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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by dragonza11

  1. so any updates we know off on the progress or is it dead?
  2. no i think you can get rockruff in the caves before goldenwood, or its lycanrock you can get there EDIT: or maybe im just completely wrong or it was in a previous version idk
  3. you can enter when you reach goldenwood city (the one with narcissa) maybe even right after the 3rd gym, although im not sure about that one
  4. nuclear explosion??? when/how did we learn that?
  5. ah true true, i didnt even think about looking it that way XD
  6. current team of my first playtrought (have about 3 monotype runs running in the back and a second intense run but not going to post them all) discaimer: top 2 rows are all shiny's and will (most likely) not be used [im a shiny collector ok, dont judge] dislaimer 2: there is a sort of symbolism after the name i gave sylveon and silvally sylveon is named 'Melia' because how she acts around her friends reminds me of sylveons caring nature silvally (poison) is named 'Melia II' just because how hard melia can kick peoples asses when they hurt people she cares about
  7. 1) have we seen the 4 people of the light and dark profecies? or are there some we havent met yet? 2) more like a theory than a question that i can verify: is Xerneas vital to the story or only arceus?
  8. dragonza11


    the only way you can safely access gdc is by clearing the piramid, after that you have almost comlete access
  9. iirc you can change your outfit in you room in GDC and in the past, howhever the lady in axis high has disappearded since that was v11 only i think
  10. so it doesnt have an impact story wise, ok tnkx for the responds and dw if you dont remember, if it doesnt impact anything ill just see it in my mono dragon run or my 3rd run
  11. do we get to see her identity? also, do you happen to remamber when the amanda fight takes place in V11, so i can redo my save from that point?
  12. i lost that battle cause i didn't even understand how to figure that out. any idea if that has a big impact in the future or not?
  13. where did you get this "key item core" exactly? also are there more than 1 dark material?
  14. few possibilities: 1) did you replace the original script or did you just add it? 2) did you rename the debug script to "script.rxdata"?
  15. that doesnt matter tho, i've found out that you can use the V11 debug script in all of V12 you can even save in the pyramid, add V11 script and load the save back up without any problems
  16. well i found out that you can use the debug script from V11 in V12 but to be certain make a backup to protect yourself from errors
  17. since everyone is bragging here is my team at the end of v11 (team in signature is wrong and needs to be changed) all of them are shiny btw
  18. dragonza11

    SH3'S B4CK

    Doubles? With a partner? With the AI we have? HEEEEELLLL NO! still, i look forward to be rage quitting cause the ai doesnt know what its doing. . . . Yea,
  19. idk if it is said but shiny sprite 9 of silvally is missing, i think its flying type, but im not sure
  20. so, we all know it is time. the finale of reborn is uppon us (well not yet, but let a man dream) and this means, yes, Lyn fight.
    prob the most intense and unfair fight we will have in this game. and i've been wondering, what will be the theme of the fight. and at one point i found something, something truly amazing. if ame chooses this theme, i'm never getting past lyn since i will be focussing more on the music than the fight itself.

    but serious, whatever she chooses, it will be amazing and fitting of the finale. anyways, time to get lost in the internet again. cya

  21. wait, is it me or does that look a lot like Ren
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