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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. I think they've been gone for a couple of Episodes now? Feels like it was probably setting up for something planned, but then the idea was changed/scrapped later on? Or maybe something story/postgame-wise will make them re-appear in E19
  2. V12 of Rejuvenation has 14/18 Badges and the story is still very much in progress, but there's certainly a lot already there
  3. When you get the ItemFinder key item and use it from the bag, it should turn it on or off. While on, hidden items should be visible
  4. Yeah feels good to have the Zel stuff finally sink in. prompting him to think about it more and that his current interpretation wasn't correct (instead of just explaining outright) was worth it in the end. also that 'alternate ending' at the end of the episode got a good laugh "and I turn to shade and say shade I have a simple question for you can tell me tale of savage the savage?"
  5. Go into your pokegear and select Online Play
  6. If you guys are talking about the white pokeball behind the boxes as you enter devon from the railnet, I'm pretty sure that's the Steelixite and is accessible once you donate for the railnet renovation project
  7. Yeah I prepped for the black market pokemon quest since the start. no spoilers on the quest itself and especially not the reward (need to preserve the natural reaction to that) though. I'll direct him to the start point once he has another couple of badges. As for things like volunteers and event pokemon: this is not a completionist playthrough where he needs to get everything, do things "right" or stress over relationship points. It's not that hard to find the minimum amount of people, and with his nature, he might go around looking for more anyway. would be a good way for him to maybe find some sidequest hooks anyway. basically I don't feel any need to give him a list of locations for them or anything. As for event pokemon, he's still pretty much sticking to one wild and one static per area (with some ad-hoc decisions for special cases and sub-areas) so again it's not like he needs to find all of them. Plus there's always been the area list which keeps track of where he still has encounters available, and most of the places before neo reborn have hints for a lot of the statics, so he can easily go exploring if he feels the need for new encounters. He already has over a box of potential pokemon to use though.
  8. Yeah this is the main previous offender. Something's definitely up and this is a fun way to tease it And yeah I'm pretty certain that's Freya behind the sign
  9. Anyway Season 3 time boys and girls, sink your teeth in:
  10. Dupes clause is always optional, you can catch another copy of one you've already had. So Belly Jr. should be his actual WTC encounter (and Wonja is doubly fine because Shiny Clause)
  11. Well, Silvally was just temporarily boxed because he didn't have any memories that were particularly helpful against flying / on that field.
  12. We had a pretty good indication just from the fact that E36 was uploaded, since being able to do that meant that the footage had been successfully recovered from the same hard drive that the save would be on. the most recent non-game update video directly confirms that the save has been recovered successfully
  13. There's probably going to be a while of just exploring the city and finding the volunteers for adrienn etc, so I'd estimate more like 3-5 for the end of devon. he could def rush though. There's a chance he'll manage to record a bit with this laptop, but yeah I wouldn't expect it.
  14. at this point it's just "choose someone to kill" tbh
  15. Dreamy

    LOL random XD

    The Ol' Caesar cipher razzle dazzle eh? very nice.
  16. I'm pretty certain it becomes available after badge 16. I feel like Pidgeotite is one of the more tame mega stones to get actually, just requires decently exploring a side area with a couple field puzzles. and yes I'll be listing mega stone locations for pokemon he has if he's also got access to the ring and the locations.
  17. So, he's at least been able to retrieve files from his old hard drive, since this was recorded before the issues. So recording it might not be able to start back up immediately, but this should at least confirm that the save file is fine too and it's only a matter of time.
  18. I think he's currently just got a bit of a janky setup with a borrowed laptop that he can use for switch recording and a bit of editing but it's a lot slower. New PC and status of hard drive are still up in the air, quite possibly waiting on deliveries or something?
  19. Eh, it's comparable to something like an Actor or Comedian, they're producing a form of entertainment. And plenty of people enjoy that form of entertainment, and that's fine. I think you might be surprised about how much background work goes into running a channel like this too, It's not just a matter of sitting down, playing some games, sticking it on YouTube. Also, at least for most mid-sized channels, it doesn't actually pay that well in the modern YouTube scene. I'd bet that only a small portion of them are really 'doing it for the money'. Usually it's because they enjoy making content that viewers enjoy, and the money is what lets them actually dedicate their full time to it. Seems like a bit of an odd point to make when it's one of the few forms of entertainment of this type that's actually free for viewers to experience compared to something like a movie. And as above, they're definitely not getting 'free money', they're working a job and earning from it. The dynamic changes a bit when you get to the extra large channel scale, but still a ton of time, effort and money goes into them to get them to that point and keep them going.
  20. If you find the folder where your saves are stored (should be C:\Users\[YOU]\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn on Windows) you can copy your saves from here to somewhere else to have a secure backup E18.2 should be able to support multiple saves just fine though, I'm pretty sure when you start a new game, the old ones will just remain there in the folder and then you can swap between them from the main menu of the game.
  21. Item Ban only affects the use of items from the bag in trainer battles. held items are fine.
  22. Ok so no joke, I was just stung by a bee in the shower, at 2am. Flew in through the window while I had my eyes closed rinsing my hair and went straight for the heart (though its aim was slightly off). This was a real beesassination attempt.


    If you don't hear from me again, you know why.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      update: have made it to morning with no further winged attempts on my life. meds have done wonders for minimizing pain/irritation around it too.

    3. SilverAngelus


      That's horrible. >_<

      I do hope you feel better now. 

    4. Chrixai


      Hang in there

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