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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. Yeah, pretty sure he's basically just setting up a 'season break' of sorts for everything else so he can dedicate full time to SwSh for a bit
  2. Started Celeste today (about time right?) and I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to do CH1 B-Side before CH2...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      well, I did *eventually* beat B-Side 1 (with almost 400 deaths haha) but the others will only be worse, so if I find any of them I know to leave them for a while. CH2 is probably going to feel downright relaxing now

    3. Maqqy


      400 deaths oh dear... a little bit more, you’ll be able to beat my death record lolol

    4. Dreamy


      Hmm, think I actually enjoyed B-Side 2 more than chapter 3 haha, less deaths too. (the last room was just annoying though)

  3. no soul is safe all will be crushed. this is gon be good. have fun making 2.0 I guess...
  4. aww, that might mean that reshiram route is going to be the 'better' route... Guess I'll have to check which specific configurations of sigmund/sirius battling gives which outcome too, I never know/remember
  5. I was hoping I'd gotten it in before debbie evolved but not quite
  6. Welp. Looks like I didn't get in fast enough for the surprise to be in this episode =(. probably next one then. I'm pretty certain he'll continue but I don't know exactly in what capacity. there might be a bit of a longer gap.
  7. There might be a fun surprise for next episode btw, relating to a team member. I won't spoil it though (esp since it might not happen yet)
  8. Early on, the options for raising it quickly are pretty limited. Either just run around with the game sped up for a while, or if you have some money and have done the help centre quest for it, you can give it a bunch of haircuts by changing your computer date to be one day forward after each one.
  9. I think he just knows it's a short game currently, so wants to get it done while people are still enjoying it most
  10. At the time he thought it was a different area so he caught it, but it is technically an illegal encounter since he killed the diglett that was his first (and found many others after). He may never do anything to recognise this, but I doubt it'll get used anyway.
  11. 👻

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverAngelus
    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      I've found that a lot of emoji do that here. 'Tis an oddity, to be sure.

    4. Maqqy
  12. I think a pretty big part of it is also the fact that it's a youtube series. The audience will get very attached to team members, especially when there's fanart, and that makes it hard to box them and switch the team around a lot when the focus is making the viewers like the series, if that makes sense? Then again, maybe that's just projecting and he hasn't even thought of that haha
  13. Another Pillar Falls. I think the iron head was more than just PP-saving silliness. Part of the AI actually adds favouring to moves that are likely to leave the player on like 1-5hp in order to create more intense/memorable moments for the player and as a bit of a mercy mechanic. And I'd say both of those worked exactly as intended. The PP-saving AI decisions by themselves are generally only messed up by healing. I think generally when you hear stuff like "I hate this" or "I don't want to do this anymore" it's an in-the-moment emotional statement rather than actual overall opinion, but I am a little worried about a sort of slow buildup of fatigue that nuzlockeing reborn on video seems to create (mostly from grinding and losing pokemon)
  14. Using seeds, or normal types in general tends to be very effective, since it's supereffective on anything on his side that isn't also seeded, and he doesn't really have anything to hit them back supereffectively.
  15. I think we might get a Kiki vs Kiki where Kiki will beat Kiki
  16. waiwaiwaiwaiwait there's a starlight demo coming that soon!? that's really cool, I kinda didn't expect it to be this far along while Reborn was still in progress. Interested to see how it turns out! good luck with the devving and managing various sources of pain.
  17. For the record, the AI patch thing was a joke. I'm well aware that's not a feasable idea. I have been noticing (and getting a bit annoyed with) people acting like he's playing the game "wrong". Let people play games how they want. It's working, isn't it? and it's not like how he's playing affects your gameplay.
  18. Ame should make an E19 AI patch E18 just for this lol. except oh god there's still probably so many crippling bugs with it
  19. Typhlosion seemed like it was throwing the match, it looks like it's only fire move is flame charge, so with it being modest and superheated field only giving it a 10% boost, a resisted solarbeam might've actually done more damage... If it actually had lava plume, with the sun up that could've been over right there.
  20. I can't see anything that would boost critrate in that fight, so it *should* be normal. Here's a mod I just made quickly, give it a try. should make crits not exist.
  21. Yeah the start of ASER was about when I found him. good stuff, though the 'random' part becomes more and more of a stretch lol. If you're following along with the series, you might want to beware of spoilers in this thread, since basically all the regulars here have completed the game and will speak freely about future content.
  22. Hey, just FYI it looks like both links are currently identical ones for the Memeborn version, with the Redux one missing.
  23. Well, the title does say "Early Game" =P. but yes with all that yawning, even I'm getting a bit tired of it.
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