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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. Have you tried the usual fresh download and extraction? it also looks like it could possibly be a corrupted save, so see if it loads ok with your saved games folder empty?
  2. There *is* file size limits, but they should be far larger than this. Maybe your stored attachments are full? if you click on your profile name in the top right and go to my attachments you can manage them there if that is actually the problem.
  3. To be specific, Reborn, Rejuv and Deso all have a shiny rate of 700 / 65535
  4. I believe the next release version of Rejuvenation should include the engine updates.
  5. Dreamy


    you must become weasel tornado
  6. There's definitely other people who can answer this a lot better (I.E those who have actually looked at it or worked with it), but as far as I know, It basically assigns scores to each of the options it has available each turn (moves, items, switches) and increases/decreases each of those scores with various things like an estimated damage calculation of each move, what moves the opponent has used and if it outsped the last turn, what happened the last time that action was taken if it's been taken before, how it might affect the field, etc etc. Then it uses whatever option has the highest score after all those checks? I think many of the significant trainers also have some extra bits that change the weighting of certain options to make them use their specific strategies better, like Radomus more strongly prioritizing setting trick room when it's not up for example? iirc there's also a couple things currently that can sometimes make it easier, like it trying to save PP by using a weaker move when you're low, which could make them suffer if you heal, or adding extra weighting to a move that only has a chance to KO over one that's guaranteed to maybe create a tense moment (though my memory is hazy on this one being mentioned, so it could easily be wrong). Sometimes these can instead help the AI catch you out on a switch though too.
  7. whoa, thats a lotta fite I see samson got a sneaky facelift in there too
  8. whoa, thats a lotta fite I see samson got a sneaky facelift in there too
  9. Well, there's not exactly a clear "good" and "bad" party or route here but I'd say your reasoning is on the right track so go with your gut. iirc theres a couple other details about cassandra and stuff that you can find before too, but I don't remember exactly what's before and what's after.
  10. This is going to be a password mod in E19 right?
  11. real bugsnax hours in status bar today

  12. You can find the latest progress update for V13 (which will include the engine upgrades) over here: Other than that, it's mostly just a matter of being patient.
  13. Dreamy

    hi again

    yes ummy is a very good and so is cuss. much love to you two and all the dev team for both games, we'll be here by your side for a long time yet F for bars tho
  14. It should actually work again in V12, iirc it was the custom menu in V11 that prevented it from being compatible but that's been removed. I just did a quick test of the Reborn version with just the version check removed and it seemed to work pretty well, so try adding these three to your mods folder SWM - Mouse.rb
  15. here's the secret extra-cursed version of the schedule
  16. For the texture smoothing, I think it might be having issues because it's expecting backslashes ( \ ) in the filepath instead of forwardslashes ( / ) because it was just made for windows before Reborn even worked on other platforms. Not sure if knowing that will actually help you with working around it though.
  17. TBH that just sounds like a PBS formatting error to me (i.e a bug). False was probably supposed to be for one of the other fields like shininess with nickname left blank, but some of the values probably got shifted from a missing/extra comma or something.
  18. LiEat was pretty nice.

  19. I'm guessing it's because 'left' and 'right' have functionality on the nickname screen (to move the cursor) so those sort of override the typing for A and D when those are rebound to those directions. Since 'up' and 'down' don't do anything, the rebinding of those doesn't interfere with the normal typing for W and S
  20. It's been a while, but yeah I'm pretty sure that was the reasoning. didn't want the existing theme to go unused, so it became "his" theme since he should now be the only one using it? don't remember exactly though.
  21. No, it won't say that, so you have to check the summary. the chance is 700/65535, or slightly more than 1%
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