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Everything posted by Dreamy
I think other watchers of a certain playthrough would agree that Gulpin (and/or trubbish) deserve a spot on this list too. Very durable and great at spreading status and stat changes to wear things down
This one didn't even feel like luck, he just played to his win conditions well (even if those conditions were yawn+stockpile+potions and moxie mightyena). little bit of level advantage and bam.
I'm not sure if it's specifically explained at all, but knowing Sigmund, my best guess would be that there's some legal thing where Sigmund as their current caregiver would have to judge another potential guardian as "suitable" to take then, which naturally he'd say she wasn't. Someone else might be able to elaborate on this more if there's evidence though.
A ton of work has definitely gone into the custom AI for Reborn (and E19 should be juicing it up even further ) , though I couldn't tell you how much was done by Ame, and how much was Marcello or others.
Before Gen 7 Team: Gengar, Doublade, Trevenant, Rotom, Banette, Chandelure After Gen 7 Team: Gengar, Doublade, Dhelmise, Rotom, Banette, Mimikyu
I would say it's a mix of factors. a) Levels are only loosely canon at best, necessary for gameplay but often don't reflect that accurately on story, so you can't really judge relative power levels around them, especially when they're seen at different points in the story. b) Defending against criminals would be a very different ballgame to the standard rule-abiding battles they have experience with. They're dealing with things like being attacked directly and people trying to prevent them from sending out pokemon in the first place. And it's amplified by the fact that most of them are kids/teenagers. I guess you could think of it like a 12 year old with a handgun defending against a burgler with a knife who's broken into their home and taken them by surprise. c) It's somewhat just required to tell an interesting game story that the player is involved in. It would be pretty underwhelming if you just wandered around the city and heard about gym leaders beating up meteor people on TV.
I ended up going down a bit of a rabbit hole of my own research on the matter for a few hours yesterday, and yeah based on that I decided to leave it at the connection between game and online league, though with a bit more detail around that.
To be fair, I think he would've left for a common candy even without the healing, since he had no way of knowing when a full boss fight was going to pop up, and the relationship penalty only applies once right? I would like to include trivia about the online league and real life ties, but I'd also want to get my information straight on that stuff, since I think there's a fairly blurry line between fact and rumour around some of that stuff
Two in a row baby! oof on leaving and losing the relationship point, but I can't really blame him for not realising he was healed
Other than the population of gen 7 throughout the game, there shouldn't be a ton of changes to existing content. If you still remember the story well, you can probably just continue forward, otherwise you might enjoy a new playthough. (or save that for E19 next year)
It's the paradox of only being able to train peanut off-camera, but only being able to evolve peanut on-camera
Good, let the Fern hate flow through you!
Are tweets embedded into the forums always just completely broken for anyone else? fun fact btw, the 'schling' at 35:24 (probably) wasn't edited in this time. I made a mod for it
Pretty sure it only becomes available around badge 7-8, but the portion of the game that you're properly locked out of the city for a while isn't til after badge 9.
I think it'll be special enough to count as its own thing, but yeah It's just a matter of doing the event things first. I'll try hint towards it more but I don't wanna be too forceful y'know. plus daycare stuff is pretty far-removed from nuzlockes, and doing it requires quite a noticeable break from any story progress, which makes it a bit harder to weave in naturally
Hopefully we might get an encounters episode sometime soon, since even with 1 wild and 1 static per area (plus one for certain sub areas or special gifts) there's still a ton currently available. By my count in the encounters channel, there's probably a bit over 20 right now.
Next major events will be Orphanage Raid -> Shade -> Blacksteam (pulse muk) -> Apophyll
Shade's before Kiki though.
My name is Sigmund Connal. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northwest section of Reborn City in the Lapis Ward, and I am not married. I work as a Psychologist at the Lapis Ward orphanage, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of electric shocks before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I told the Reborn league that there were no issues at their last inspection. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very controlled life. I take care not to trouble myself with pokemon battles, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with trainers, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to battle, I wouldn't lose to anyone
It's the secret spirit guide room. there was a screenshot from it around 26:27 actually
He got some good RNG with sleep, misses and *especially* confusion, but Shelly still managed to kick away his crutch in the end. Well, one of them: Belly's still alive. I got this gem after the episode went up though:
Yeah I think he has two dogs (one of which is "the boss")
It might only be partial I guess. I think the third person is like 'present self adressing past self' when he's realised he was being an idiot while editing. Main reason I can think of recently was this convo:
I'm pretty sure he actually just does his own editing and stuff, so double props there!