14. @Yuu_606 Okay, good, we're in the same time zone. That should make it easy to schedule something. What about this evening at 21:00? I'm not sure whether the version matters, but we can just try to do the trade.
  15. @Yuu_606 Hey there, I have some spare Togepi if you'd like one. I'm in Paris time zone, would be available tomorrow in the evening. Let me know your username in the online module and we can get trading
  16. Hi there! I should have one on extra in my box. Not home rn though, so can't trade now. Maybe in a couple of hours. Let me know when you'll be online.
  17. Sure, I can trade you a Ditto. Let me know when you are free and what your online username is.
  18. I can give you a level 1 Ralts, which you can train yourself to become a mighty Gardevoir. I don't need anything in return, just give me something you want to get rid of. DM me to discuss a trade time. (I'm in GMT+8 rn.)
  19. Sorry, I seem to be epicly bad at staying online after posting. I'll try to check during the day.
  20. Still able to trade you the mons @Tmcjagger, just let me know.
  21. If I'm not mistaken it's the middle of the night where you are right now, so you probably won't be for the coming few hours. I'll try to come online sometime in the afternoon, which should be the morning for you.
  22. I'm sorry, seems like I just missed your reply. I'll try to leave the forum open on my laptop for the coming hours so I'll see your posts in the thread. I have Discord, but I don't really use it, sorry.
  23. I can give you one of each of those. They're not shiny, but I also don't need anything in return, sooo yeah. Let me know whether you want them and when you're available!
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