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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. Got forced to do a windows 10 update last night because my current version was "no longer being supported" and I'm immediately displeased.

    1. Dreamy


      Like, my stickynotes are now all seperate windows, can no longer be minimised, and *still* can't even do something as simple as have a title on each one 


      oh and I lost like 20gb of hard drive space. probably new shovelware being dumped on

  2. the second line is kinda making me think he's sacked peanut
  3. Nah I did some calcs earlier and against it, the strongest thing should be Araquanids bubblebeam under rain, and I think that only had a 6% chance to OHKO, if Blaziken is level 35. granted there's tons of 2HKOs and with a double target it could definitely be taken out in one turn, but it's not quite so dire. I could definitely imagine a situation where he's able to bulk up and use a lemonade with swalots turn and tear through a lot of them. I don't think it'll actually happen though. Debbie learning flame burst could be big though if he can get a field transformation off.
  4. Doesn't look like Shelly has any team variations for her gym fight, so no. does the krictetot event actually become undoable if you leave it too long? (but before like til city renovation)
  5. I think maybe we'll get up to the end of the gym puzzle (since it might take a while even if a lot is cut out) and then ending just before the shelly fight, but we might get it. He does have Brokeziken now and even though doubles isn't great for it, bulk up + lemonade might be enough to cheese it with a bit of luck.
  6. Yeah now that he's seen one I'll be clarifying that mechanic. At least with the crystal cave one, lots of the wild pokemon in the area have the right move, you don't have to bring it yourself
  7. Yeah full week gap is rough lol. 3 'special' vids interrupting the current 4-series cycle
  8. It's truly amazing how many birthdays that Jan has had in the last two weeks.

  9. Since it's all updated just with what he knows at the current point of the series it's probably not great as a generally applicable resource. I'm planning on opening up the whole lot for viewing once it's finished though. Examples:
  10. At least my character profiles should be able to clear up the Sirius/Solaris confusion that a certain other group (and quite a few other players) have lol.
  11. Do you have any plans to have some kind of collection of all these maps in one place? (maybe linked in your signature). I really like them!
  12. The Hidden Library ones are pretty important IMO
  13. Yeah I noticed that on Twitter actually, congrats on your newfound status
  14. Yeah I've got the ring listed with the field notes and dept store stickers (I'll add things like the bike when reaching that point) I kinda doubt he would because spoilers. no need for an account to browse though
  15. I'm pretty sure that he's not actually complaining seriously, he's just enjoying being surprised by everything. Once he actually gets blown back I think that'll be the wakeup call to look at them more thoroughly and plan around them, but while he's still doing well I don't really mind. I've already emphasised that reading is important a couple times, but again I don't think it's really a 'problem' yet. and at the end of the day he's still going to play it his way
  16. Presumably it's a reference to some events in the old online league, but yeah we might be able to find him in VR or postgame
  17. He also popped an X attack near the end to take him from +3 to +5. I was curious and damage calced, and fun fact if he didn't X-attack and was still at +3, Flame Charge only had a 65% chance to kill Crobat (and Tiki woulda died to Air Cutter or Venoshock if the AI was working good) so good thing he did.
  18. The great wall of belly was too much for Corey to handle. He has a bad time with walls in general
  19. It's definitely a system shock for people who haven't played in a while or don't have experience with more difficult pokemon games, but I promise it's very doable. Hard pokemon may just not be for you though, so don't force it too much. The biggest thing for making battles is counters. you can read the full effects of the terrain and work out ways to turn it to your advantage, as well as tune your team to have a better advantage against the leaders type, or even try to counter specific pokemon that are giving you trouble. For Shelly in particular, one example would be using a pokemon with fake out (say persian for example) to prevent Illumise from setting up the rain, then transform the forest into a burning field with something like flame burst or lava plume. but there's many different pokemon and strategies that work. For what it's worth though, Shelly is generally recognised as one of the hardest leaders relative to the point in the game you fight her at. later on you have much more options to work with. I'd recommend heading over to the mod market and picking up expscale from Aironfaars mod box, which lets you prevent yourself from going over the level cap, and then multiply your XP gain so that you can easily train up new pokemon to swap in for fights
  20. gulpybirb and haunteapot


    1. SilverAngelus


      lol, a rumor considered a teapot Pokemon to be part elephant

    2. andracass


      dooooooo you want cream and sugar with thaaaaaaaat

  21. Yeah we had a bit of a discussion about the 1 static rule earlier. I think the general idea that he'd gone with in the past was static encounters and gift pokemon being kind of seperate, but the problem is the line being a lot more blurry in reborn with also having things like pokesnax encounters that have no battle and just join you, and eggs picked up off the ground. not to mention the area division is much more iffy with much less standard area structure and lots of little sub-areas with different names. Ultimately I think the outcome was basically that instead of worrying about following strict laid-out rules, just kinda do what feels right and falls in the middle rather than being too harsh or abusing the system. Here's an example from the encounters channel for roughly how I've been laying things out. Basically wild+static for each area, 1 extra for each significant sub-area with a different area name, and attempting to mark gifts for him to decide. Also part of the idea of having hints for all the statics is if his team/box gets trashed eventually, 1 static per area will probably be the first rule to go
  22. He seems to quite like not really changing his team much while it's full. With duck gone, sneep might be joining though He's realised he missed the last officer and is annoyed about it, and I've let him know about both growlithe and backup saves, so he's considering fixing it, but that kind of redo is iffy both for a youtube playthough and a nuzlocke, so don't get your hopes up too much.
  23. Finding Paradise = good game.

  24. Also, for all his silly theories, it's funny how he immediately hit the nail with Heather's status with minimal information (even if he dismissed his own theory for now)
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