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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. I think it might've been removed from A.Milotics Beta learnset for balance reasons and then I guess they forgot to take it off of Cass's one (or intentionally decided to leave it)?
  2. Munchlax/Snorlax appear to be the only pokemon that learn both Fling and Recycle naturally, so I think waiting for either them or the Fling TM are the only options, since Recycle doesn't work with item swap moves like trick/switcharoo I believe, so Fling is mandatory. (also this is considered a bug/exploit rather than an intended mechanic anyway, so ) Actually scratch that, because Reborn uses generation 7 movesets, pansage/pansear/panpour work as long as you have the thief TM
  3. idk exactly but they're very cool and I like them a lot
  4. It's behind the last door in Wispy Ruins, which is accessable once you can return to that area with Strength
  5. iirc, using a mon with fake-out like persian or meowstic combined with flame burst can let you prevent the rain from starting and transform the field into burning field. If necessary you could probably also grind a bit of money from the repeatable trainers in the grand hall?
  6. Every pokemon has the same shiny chance of 700/65535 (or slightly more than 1%). If you're hunting in a certain area, then the pokemon that more commonly appear normally are also going to be more common for you to find as shinies. i.e poochyena has a 40% encounter chance there, while numel is 15% and grubbin is only 8%. So for example if you did 10,000 encounters, the statistical average you'd expect with 1% shiny rate would look something like 4000 poochyena encounters, 40 of them shiny 1500 numel encounters, 15 of them shiny 800 grubbin encounters, 8 of them shiny. So while they all have identical shiny chance, their regular encounter rate affects how much you'll see each overall. And even with the expected averages, it still comes down to chance so you get fluctuations, especially in a small sample, like getting a shiny for meowth, which only has 2% encounter rate in the area, before numel/grubbin.
  7. The four lights are also potentially just the four pieces of the Archetype right? - Melia, Erin, Alice and Allen. also iirc, didn't the crystal ball lady's one potentially line up with the ruined future showdown against Melanie itself? I don't remember the specifics though.
  8. If you already have Debug enabled, the difficulty mode is variable 200 on the variables list - 0 is normal, 1 is casual, 2 is intense
  9. He goes to Wispy tower first despite the dialogue, and then to lost castle, then the gym
  10. Whichever file is called 'game.rxdata' in that folder will be loaded as your current save, so to switch back you just rename the new save (the current game.rxdata) to something else and then change the old one back to game.rxdata and it should be loaded again
  11. and a second one for good measure (we're testing things)

  12. teehee mid-maintenance status update

    1. Azzie


      teehee mid-maintenance reply!

    2. Dreamy


      sneaky club

  13. From V12 to V13 there's no patching involved, you just download V13 and play it directly, you can delete V12.
  14. It's still there, you just need to look at the folder rather than the specific document because it's now a different file when it gets updated https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ll-Z57X6pSVSHpPzqGcDwZ0mv8OjUzkd
  15. The GMax forms have all been repurposed into custom mega evolutions for those pokemon. Dynamaxing is not in the game.
  16. Yes, it's generating a new pokemon and rerolling that shiny chance each time the battle starts, so that'll work. As for this, not all of them will stay there and be re-encounterable after running, but for any that do it should work. so just save beforehand in case they don't remain.
  17. I don't remember if it's available as a static encounter anywhere earlier, but as for as a wild pokemon, I think it's only at gearen park after the city improvements, which is quite late. You can get Roselia wild around Kristilline / Isle of Angels though, but I'm not sure if that's the earliest or not
  18. A combo of a field-melting move like heat wave or flame burst and a pyukumuku with purify on turn 1 can potentially permanently remove the field, which can help a lot, if you have the pokemon for it available
  19. You can catch them when they're below 25% health, and some (or maybe all, I've only tried 2) will be shadow pokemon when caught.
  20. Are you Running? if you're walking it catches up to you, so you might want to try toggling auto-run with S?
  21. When it asks for a password during character creation, I think putting 1111 in switches you to the legacy player sprite? Not sure if it's too late for you to restart again though
  22. Did you make sure you werent standing in any of the maps that it said not to be standing in when starting V13 on an existing save?
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