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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. On your profile page, go here to edit profile and you should see all the options for these things.
  2. Most static encounters are limited to just one at the time, but the majority of early ones at least should be available later in the game as wild pokemon, either in that form or their evolutions. This also applies to all the events that have one of several possible pokemon. Over Here you can see the exact status of each pokemon in the current version: https://www.rebornevo.com/pr/obtainable/ Since none are marked as 'limited event' every nonlegendary pokemon should be obtainable on a single save file without online trading, but ones that are currently marked in the slightly darker gray like this abra; Only have a non-repeatable event as a way to obtain them. As for story, I don't think any are required for progressing through the main story.
  3. Shiny odds in Reborn and Rejuvenation are roughly 1% (700/65535 to be specific)
  4. It probably can't happen, but I've just had a really cool idea. Imagine if the Wonder Mail codes that you can use to rescue your friends in Rescue Team worked between the original red/blue rescue team and DX.

    ...idk maybe this doesn't appeal to anyone else but something about it would just feel so neat to me.

    1. Chrixai


      I wouldn’t oppose the idea. I’m with you on that.

    2. SilverAngelus


      That would be neat-o-rific! 

      Although, DX is a much more updated version and different platform, so that probably won't happen.

  5. Reborn has no plans to add generation 8 since it's so late in development already. However, it's sister game Pokemon Rejuvenation, which can also be found on these forums, will have generation 8 added in the upcoming Version 13.
  6. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's after 13 or 14?
  7. It's accessed much later from a different entrance, at least as far as I can remember. PULSE notes are black&red though for what it's worth, silver should be for megastones/z-crystals
  8. For what it's worth, I think multi-hit moves only check accuracy once, not per hit. Also, Consider that it's also dedicating it's ability slot to get that power. By comparison, a Sheer Force pokemon is effectively turning 90BP moves into 117BP, and with greater variety than skill link moves, most of which also have 100% accuracy. (I'm thinking Nidoking with things like earth power, sludge bomb, ice beam, thunderbolt). Finally, despite it's high BP, Zap Cannon would generally be considered kind of a bad move, at least in my opinion. So it's probably not the best thing to compare to. Then again, if you consider move+ability as above, Imagine Zap Cannon + No Guard. suddenly you've got a perfectly accurate 120 power move that has 100% chance to paralyze, which overall would probably be considered stronger than skill link rock blast.
  9. Levels are a bit higher, EVs are quite a lot better, IVs are better in the earlygame (later everything is max regardless) and some pokemon and movesets are changed to be stronger. It gets pretty rough lategame when significant battle pokemon have overcapped EVs, sometimes over twice the legal total.
  10. nice. (now actually on the version of this post that isn't the hidden deleted one) hey babe wanna see my cool rainbow chart
  11. but when are you going to add the hardmode option that does nothing except disable the bit where the AI intentionally uses a weaker move to leave you on a few HP or save PP?
  12. Yes, Indra has now been specifically screenshotted and given a red circle since I didn't realise he was apparently hard to find
  13. Gotta admit, the crash was my fault. Tried to make a funny little change for him but didn't account for an extra reference in the actual map file (which I can't edit with my limited methods) It's fixed now and was also a good excuse for him to get updated to E18.2 which is a plus. As for the friendship evolutions, from what I can tell that's not the fault of a mod or anything, it's actually a bug (or possibly design decision) in Reborn itself Pokemon don't gain the friendship they're supposed to from levelling up if it's in battle and they aren't the active pokemon. This applies to both switch training and vanilla or modded xp share. Wonja is actually what caused me to test/report it.
  15. oof, the physical ghost moves while at +6 special attack...
  16. Well, pretty sure this one was recorded on the same day as the other two, but we'll get there eventually.
  17. Dreamy

    title required

    ah yes in all the chaos of postgame I may have forgotten that E19 story exists too. also dragons are the thing that exist and hoard. well, not exist exist, but you know what I mean.
  18. Dreamy

    title required

    ps everyone make sure to make full use of your newfound superpowers to react to everything in dev blog
  19. Dreamy

    title required

    I'm thinkin spicy legendary sidequest of some form? then again I would've thought like darkrai or hoopa but according to the progress bars (which never lie right?) they've not been started and of the completed ones not sure it would fit so maybe not hmmmmmmmmmm (surprisingly, hoopa is not a geenie in this context) either way looks great thank you for tuning in to this episode of midnight ramblings from dream.
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