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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by dragonza11

  1. @Thundermazetnkx and srry for the cancel but forgot to get a mon for trading
  2. an amphibian, mudskipper to be precise (srry for spelling) @Thundermaze
  3. i would like to try and getting that mudkip if its available
  4. its not what i was hoping but its good for the purpes (srry i cant spell) i want to use it for, tnkx alot
  5. so im just wondering, is there a way i can receive one of the reborn walpapers (the titiana one) in a costum resolution, my laptop will just make it unclear and hazy with the res that are listed can someone help me out with this? (for anyone wondering, my res is 1280x768)
  6. im very unlucky apperantly, i wanted to download 1 of the wallpaper this site has (the titania one) but it turns out they dont have my resolution available, freakin sucks if you ask me, and if i pick another 1 my laptop just fcks it up.

    can anyone help me by any chance?

  7. so for some reason i cant quote so i will do it like this, @Wallander Sadly I only know that they are in game but not there precise location, what i do know is that the primarinium z is located in that sunken village thingy (cant recall the name) between apophyll and reborn city @Zargerth do you happen to know the tm number of power-up punch? and is there any other place that could hold the poison memory cause i checked to be sure but its not there
  8. so ive made a 2nd post about this topic in the other forum with locations, that list will also get updated once there are more items
  9. srry if this is considerd a double post but im planning to make a list with all the new items in E17 so i finished E17 and came across new items these were all the items i and other people found, or know that there in the game now the question is, what other new items did you find and where because we all know ame is sneaky af
  10. so i finished E17 and came across new items these were all the items i found, or know that there in the game now the question is, what other new items did you find and where because we all know ame is sneaky af
  11. ok so i finally found the person, now this woman need headphones because she want to sleep and so here we are again because i cant find these headphones im usseles at these sort of quests
  12. can i ask, where exactly did you find eustace, i looked everywhere in the city and spinel town but i cant seem to find him
  13. the pokemon she fought was probably kyogre, since those doors ressemble the legendary (and maybe mythical) pokemon as for the character, he/she is still a mystery. we could meet her in V10 or even later my geuss was that it is the white haired person who gives you the powder in valor mountain, since we dont know much about him/her and because he/she knew about team xen's plans
  14. I would like one but sadly jan mentioned that there wont be one, but a man can hope and hope i have
  15. damn 44%, and you said you would be gone for a bit but seriously though, good luck and i hope the stress wont be to much now you got some more people on this
  16. first thing i do when reborn ep 17 is out is probably not going to sleep


  17. Damn this is dope as fck cant wait for the new ep
  18. you could also catch a rufflet in route 2, its a bit rare but you should find 1 in 5 minutes
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