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About dragonza11

  • Birthday 11/11/1999

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    the void

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  1. This sounds awsome, i cant wait. The only hope i have is that there actually is a way to track our karma points, since i already can feel the agony of managing and keeping track of how events go and their requirements.
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Could you provide more details, where are you stuck? Do you get an error or dont you know where to go?
  4. Anyone who did some trial and error on the possible moves it can get? Im trying to get recover or any other healing move on it but the only thing i found (that is possible to get) is pain split
  5. ok so the downside with not playing for so long is that i forgot almost every plotpoint up until Nim actually turned venam to stone, and i mean litterally everything. so my question is, anyone have a quick explanation/TD:LR on what happened between Venam geting medusa'd and the beginning of V13?
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  7. tru, you are indeed correct with this, i just mean both are sometimes difficult to use early game (spheal cant rlly take a hit well early on) or mid game (some tm's for gogoat aren't available yet or are received kinda late) but indeed i like how well thought trough these starters are
  8. at some point you need to backtrack, all i remember is that once you get the brass key, you need to return to the start of silver rise (where you met tristan) and use the key on the house there just a little hint/recommendation to make things a bit easier (i hate silver rise lmao)
  9. i think the only bad ones are skiddo and spheal, spheal doesnt have good lvl movepool and skiddo is, well yea you get the jist the rest are pretty good, although imo the best is venipede (speed boost is a must) and rockruff. the fact that scolipede can protect batton pass saved me hella times, both mid and late game
  10. did you do smt else before? cause its still locked for me and that red haired girl is still trying to break it open
  11. welp since i played through E5 (and need to do a second run, yay), and since i haven't seen one of these for the items, i thought why not, so i'll try and put together a small list of certain items(z-stones, mega stones, etc), that are specific to E5 (and hope that i didn't miss to much, if i did let me know) if there are any questions, just ask as im certain people will definitely help you (and bear with me as this is the first time i do smt like this) mega & Z-stones TM's & other stuff
  12. ah tnkx for the quick reply, i guess i need to read those books if i want to resist him danm me for going to fast into the story XD
  13. in north celliaa there is a guy with an omastar, stalk to the omastar (i dont recall if you have to talk to the guy too)
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