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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. You shouldn't need to delete anything directly, just agree when it asks to overwrite the duplicate files contained in the patch.
  2. I'm not sure if it's been changed in V13, but if I remember correctly, Luck shows up again on the route after the 9th gym with the traintracks, so I think you might get a chance to change it again there? If not, it'd probably be possible for someone here to edit your save to put you back on normal instead.
  3. Ah yeah, that probably means that Blaze has been doubled to fill both of it's normal slots so it's like Ability 1: Blaze Ability 2: Blaze Ability 3: Libero The capsule you're using is probably changing it from ability 1 to ability 2, and then a second capsule should change it from 2 to 3 and get you Libero. Still, that's obviously not intentional behaviour, so the devs will probably appreciate the report on that.
  4. I don't know the full details of it, but at a glance at the files, it seems like most older pokemon that have one normal ability and one hidden ability (like the starters) have the hidden ability set as their second normal ability instead, but that doesn't seem to be the case for the generation 8 mons, so perhaps it's either filling both normal ability slots with 2 copies of blaze (and abilities are always swapped in sequence when there's 3), or having that second abillity empty is preventing the hidden ability from being detected or something? Regardless, go to the bug reporting form, check if it's already on the sheet, submit it if not. ideally include a screenshot of what it says when you try it (either "it won't have any effect" or "swap to blaze?")
  5. It's a regular vulpix with 16 in IVs and not EV trained, as others mentioned, it's just a mix of the sun and the field powering up fire, mixed with you using very frail mons. Early evolutions and things like fake out to stall sun turns and water sport for weakening fire (lombre should be able to do both) should be able to turn the tide pretty quickly.
  6. Yeah a lot of these are going to be broken / buggy with how much the scripts have changed, so use at your own risk and make sure you're not using any mods if reporting bugs to avoid pointless hassle for the dev team. not sure when there will be the time to properly update this.
  7. If I remember correctly, the place for it is in West Gearen, which is around badge 8-9 to reach
  8. Roserade in that battle should be Timid with 252 Sp.ATK and Speed EVs and IVs of 20 across the board - the wiki stats must not be filled properly (there's a chance that this also isn't perfectly accurate since I checked this from the files of the beta version of E18)
  9. well I guess I'll just have to nominate @Ikaru for king
  10. ooh, this looks pretty neat! I remember signing up for this in my early forum days, doing two fights and getting zero badges lol. good times.
  11. Reborn generally uses the movesets & stuff from generation 7, so it should learn it at level 30?
  12. only 4 are available in the current version I believe
  13. I think that mostly comes down to what I said about limitations of the grid/fixed camera - Diagonals on the grid layout tend to look jaggedy & gross and are awkward for the player to move through, so it's adjusted accordingly. Similar to how the traintracks going through peridot to the desert and the line through the grand hall and the grand gates are supposed to be on a ~45 degree angle to eachother, but are parallel ingame. Maybe think of it as the camera angle of the same subtly rotating / being different in different areas in the same, even if it appears to be the same - Down isn't always "south", it might be "southeast" or "southwest" in some areas . (plus there's just the issue of scale as mentioned)
  14. I think things being locked to a square grid & a single camera angle with the game limitations kind of messes with how areas are intended to be laid out relative to eachother, but as shown in the sketch map linked above it's basically tucked on a plateau "behind" Ametrine mountain.
  15. as far as I know, that's not something that currently exists?
  16. Well, it's not a mod for making it show ingame, but this document might have the information you're looking for: encounters.txt
  17. oh, I thought the 42k was after a first trimming of 10k but then I checked and the message I was remembering was this: Since a draw technically ends in an AI victory, it makes sense for them to at least strongly consider it when it's down to a 1v1 (which I'm guessing is the case) Also, for a mostly unrelated but fun peek into the AI, here's one of my favourite old devblog posts: https://www.rebornevo.com/pr/development/records/jank-and-the-memestalk-r32/
  18. idk @andracass or @Marcello might feel like knowledge flexing at some point? (sorry for the ping)
  19. I'm sure one of the actual devs could give a much more accurate/comprehensive overview, but here's what I loosely know/remember at least. - You should be able browse the whole AI code with either RMXP or something like Gemini to view the scripts file, but last I heard the E18 AI code was like, 50k lines long, so good luck. In general the AI uses a system where it will assign a score to the different current options it has (moves, item, switches) and then increase/decrease those scores based on tons of different factors (types, current hp, field, past turns etc), then picks the best scoring option. - I'm not sure if there's a generic AI 'level' that varies with trainers, but I know a lot of the unique trainer classes have extra AI stuff attached that's intended to make them use their designed strategies better. The Ace thing might also vary from trainer to trainer because of this? Or more generally, I would guess that the Ace probably has reduced AI scoring when considering switches, but a significant enough difference might be enough to overcome that bias. - I don't think there's a flat hard-coded pity chance exactly, but it does sometimes change moves to try and save pp, catch switches etc, which can backfire on it reasonably often. I might be misremembering, but I also do think there was something about it giving extra score to moves that have a chance to KO over guaranteed KOs as a little bit of a pity / tense moment creator? - Yes the AI does have some memory of things it's seen in the past of the battle I believe, but I don't think it ever 'cheats' with knowledge that it shouldn't have access to or knowing the players action before deciding unlike some 'hard' romhacks/fangames... - Yes Rejuv (and Deso) should be using a lot of the same AI base, but they'll have their own unique trainer extras layered on top at least. Also, the AI will have tons of improvements/changes for E19 once that releases, so........
  20. Very very nice. chores do not make for fun difficulty, and most of the training-related stuff feels like it's not that. for the mon availability I'm neutral either way, but I think this does a lot of great work to make the game a smoother and more approachable experience without really making it "easier". If anything, maybe this could mean some boss teams could be closer to the level cap of their section?
  21. Just random encounters as far as I know, but with the shiny rate being ~1.07% by default, it's kind of like every method is a shiny hunting method. I don't remember exactly how long a soft reset at the steel pole takes, but I'd guess that it'd be faster than dealing with eggs, at least without mods. breeding does give you more control with nature/moves/IVs though
  22. Dreamy

    an apology

    but..... does it go spinny?
  23. everyone. come one, we've been through this already.
  24. on this blessed day, we are all fools

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